
Nintendo’s 3rd Party Troubles Are Their Own Fault

Nintendo's 3rd party troubles are the natural result of their own desire to innovate, and of their blue ocean strategy.

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smoothdude3542d ago

In intelligent article, I wasn't expecting that here.

juegosmajicos3542d ago

Much appreciated. Hopefully you like part 2, which should go up tomorrow and personally I liked much more.

Automatic793542d ago

What's sad is that they have a pretty decent install base they should get more support.

marloc_x3542d ago

Good read, looking forward to pt2.

Now, should I wait and get Watchdogs on my Wii U?

Tough call cause the other versions are getting dirt cheap already..

ShinMaster3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

Even before the Wii U, Iwata took away the autonomy of Nintendo of America when he took over. This meant the Japanese branch, made all the calls. This was right when the West started gaining a lot of traction as the most important part of the world sales-wise for the industry.
Tradition is great, but not when it starts to hurt your business.

A lot Western third-party relationships with Nintendo quickly soured, many that had worked with Nintendo closely in the past had their bonds broken with them, and it still hurts Nintendo to this day.
Third-party support in general is much worse than when Iwata originally stepped into the role as president of Nintendo, and it has only been getting progressively worse.

Under Iwata's leadership, Nintendo allowed the Wii to flounder for two or three years at the end of its life without much software support. This made it so the casual gamers that were attached to the Wii name went elsewhere for their entertainment, and it made it so any momentum Nintendo would have had going into the Wii U was dead.

The Wii U also suffers because of its hardware and its name(which ironically puts of the casual people they were trying to recapture).
Aside from the limited space of N64 cartridges, Nintendo used to easily keep up with other consoles up until the Wii. Graphically, they were among the best. Now their home consoles require special treatment because they've fallen behind modern gaming standards. I wouldn't consider that "innovation".

3-4-53542d ago

Nintendo can't MAKE 3rd party games.

THAT isn't up to them.

That is completely 100% dependent upon 3rd Party Developers.

Baka-akaB3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

No it's not 100% on them ... they've been negligent on that side since the n64 , and the pattern grew each successive generations .

Of course they are very successful on mostly their own .

But i can see where Ubisoft , as greedy as they are , comes from . They've always been supportive of Nintendo consoles for a long time , and while they did some big mistakes on Wii U , they've been burned on the Wii too with a few risky Ips , like Red Steel

SilentNegotiator3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

Making platforms that didn't please third parties for almost two decades, though...that's 100% Nintendo.

ShinMaster3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

Even before the Wii U, Iwata took away the autonomy of Nintendo of America when he took over. This meant the Japanese branch, made all the calls. This was right when the West started gaining a lot of traction as the most important part of the world sales-wise for the industry.

A lot Western third-party relationships with Nintendo quickly soured, many that had worked with Nintendo closely in the past had their bonds broken with them, and it still hurts Nintendo to this day.
Third-party support in general is much worse than when Iwata originally stepped into the role as president of Nintendo, and it has only been getting progressively worse.

Under Iwata's leadership, Nintendo allowed the Wii to flounder for two or three years at the end of its life without much software support. This made it so the casual gamers that were attached to the Wii name went elsewhere for their entertainment, and it made it so any momentum Nintendo would have had going into the Wii U was dead.

The Wii U also suffers because of its hardware.
Nintendo used to easily keep up with other consoles up until the Wii. Now their home consoles require special treatment because they've fallen behind 2 major platforms where every developer wants to publish a game.

ape0073542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

fantastic article,i put the blame on Nintendo (don't get me wrong i love my wiiu) but the wiiu to the 3rd party devs is a small distraction that doesn't deserve the time and money investment and will also will sell poorly

i saw some diehard Nintendo fans boycotting ubi and activision, do u guys realize how retarded is that??

out of all companies, Activision and Ubisoft stood with Nintendo through the thick and thin, they supported n64(Rayman 2, quake 2, tony hawk etc..) gamecube (all splinter cell games, beyond good and evil, all prince of Persia games, tony hawks, early CoDs etc...), wii (raving rabbids game, dance, CoD 4 reflex, BO1) and wiiu(Zombie u, rayman legends,Assassins 3 and Black Flag, watch dogs, CoD ghosts, BO2)

if anything you should all respect activision and ubisoft for standing this long with nintendo and the wiiu and direct all the hatred towards nintendo headquarters and their console management/planning

be thankful that watch dogs is still coming to the wiiu with complete optimization, other JAPANESE companies like konami, capcom and square completely ignored nintendo consoles, have some respect, damn fanboys are almost schizophrenic

Baka-akaB3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

Capcom brought them stuff like Viewtiful joe , Resident evil 4 , the RE remakes , RE zero , revelations , Tatsunoko vs Capcom , Zack and Wiki , and didnt drop their Monster hunter support .

I think you're just letting your disdain for capcom coloring this .

ape0073542d ago

no man i was talking about the wiiu

their work with gamecube was a work of art

Baka-akaB3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

I stand corrected then . Even then i can see why . They got burned on quite a few of the titles i mentioned the original platforms ( well the RE wii versions worked well at least) or got low sales , saves the Monster Hunter series .

I know each gen is different , but those consecutive failures can have an impact or a scaredy publisher

wonderfulmonkeyman3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

Why should Nintendo gamers be thankful for getting games that do not have the same content support as the other versions of those games on other systems?
Why should they be grateful, and shell out for them, when they can get better supported versions of those same multiplats on older consoles?

The reasons/excuses third parties have for not putting all the same content into these ports, don't matter at this point; the majority of gamers aren't going to care what their reasons are.
All a gamer is going to care about, is that the older versions of these Wii U ports, such as CoD Ghosts and Black Flag, are going to have more content, and thus more value, than their Wii U counterparts, and that the same rings true for the PS4/XBOne versions as well.

If third parties want Nintendo's gamers to respect them, then they need to show equality in support regardless of cost.
No one should be grateful for being given a hand-me-down game with fewer features and thus lower replay/entertainment value, and it's cruel of anyone to blame Nintendo or its fans for the decisions in content support that third parties are directly responsible for.

ABizzel13542d ago

"When they can get better supported versions of those same multiplats on older consoles?"

This is almost always the go to response for Nintendo fans, the games are better on other platforms, which just goes to show that Nintendo consoles are a secondary console to being with in the eyes of people who say this. If you're a multi-console owner chances are you're getting on the best platform for the game, and in most cases that'll be the PS4 > XBO > Wii U > PS360, unless the game is nearly identical on all platforms and Gamepad support really improves the experience (such as Rayman).

If you're a Nintendo only owner, then it doesn't really matter what the other platforms get, so long as you get to play the game still. It's the same deal as timed exclusive DLC, and all the other crap Sony and MS go through. Equality in content should be equal, but in the real world we know it's not. Nintendo doesn't play that game so you shouldn't expect developers to give Nintendo all the content when they're not putting anything forth on marketing the game or anything else.

But then you have games like Tekken TT, Deus Ex, Batman Arkham City, Rayman Legends, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed 4, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Resident Evil Revelations, and Darksiders 2 which were all undeniably better on the Wii U than the PS360 versions, all of which were good / great games, and many of which offered exclusive content for the Wii U, yet these games tanked in sales.

So what is it?

Are Nintendo consoles secondary consoles?

Or do you simply not care about supporting the good 3rd party games you have, because you only want Nintendo exclusives to begin with?

There's nothing wrong with it being a secondary console, because that's what it is to me. I love Nintendo's exclusives, and I was guilty of not supporting 3rd parties, but with the games costing $10 - $20 for these great franchises it should be nothing for most gamers to go out to the store or amazon and pick them up. I even have a blog making it extremely easy.

There are no excuses anymore Nintendo fans, either support the good you have or you won't get any 3rd support at all. Your choice. Spread the word about this blog and these games if you want 3rd party support.


-Foxtrot3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

I've seen a lot of Nintendo die hards really ticked off with Ubisoft calling them as bad as EA just because they stopped supporting the Wii U recently...even though they were the ones who stuck by the Wii U the longest. What you going to do now...not buy WatchDogs even though you say it's lacking third party support.

I mean if Nintendo didn't meet them half way then what do you expect.

Seriously why blame devs when it's mostly Nintendos fault aswell. It's not devs fault Nintendo made a console which isn't as powerful as the other two. Then you have people getting mad at the devs who do third party games for them but they are dumbed down...again what the hell do you expect, least you are getting the game

Instead they invested their money more into the gamepad. I think devs would of rather seen a normal controller with more time spent on the consoles hardware. Least then you could justify the price because you are like "Well it is pretty powerful for a Nintendo console" instead of "Most of that money is spent on the Gamepad, that's why it's so expensive"

KaladinStormblessed3542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

I agree man, boycotting their games is not going to make difference for the better. All these people saying they're never going to buy anymore Ubisoft games and stuff, where's that going to get you? I love Ubisoft, and honestly I've been leaning toward te side that a lot of WiiU owners don't even want to play games like Assassins creed on the misconception that they're all half assed ports and only nintendo games are good.

I don't totally agree that it's all nintendo's fault though, The WiiU doesn't actualy have any "revolutionary" controller that's hugely different from the rest, it's a classic gaming controller with a screen in it. So it's not the fact that it's too hard to develop for, they're just simply not making much money off the games. And when the graphics and fluidity and dlc is better/available on the competition it's a no brainier. That I do blame on the Wiiu hardware, though it's definitely still good.

WiiU only owners like me would totally get the games if they were interested in it, but most people are all on the bandwagon that Third parties make bad games without even actually playing them. And because of that they don't buy it then the rest of us that do like them are screwed over because not enough copies are sold to justify continuing support.

ABizzel13542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

My blog solves all those problems. Spread the word around.


There are good 3rd party games on the Wii U, many Nintendo fans just don't want to look, because they're too busy condemning everything.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3542d ago
HexxedAvenger3542d ago

Wow.... that is a good article. I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow.

nevin13542d ago

Nintendo didn't have good 3rd party support since SNES.

ape0073542d ago (Edited 3542d ago )

yep but N64 had some amazing 3rd party games/exclusives that were built on the system

games like Turok 1, Turok 2, Turok 3, Duke 64, Quake 1/2, Doom 64, Shadow man, Body Harvest, adventure racing, TWINE, no mercy/WM games, Mortal kombat 4, mace, star wars shadow of the empire and star wars rogue squadron squadron and racer, rayman 2 etc...

plus they had rare ware support which was PHENOMENAL , plus the system was pushing for greater gfx and greater MP (4 players)

the N64 is waaaaay better than wii/wiiu

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Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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