

CRank: 10Score: 42720

Same here. I really want to see how much changed in the re-rendering of the characters. And it is going to look sick in 1080p! I also saw on their site that they are going to be playing through the FFXIII demo live on That is scheduled for Friday at 8pm EST. Going to be a late night for all!

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you hate them because they compare games and give an opinion on which one is better. Anyways the site is more geared for people who have both systems and recognize that each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. And what's better is that this game happens to be a tie.

5534d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

well it was a forced tie really. The 360 has the better graphics but loses in the performance department. Were as the PS3 was a little leaner on the visuals but excelled in performance. Pretty fair if you ask me.

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you know something is wrong when you screen tear on firing a pistol. All I have to say is, "The b!tch took my skull!" I still can't believe that 50 Cent said that...wait...actually I can. Classic.

5534d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like anything released for the PS3 after the 360 gets "significant improvements".

You are right...but that can't have anything to do with the fact that it missed the first launch by more than a year. I look at the improvements as the only justification for consumers to buy a game that has been on the market for quite sometime.

I wouldn't be proud about the fact that the PS3 gets games late, even if they do toss in a few extra options.

5536d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Seriously, she needs to get her panties out of a wad. It's not that cut and dry. Some games are better on the PS3 some on the Xbox 360. Plain and simple.

5541d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree, Starbreeze obviously cares about their games. I just really hope that they fix the few minor issues with the Xbox 360 version. If so, I would consider it a tie. It is still odd that the PS3 version isn't running at the same anti-aliasing mode that the 360 is.

5541d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I am gone from the post for a few hours and there is a full on fanboy/girl war. Seriously, it is amazing sometimes. Everyone breath, this was a very close comparison. Get it or don't get it for whatever system you own or don't own.

5541d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hehe, you will have to wait for the next console generation for that. Actually, I don't think it can be done.

5541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am quite excited about this game as well. I loved the first one on the Xbox and it is nice to see that the new game is cross platform. I would have to agree that the PS3 is the stronger version - mainly due to the lack of rendering errors. 4XMSAA on the 360 can't hide that.

5542d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The only problem with comparing exclusives is that there are too many variables. You have different engines, programmers, art teams, play mechanics, etc. Whereas with multi platform games it is pretty cut and dry. They are either identical, close or missing features.

5548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really depends on the severity of the frame drops as they can be just as distracting as frame tearing. I remember playing Tomb Raider: Underworld and looking around one of the temples in the valley. There was no screen tearing, but the frame rate was so horrible everything felt choppy when moving/panning the camera. At that point I would have gladly accepted a tear here and there for a smoother performance. But really neither drops or tears are acceptable.

5548d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No photoshoping here. If you look closely at the PS3 shadow on the rollover it is there, just much thinner than the Xbox 360. The PS3's depthmap shadows are lower resolution than the Xbox 360's. If you watch the comparison video you will see that the shadow is there, mainly on the end of the mic.

5548d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, maybe you need to know what HDR is before you can comment. That screen shot displays nothing. There are no glows, blooms or anything remotely HDR in that screen shot. And you are telling me that Lens of Truth is that skilled at photo and video manipulation that they could remove all HDR effects? Man, that's a talented bunch of guys. Maybe they should be working for ILM.

Here is a screen shot from nVidia showing HDR on and off:

That is a good point, the PS3 should have no issue with the HDR whatsoever. My guess is that THQ was lazy and decided not to recode their PS3 engine to support it.

I do agree that developers need to step up their quality, there is no excuse for this in 2009. Or Sony/Microsoft needs to delay certain releases until they are equals. But we all know that scenario won't happen...sigh.

5553d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I completely agree. It's funny because every time I post something on N4G I tell myself, "I am not going to humor the fanboys." But every time I find myself commenting because I just can't believe that this level of ignorance exists. It's almost like they are brain washed of all common sense.

But this is just another day in N4G-land.

5554d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You must not have visited the Head2Head section of their site otherwise you would have seen that the PS3 is loosing by a fair margin. So there is no "excuses for the PS3". You might want to get your facts straight before opening your mouth.

5555d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

(Was writing the reply while you were editing.)
Beyond3D is a phenomenal site for the technical differences between cross platform games. But most users will be lost with all of the programming and graphics lingo. Lens of Truth takes a more user friendly approach and clearly outlines in plain English the differences. Different methodologies with the same goal. To inform users of the definitive version.

It's not my site, so I could careless if you visit. It appears they have...

5555d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Websites like this need to exist because a majority of game developers have become lazy when it comes to cross platform ports. It is an unacceptable practice that is commonplace in today's industry. Sites that do comparisons like the Lens of Truth, Eurogamer and Digital Foundry are even more relevant than before. If you own both systems why wouldn't you want to buy the better version? Sure you would.

5555d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment