
Riccitiello confirms KOTOR MMO from BioWare

EA boss John Riccitiello confirmed at E3 today that BioWare's working on a new Knights of the old Republic game with an MMO "component" to it.

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outlawlife5909d ago

now this is something we want

Lord Vader5909d ago


ParaDise_LosT5909d ago

We all hated EA just months ago...
Now Mirrors Edge, This and more are comming out, suddenly EA is god

touche I say, they really know how to bait us back in >.<

TheColbertinator5909d ago


Megatron085909d ago

I just hope that there is a nice long single player mode to go with that "MMO component" be kind of pissed if its only a MMO

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5909d ago
Kal8535909d ago

Anything the Game Gods of Bioware make is always phenomenal, and the first KotOR was one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

I truly hope, though, that there's also some single player "component" as well. Lots of people like MMOs, but I prefer single player rpgs. Although being Bioware, I'm sure whatever the make it will be awesome.

Mike Bowden5909d ago

Huge news this. I loved that series.

PimpHandHappy5909d ago

one more exclusive xbox title making its way to the PS3

i almost bought the 1st xbox for this game but i hated the look and the size of the thing! Happy i didnt because as we all know it was cut loose my MS

Xi5909d ago (Edited 5909d ago )

how is it an anything title?

For all we know it's only on PC, or it could be Xbox pc only.

This is only a confirmation of the game in development, it hasn't been official announced and it hasn't had it's platforms listed.

dachiefsman5909d ago

well to bad for you and your stupid bias. you missed out on a helluva game.

Funny how much people can miss for playing consoles and not playing the games.

PimpHandHappy5909d ago

STFU fool

are you telling me i missed out on KOTOR and HALO because i was bias? No dude its because as a consumer with limited wealth i need to make a choice on what my money is worth!

I was playing Socom and LOVING it! At that same time you had 3 games on the xbox worth a sh!t...HALO KOTOR and GRAW and they where chargin to play them online when at the time i was having the most fun i had ever had online with Socom....

You ppl are complete mindless fukn drones...you jump to the same conclusions without even a thought going into that brain!

The 1st xbox didnt have the games and by the time i was ready for a upgrade on my gaming the PS3 was 4 months away and the 360 still only had GRAW! So i started saving my pennys with the hope of playing my favorite game Socom on the PS3!

dachiefsman5909d ago

yea I am really I drone when I had a PS2 as well.

Your bias is evident in your post sir.
Good Games on the Xbox.

Project Gotham Racing
Dead or Alive 3

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Unreal Championship
Blinx: The Time Sweeper

Project Gotham Racing 2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Brute Force
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
Top Spin
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Midtown Madness 3
Otogi: Myth of Demons

Halo 2
Ninja Gaiden
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
Dead or Alive Ultimate
MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
RalliSport Challenge 2
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors
OutRun 2

Forza Motorsport
Jade Empire
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Unreal Championship 2
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
Phantom Dust
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike
Far Cry Instincts
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes

Maybe those aren't all AAA, but to say there were "3" games is idiotic. You revert to your name calling you child. Play the games not the console, it may open your mind.

PS I don't like lists, but people being irrational is just as bad.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5909d ago
PimpHandHappy5909d ago

let me say

MS needs to wrap this one up because it will be a system seller..

Im just going by the tags and that BioWare is not a MS studio like i thought they once where

I really liked the 1st KOTOR even if i didnt get the full game. Just bits and pieces over time..

I didnt know KOTOR was a long running series...i always thought they had that ONE game on the 1st xbox

oh well

heres to hope

Alexander Roy5909d ago

BioWare a MS studio? Where have you been the last, what, ten+ years?

Xi5909d ago

the second game was done by a different studio.

Also, bioware made games for the xbox because they wanted to, not because they were an MS studio.

you need to lay off the booze man.

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Top 10 Star Wars Video Games

Bit Cultures writes: The upcoming DICE game Star Wars Battlefront has gamers and fans alike excited that this could be one of the best Star Wars games to date. Much remains to be seen pending our first beta impression, however, it undeniably and faithfully replicates the universe to a key. Let’s not also forget that Episode VII: The Force Awakens is a little more than a month away. To celebrate our personal excitement and over-the-top Star Wars fandom, we bring to you our Top 10 favorite Star Wars video games.

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3236d ago
Gwynbleidd3236d ago

IMO KOTOR is the best. But I also enjoyed the Force Unleashed very much, because this game allowed me to do all the force-stuff I always thought about and wondered why the movie characters never used the force like that, lol :)

This trailer shows pretty much what I mean:


Rebel_Scum3236d ago

Not that it bothers me but any list like this usually has a SNES game in it. Nice surprise.

I always liked the Star Wars game on the Master System 2. It wasn't great but for a 8bit game it was ok. The Phantom Menace on PS1 was really good too. Despite the movie...

riffraffy3236d ago (Edited 3236d ago )

I mentioned the Phantom Menace game for the list, but it didn't make the cut. I really had a fun with that one, especially the Mos Eisley level. My friend and I would just turn on invincibility and start attacking everyone in the markets haha

brando0083236d ago

KOTOR is still one of my favourite games of all time. So much happiness came from that game :)


10 RPGs we want on Xbox One

OXM UK - "RPGs on Xbox One! Turns out a fair few of you are keen on the idea, though I suspect the prospect of a free Xbox 360 game may have had something to do with that. It's my pleasure to present the winners of last week's Diablo 3 competition, mighty champions of the genre one and all. If there is, in fact, a place called Valhalla, you'll find these great souls seated at the top table, quaffing Mountain Dew and throwing balled-up collectable world maps at the FPS-chugging peasants outside the window."

dirigiblebill3986d ago

Grandia would have been a good pick too.

pedrof933986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

The possibility of some these RPGs being remade is actually higher on the PS4.

Just saying.

Ni no Kuni ? LOL seriously ?

dirigiblebill3986d ago

No harm in dreaming!

Level-5 isn't owned by Sony, in any case.

abzdine3986d ago

x1 will have no RPG i can promise you that. with PS4 taking the lead and releasing way before RPG on x1 will be irrelevant to consider, even if they're exclusive.
Just look at all the love PS3 is getting from Japan in terms of exclusive content.

And notice that except Blue Dragon, The Last Remnant and Lost Odyssey, all other JRPGs that released first on 360 came out to PS3 with more content and better quality. Also, notice SquareEnix everytime they comment on KHIII it's in regards to PS4 architecture and what extra RAM allows them to achieve.

And to comment the article, this is one retard list from a pro xbox website. Ni no Kuni, Crono Cross, Dragon Questm FF7 on xbox?

dirigiblebill3986d ago

It's a list of games readers of the site want. I'm not sure why you feel so threatened by it, abzdine.

black0o3986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

80% of level-5 fan base are in JP ..

the day xbone sells more then PS4 in JP -ROFL- we may see level-5 titles coming to the xbone

BTW M$ already had a whole year there and bought a lot of JRPGs and it didnt help the x360 at all so i can't see M$ investing the same amount of money in JP this round

malokevi3986d ago

"The possibility of some these RPGs being remade is actually higher on the PS4. "

Pedro, I totally was not expecting you to say something like that.

Oh wait... I mean, the opposite. Yeah... that.

3986d ago
Magicite3986d ago

''i really hope SE make FF7 remake and exclusive FF15 and KH3 contents for XB1 :D''

Thats worst fanboy nightmare Ive ever heard of.

Inception3986d ago


"at least MS invested in JRPGs and provided us with great games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, but what did sony do for JRPG fans?? what games they spent money on to make? all i remember is Demon's Souls and umm freaking uncharted? Killzone? GoW?? oh sorry these are not JRPGs!"

Hey kid, FYI, JRPG's like Wild Arms series, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragoon, Popolocrois series, Arc the Lad series, Dark Cloud series, Soul Sacrifice series, and Rogue Galaxy are JRPG that made (or co-developed), published, and owned by Sony.

And in this gen, besides the amazing Demon's Souls, Sony supported Level 5 by develope & published White Knight Chronicles trilogy and Jeanne D'Arc.

There's also the possibility that Sony help Nippon Ichi Software. Because most of their titles are exclusive for Sony platform.

Not to mention, years ago Sony gave a big help for Squaresoft by promoting (and publishing) FF VII EVERYWHERE. From Pepsi, Rolling Stone, even Playboy had FF VII ads:
Some info said that Sony even toss 100 mill USD just to promote FF VII.

And not just FF VII, Sony also help Squaresoft by publishing some of their titles like FF Tactics (one of the best FF i ever play), Saga Frontier, Tobal no 1, Bushido Blade, Einhander, and The Bouncer in the west.

Sony already gave a lot to JRPG fans. That's why i'm asking back to you:

Beside Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Infinite Undiscovery, what other thing that MS do in this gen to satisfy JRPG fans?????

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3986d ago
3986d ago
Magicite3986d ago

No You dont want JRPG's on Xbox, it has already been proven in current gen, even such great game as Last Odyssey sold very poor (less than 1 million units).

Snookies123986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

"Ni no Kuni Quite possibly the PS3's last great JRPG."

Hey, Tales of Xillia came out a little after that and was fantastic too.

Either way though, some good choices for sure. I refuse to give up hope on seeing an updated FFVII... D:

Jubez1873986d ago

NNK was garbage, so there's that too.

Snookies123986d ago

It didn't really suit my tastes, so I only played about 10-15 hours before stopping. Though I recognize that it was a very beautiful game, and had some good moments. I certainly wouldn't call it anything less than a decent game.

Even if it wasn't up my alley, I know it was a wonderful game to others.

Dragonborn3123986d ago

Knights of The Old Republic HD would be amazing.

HarryMasonHerpderp3986d ago

That game needs a remake the graphics look awful when you play it now even in HD. Amazing game though.

black0o3986d ago

Xbox and RPG don't do that well .. only Action-based RPSs may hve a chance

OrangePowerz3986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

Ni No Kuni doesn't need a graphics upgrade.

As for KoTOR, I rather have a new one instead of replaying a previous game.

Where is Persona?

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Top 10 Star Wars Games

So what games have fans of the great series missed out on? What game could a Star Wars fan like yourself be playing that has magically eluded you during your gaming lifetime? With an arsenal of over 100 games spread throughout arcade, console, and mobile systems, here are 10 of the most entertaining games (in no particular order) that the Star Wars franchise has given fans over the years.

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guitarded774311d ago (Edited 4311d ago )

No Battlefront, and Soul Calibur IV as the #2 Star Wars game??? This has to be a joke. Even if it is in "no particular order", it's still a horrible list.

NukaCola4311d ago

I disagree with this list too.

KOTOR @ 5 behind Lego and Unleashed?

Academy instead of the amazing Outcast

No Battlefront
No Rogue Squadron
No Republic Commando

r40k2134311d ago

Completely agree. 100%. And the article says that if you only have time for one game make it SWTOR? Just sad, really. Personally, I'd put Outcast in its place.

morganfell4311d ago (Edited 4311d ago )

Star Wars Dark Forces II Jedi Knight > Everything on the list.


JKelloggs4311d ago

Whoever wrote this list is obviously on crack.

Neither of the battlefront games.
Soul Calibur? What? Seriously?
Tbh, KOTOR deserves to be higher than TOR.

Phoenix764311d ago

what about the rouge squadron series?? they rocked on the GameCube

majiebeast4311d ago

Where is super starwars 1,2,3? The old republic should never be number 1 should always be behind galaxies.

DeadlyFire4311d ago

Sad list. For one Force Unleashed is at number 4? WTF?

Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast despite age is still superior to Force Unleashed. JA for MP and JO for SP = perfect combination. Its sad they have not capitalized on the Jedi Knight formula.

rpd1234311d ago

Where in the hell is Battlefront and Battlefront 2?

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