
Microsoft has responded to the report that the PS4 is 50% faster than the Xbox One

A Microsoft spokesperson has responded to Kotaku's request for comment regarding Edge's previous article on the PS4 being 50% faster than the Xbox One.

xHeavYx3896d ago

They are going around in circles, like always

pedrof933896d ago

"It was designed with balanced performance in mind"

What balance ? What are the weights ? Power and Speed ? Or TV and Games ?

gaelic_laoch3896d ago

360's, doing doughnuts, loop the loops, arse about face.......

theBAWSE3896d ago

Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.

that there is a thinly veiled PR jargon admission

Godoftheweek3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

It's Microsoft's version of "circular reasoning."

Round and round MS goes, like a broken record.

"Look kids, Parliament, Big Ben. Look kids, Parliament, Big Ben. Look kids Parliament, Big Ben. Look kids...WE KNOW DAD, Parliament, Big Ben."

All kidding aside, I do agree with them. Let the games do the talking. That is what Sony nearly always does. Maybe MS finally gets it, then again maybe not.

The 2nd and 3rd generation games will really show a huge difference IMO.

Saigon3896d ago

This should have been the first statement a long time ago...grant it they did make this statement but they should have stuck with it...

JokesOnYou3896d ago

"Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”

-Yep just like I said in the other article before this...let the games do the talking thats their trump card X1 games so far clearly are ahead of the competitions exclusives.

Also its funny that the only negativity comes from annonymous sources. Now lets think about that IF true but they just don't want to go on record so their relationship with micro stays friendly then why the need to say anything at all when in any case it doesnt help them since they still will be developing for both and the need to talk behind close doors only signifies they have some underlying issue with micro, who a indie dev?, who the Braid dev?, who a sony supported dev?, WHO?

BitbyDeath3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

'let the games do the talking thats their trump card X1 games so far clearly are ahead of the competitions exclusives. '

I agree, being 50% weaker doesn't mean they won't still have great games.

Time to take the high ground everyone and let people just be happy with their purchase, no matter what it is.

ABizzel13896d ago


Why would any developer publicly speak out against a platform they're developer at the risk of losing their job......Hence why they stay anonymous.

The PS4 is the more powerful console, but at the end of the day it all boils down to what games are on which consoles, and for that reason I'm getting a PS4, because Sony killed it with the exclusives for the PS3 this gen. M$ not so much.

3896d ago
darthv723896d ago

@abizz they arent going to lose their job if they are singing the praise of a platform they are developing for.

the criticism of the xb1 by these anonymous devs does not appear to be a sign they are in development of an xb1 title.

Because an interview was given it could be the 'pass-it-on' effect. meaning that it starts with one and then gets passed along to the next and to the next and each time it gets slightly changed (the phrasing) until it appears to be something said by many when it could have been said by the same person.

50% difference in 'power' should translate into something like comparing the genesis version of street fighter to the super nintendo version. both were created specifically for each platform but there is a noticeable difference in the finished product.

We just arent seeing that right now. Key words...'right now'. Will we see it? that depends on how vested a 3rd party developer is in making their game to cater to each platform.

Will we see it in exclusives? That is inconclusive because what is exclusive to one has no chance of being released on another. I would say that if given the opportunity, naught Dog could have pulled off uncharted visuals on the 360 but that wont happen.

Naughty dog will pull off better than uncharted visuals on the ps4 just as 343 will pull off better than halo 4 visuals on the xb1.

Lets just leave it at that.

BitbyDeath3896d ago

@Darthv72, wait til launch, the differences are already showing.

"ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS."

morganfell3896d ago

Their previous attempt to use specs - Penello's embarrassing outing at Neogaf which was further compounded by the Ars Technica ripping - failed miserably now they are doing a 180...that's familiar...and scrambling in vain to move away from specs. This is their only window of opportunity because the longer the consoles are on the market the more prevalent and visible the performance gap will become.

Pain3896d ago


"-Yep just like I said in the other article before this...let the games do the talking thats their trump card X1 games so far clearly are ahead of the competitions exclusives. "

Delusion is a serious medical condition, You should seek a doctor and get therapi.

Ritsujun3896d ago

Microsofie - RAGE MODE ON since the Xbone180 reveal. POOR conSOUL.

RedDevils3896d ago

Jokeonyou no wonder your name is joke on you hehe...

nypifisel3896d ago

People really have to stop with the delusional argument "Let's wait and see". There's no reason for this approach, this is x86 architecture, we KNOW how these machines preform. This in mind MS response is baffling to say the least, there are no "secret architecture which brings speed boosts"for the first time these are regular old PCs, we all know how those works and there are no claiming a secret sauce - Face it, the PS4 won this hardware race!

DigitalRaptor3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

@ JokesOnYou

The delusion is infinite with you. The games already look better on PS4 and there's already a far larger and more diverse lineup on PS4 than on XB1.

DriveClub has been steadily improving visually since they first showed gameplay, and the change has been drastic. It has more dynamic systems than Forza 5, which is why it is currently running at half the frame rate. The latest video shows just how insanely beautiful it looks, whilst maintaining a realistic look, whereas Forza is more cartoony-looking.

Killzone: Shadow Fall and inFamous: Second Son curb stomp every exclusive on the XB1 in pretty much every single category, whilst running at a better rate of performance than even the supposed jewel in the crown - Ryse. That game only looks incredible during the parts where they slow it down and remove control from your hands.

With the 50% difference between the consoles, this is only going to get more obvious once we're past the launch lineup, and I wonder how you're going to feel when your ultimate argument that is about games and launch lineups is exposed. Short-term logic leads to utter ignorance. Or maybe it's just believing the damage control an anti-consumer corporation places on facts.

We already know that you'll be coasting off damage control PR from publishers who are dedicated to maintaining platform parity for their games, but if developers have the cojones to release the PS4 versions of their games as the deservedly better ones, you'll have nothing left but an inferior gaming console, with inferior games supported by an inferior company. I mean Sony is already providing exclusive content from 21 publishers, many of those for PS4, so in that regard many PS4 games will already be better for content alone. Have fun though - that is what this is all about though, right?

ChrisW3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Faster RAM is better!!!

I recently upgraded the RAM in my PC from a Data-rate of 1333 to 2133, which is about 60% faster...

Originally, it took 1&1/2 minutes to load Win7, and 2 minutes to load a high-res picture in Photoshop. But now... It's absolutely awesome!!! Win7 loads in less than 4 seconds, opening something in Photoshop takes about 5 seconds, and every game that I play loads so fast that the audio can't keep up, though a bit annoying because of syncing problems due to such blistering fast RAM!

So, it's undeniably conclusive that faster RAM is absolutely awesome in absurdly ludicrous proportions!

kreate3896d ago

"But the most intriguing thing about the Edge piece is the suggestion by said anonymous developers that a cross-platform game might be held back from looking or performing better on PS4 so as to not anger Microsoft"

are we going to see another gen being 'held back' due to microsoft's cheap console?

microsoft said 'let the games speak for itself' or something along those lines... but it seems like microsoft themselves are the ones manipulating the scene.

ThanatosDMC3896d ago

Let the games do the talking?

With what games? Kinect games? Do they even have quality 1st party devs like Sony?

ChrisW3896d ago

@Kreat -- "are we going to see another gen being 'held back' due to microsoft's cheap console?"

Absolutely!!! It'll be just like Lensoftruth.com comparisons all over again.

TheSaint3896d ago

I wonder what the next thing will be? Yet there are still a lot of staunch defenders of this TV console.

pixelsword3896d ago

No one is saying that the xbone won't have good games, the issue (which MS is skirting) is whether the Xbone is more powerful than the PS4.

...And by skirting the issue, they indirectly answered it.

BallsEye3896d ago

Let the games talk for themselves. So far they're talking. Don't see what's the problem with you guys. Games on XO look great.

gaffyh3896d ago

This is a clear admission that the Xbone is weaker than PS4. The comment which basically says let the games do the talking, is of course true, but has nothing to do with the power of each console. It never has, the Wii U is significantly weaker but can still have great games. This argument was always about power, yet some delusional people seemed to think the Xbone was more powerful than PS4, when it clearly was not, and several developers have pointed it out.

PS2 was weaker than Xbox, but it had way better games. So Microsoft can still prosper with weaker hardware, it comes down to games.

Gamer19823896d ago

They are basically saying games will look as good on xbox in which they are right because they know devs will lower games performance on ps4 to match xbone. For parity reasons..

Unlike last gen where it wasnt much of a difference though they are going to be holding back the other console..

This is why I went PC this generation. None of this crap..

BallsEye3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Funny how everyone here say ps4 is 50% more powerful ad MS drivers also suck but then XO games actually look better so far. There is a storm coming this month. Only Top third party devs got final dev box this month with stereo gpus unlocked that's why more and more games on XO start suddenly popping in full HD and better framerates. Host and Guest stereo gpus and dpus, that's what it is.

"Insider(was right all the time so far with hot chips etc): 3rd party developers have final hardware.. And the company that do have it .. Capcom. Crytek. Epic. Take 10. and Rare. Ubisoft and EA only just got them this week.. And none of these developer have gone on record and said sony ps4 is 50% more powerfull..

..four very specialized gfx cores that can only be accessed via the metal xdriver. Full stereo only available after 25/30 to majority. 80% of developers only have low access...

These cores have access to all the 8 core cpu threads if need be. But two of each cpu threads do have a specialist purpose. They also have a boost ability for a special type of graphics code. Not yet seen on pc."

google the quote , you will find all the info needed and proof in older and newer posts

It is why (highly possibility) that why BF4 & Ghost & Wdogs still have to presented on PC specced X1 devkit as they waiting stereo driver to be enabled, by the time it is enabled, BF4 ad other demanding games can use full power of X1

If you think a crappy 1.3Tflop system with sh!tty drivers can pull off games like ryse and forza in full hd then you are fooling yourself. That was MS plan all the way. They didn't unlock the whole machine for the public so sony will think it has an upper hand. Once ps4 is in full production and NDA is gone and there is no chance for mahcine upgrade, MS will come out with the info insiders have been saying for months. You realy believe MS paid billions of dollars for this machine just to release it with wiiU like GPU?

I'm not a fan of MS, nor a fan of Sony. I'm gaming more than many of you are alive and you guys got very short memory. ps3 started with a killzone2 gameplay lie. This is no different. Let the downvotes begin.

nveenio3896d ago

"In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves."

They shouldn't have said that before Naughty Dog's and Santa Monica's next-gen announcements...

gaffyh3896d ago

@Ballseye - inFAMOUS is better than anything on Xbone, so your point is completely invalid.

tokugawa3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

so, according to this latest revelation, we should be seeing multi-plats running better on the ps4 from day one!

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 3896d ago
black0o3896d ago

MS talks and talks while sony acts and lets the devs do the talking and soon the games

golding893896d ago Show
pedrof933896d ago

@golding just buy a Ps4.


All of these are better at this point.

tuglu_pati3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )


haha! You know you are gonna get destroyed for that.

I will +bubble you just for your bravery.

cell9893896d ago

@Icicle Trepan: you are one butthurt xbot, calm down

stuna13896d ago

Sony took the heat this gen, now they are giving the heat! I know it's a tough pill to swallow for some, but it's hilariously funny watching the ones finding that pill hard to swallow, flipping all over the place like fish on a boats deck.

Why no one can understand that Microsoft were caught unprepared! They honestly thought that they had more time, this is being shown to everyone, if they would just look! From Day one, the policies, the restrictions, the games! All these things showed signs of not being totally thought out plans.

Games have been moved cross gen to boast the lineup, something that can't really be disputed, because Microsoft has said so! Ryse was a game developed for the 360.

People are leaving for no explainable reason! Sure reasons are given, but how many of the explanations hold water? The unveiling of the Xbox1 has caused chaos on so many levels, and yes I expect the disagrees, the name calling, the debubbling, the ignores, because that's what people on N4G do, but more importantly than that, it's what people in "DENIAL" do........

Sarick3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

I agree they've been talking the talk like a great and powerful all knowing wizard. I'm no Microsoft fan but this time the response to kotaku was actually very professional.

He basically stood up and said something like:

Okay guys I'm not going to argue and make myself out like an arse. We think our console will preform well for the foreseeable future despite the technical specifications. Let's just let our games speak for us.

IMHO: He is effectively admitting there are technical differences with the inclusion that they think Microsoft and 3rd parties can overcome them. He also thinks the differences won't have as massive effect compared to previous generations where numbers mattered more.

I'm starting to think Microsoft is looking for a way to change public opinion of themselves. It's obvious they're talking a public beating by both the media and gaming community.

Clearly the wizard hiding behind that curtain saying "Pay no attention to that guy behind the curtain!" is no longer working in their best interest.

Here is a related link to my quote. Have fun watching it. <GRIN>


Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3896d ago

Jokes on you just go away you sad individual.

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dasbeer883896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

For once, MS is being humble about their competitors.

thejigisup3896d ago

I don't think this is about being humble at all. There is quite a difference in being humble and being a little bit off a bitch. MS is coming off like they just got dunked on.

DJMarty3896d ago

LOL, M$ digging ther own GRAVE

Sarick3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Being humble, not really. He's saying they aren't going to fight the grain anymore and let their games, services and hardware speak for them. IMHO It's more or less a conceited and/or competitive way of getting in the last words before a big fight.

This is about the only thing they can do to save face at this point. If they continued to try and deceive the market it'd keep slapping them in the face. Also, If they admitted to deception it'd openly tarnish their public reputation even more.

sAVAge_bEaST3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

They choose less power, in favor of the Kinect,. They thought they would make up for this lack of power, through the "Clowd".

tuglu_pati3896d ago

I think (and this is my opinion) PS4 will be the gamers popular and XBO will eventually dominate the casual crowd.

Saigon3896d ago


I don't think that will be the case, mainly because they haven't given anyone, besides HC gamers a reason to buy their system. Sony started advertising 'Greatness Awaits' soon after E3 if not right after their conference. My first Xbone commercial I saw was this weekend during the start of the NFL season. And the sad part the commercial wasn't directed towards any one type of gamer, maybe a little more to the casuals. It was a neutral commercial, that showed what we hardcore gamers have been complained about. I want this console, but will not purchase it for a long while, but MS needs to have a better direction where they want to go with the Xbone.

SniperControl3896d ago


Do you wanna know what is going to dominate the casual market.........Vita TV.......

ShwankyShpanky3896d ago

Hey, at least they've dialed back all that "Cloud makes the One X-times more powerful" and "Kinect is the future" noise.

LetoAtreides823896d ago

Tuglu no casual player is going to pay $500 for casual games.

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XboxFun3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

They realized arguing with Sony fanboys is a no win situation. What else could they possibly say that wouldn't get ripped apart from you or Heavy.

"In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves."

This pretty much should sum up everything anyone needs to know now and in the future. So far every game on Xbox One is on par or exceeded this huge extra power the PS4 claims to have.

KonsoruMasuta3896d ago

They realized that there was no use trying to brush the truth under the rug. The cat is out of the bag and they have to #dealwithit

Godoftheweek3896d ago

Interesting. So, multiple 3rd 1st and 2nd party developers are fanboys?


MatriXcian3896d ago

Sorry buddy but Killzone Shadowfall looks better than anything on the Xbox 180, plus im sure youve heard about all the smoke and mirrors Forza uses to obtain its 60fps.

Enemy3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

It's easy to rip them apart when all they do is insult the consumer's intelligence with continuous, obviously false claims.

No Xbox One exclusive has "on par" tech with Killzone: Shadow Fall.

Show ONE, go ahead.

Killer Instinct with two characters on screen running at 720p? Nope.

Ryse, a simple one or two button QTE adventure that used to be a Kinect game? Nope.

Dead Rising 3, with nothing but dead AI on screen? Try again.

Forza 5, lol, with purely static environment and baked lighting to boot, no weather effects, no night races. Next gen masterpiece right there!

Most multiplatform games have been demoed on PS4 only. Have we even seen Battlefield 4 running on Xbox One yet?

nooneknows3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

You're one of the most annoying fanboys on this site. You shouldn't be talking.

DEEBO3896d ago

yeah right! deep down,infamousSS,and killzone SF says hi.go do the sprinkler in front of you're eyetoy3.0,lame!

-Foxtrot3896d ago

Whats with you calling everyone who criticizes MS a Sony fanboy....your just saying that as some sort of defense mechanism because you have nothing good to say.

Most people who are "hating" on MS have legit reasons to. They tried to screw us over and the way they are going and what they've done to try and win us back seems like as soon as we "forgive them" they will go back to what they were like.

Instead of coming up with a good argument to defend them by taking the criticism and explaining how you think it's wrong (which you couldn't do anyway) you result in calling people fanboys

ShwankyShpanky3896d ago

MS supporters should collaborate on a Smashing Pumpkins cover: "The World Is A PS Fanboy"

The world is a fanboy
Sent to drain
Support for MS
Hold their feet to the flames
And what do we get?
A hundred disagree-hees
And a handful
Of ported 360 games

XboxFun3896d ago


I have already defended and pointed out how it's wrong many, many times. The irony of your whole statement is what I have said earlier:

"None of you want to listen".

Instead all I get from you is "we have the right to be mad" over and over again. Have I not already stated that for MS fans that time is over, MS has rectified their mistakes and now we are focusing on the games. I have already explained it this to you.

And yet here you are again, proving my point of brining old arguments back while not listening to anything said in defense. What could MS or I say to stop you from being so mad. Have they not done enough already? They reversed every non-popular policy that gathered the hate.

And yet you're still mad because it MIGHT have happened.

"seems like as soon as we "forgive them" they will go back to what they were like."

So this is your legit argument? You claim that they MIGHT go back in the future? What's stopping Sony from doing the same thing. Since we are just speculating and pretending of things and situations that MIGHT occur. How is your argument anymore legit than mine?

How can anyone defend or debate when all you can do is bring up pretend situations of doom. Kind of hard to argue against imaginary, ever changing, "what if" situations you all seem to bring up.

-Foxtrot3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )


We don't want to listen? Are you actually serious...of course we've bloody listened, we've listened, saw, read EVERYTHING Microsoft has done since the reveal....WHY DO YOU THINK WE'RE MAD. Jesus

As I've said you make it seem that we are pulling this stuff out of nowhere but we aren't. Saying that we aren't listening is just you getting p***** off because what your saying is basically a summary of all the actions MS have done since the reveal. Your basically reminding us why we are are arguing/fighting/hating. Your defense in the end is "...oh well you don't listen, your...your just a Sonyfanboy"

Oh I'm sorry I'm a fanboy because I'm prasing a company who is doing mostly everything right while the company I'm "hating" on is a company thats screwed us over and over again since after Kinect was released and are now trying to suck up to us because they want my sale where, may I add, that after they've suckered me into it they'll go back to what they are really like........................ok man suit your self.

"So this is your legit argument? You claim that they MIGHT go back in the future"

Erm....yeah, they've done it too many times. Learn from your past mistakes.

What's stopping Sony for doing the same? I'm sorry but they've done nothing in recent years as bad as what MS has done now. Sony was arrogant in 2006, learned their mistake straight away and by 2008/2009 were back on the horse. They didn't dig themselfs into a hole like this

" Kind of hard to argue against imaginary, ever changing, "what if" situations you all seem to bring up."

Jeez, how delusional, how are they what if situations if it's happening now. MS screwing over their consumers has happened before, LOTS of times

NeloAnjelo3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

You mean they realised that they can't hide the truth when it comes from the developers themselves. Only blind MS fanboys like you keep believing their BS.

They can't even justify the cost of thing, or why GAMERS want Kinect.

Look at the side by side specs. This alone will tell you.

BattleTorn3896d ago

I'm going do exactly what Microsoft says - and wait for the console and the games to speak for themselves.

jessupj3896d ago

Why can't you just admit the PS4 is significantly more powerful than the X1?

For what ever reason, that's your prefered console, but you need to accept the cons that go with that preference.

One of then is that multiplats are going to perform noticeably better on the PS4.

It's seemingly obvious you can;t deal with that, so the smart thing for you to do would be to buy a PS4 instead.

grimmweisse3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

So how that power of the cloud! So far nothing but fresh air. If the best is the drivatar feature then i am not all to impressed.

When a company needs to use buzzwords to hype or entice their audience, that when i lose interest.

5eriously3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Soon you would have only one bubble to troll with. Enjoy your eXBone'd. We will enjoy at minimum the same level or yet even with greatly improved quality and professional games that Sony and the PS3 endowed on us,... not something an eXBox360 owner can relate to considering the RROD fiasco and lack of AAA support last few years and also considering the lack of AAA games the last few years. I cannot even fathom why someone will still support Microsoft after these experiences,.....I guess self punishment or idiocy comes to mind. Maybe the perceived M$ motto of " Lets starve them for games then we break new records on the repeat IP sales" holds true.

Destrania3896d ago


You should add me on PSN. Well said btw, you are always on point in your responses to all the mindless Xbots out there.

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NextGen24Gamer3896d ago

“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.

Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”

Well said by Microsoft. Let the fanboys fight over GFLOPS & Ram selection. They will never understand how all the customizations effect how the games will look & perform on the xbox one. The games will speak as they already have in the pre alpha stages garnering award after award.

November can't come fast enough!

theBAWSE3896d ago

Don't know why you remind me of a member of the band still playing music while everyone around them is running jumping ship trying to grab float a dingy anything to get off the sinking titanic

Kayant3896d ago

"Well said by Microsoft. Let the fanboys fight over GFLOPS & Ram selection."

Oh so 3 GPU's doesn't matter now. So waiting for the magical NDA to be lifted is not necessary now I guess. Nice one looool. How quickly you change.

ShwankyShpanky3896d ago

TLDR: "secret sauce & wizards"

stuna13896d ago

But they're making that argument against a competitor that knows hardware! I'm not disputing the fact that Microsoft doesn't have some talented people working on the Xbox1, but we're talking about a company that exudes technical achievement in the hardware department! That is why I'm so astonished by people who trip over their tongues at the mention of Kinects 2.0!

If people only took the time to research some of Sonys higher priced cameras they would see facial recognition technology in them, panoramic motion tracking and yes even infrared tracking for low light exposure.

The Kinects technology was bought by Microsoft, where they've made improvements!
Sonys motion technology was developed in-house

ziggurcat3896d ago

so.... now specs don't matter anymore? when just yesterday you were spamming the comment threads about specs?

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alb18993896d ago

In days it will be clear.

awi59513896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

I find it funny that they dont even try to use the esram it must be a low budget studio or something. If you dont have the talent to even use the Esram why are you a expert? Why are these guys talking? Are the programmers over there just stupid??

DJ3896d ago

ES-Ram makes the whole process difficult because a fast 32MB module is supposed to make up for a slow 8GB memory pool. Yeah you can use it, but only in small chunks, and mostly for just rendering purposes.

kenshiro1003896d ago

Sony just rendered them speechless, lol.

thrust3896d ago

Not really mate in a fanboys point of view yeah maybe!

Also, I do not have multiple accounts (not that sad but if it makes you feel better ok)

Good luck

Bathyj3896d ago

Sony have played this PR game brilliantly. Not getting drawn into juvenile tit for tat, they've let the devs do all their chest beating for them.

MS have done everything they can to fit you for a padded bra.

thrust3896d ago

I agree mate, on the gamers side of things sony has really came out on top.

MS really messed up with the DRM stuff on consoles, it works on PCs that's about it.

But we gamers are a very small minority, look at the wii if you get family's interested.(kids love kinect and mums and dads love having/seeing there kids have fun).

solar3896d ago

I can't wait til the Sony Extremists finally get slapped in the face that the two consoles are nearly identical in performance. All the 50% more powerful hype is bullshit.

jessupj3896d ago

I can't wait til the MS extremists get slapped in the face when PS4 multiplats perform noticeably better.

If you want to get an zbone, fine. You just need to accept that;s going to come with inferior multiplats. If you can't deal with that then get a PS4.

I swear the MS fanboys lately have been like rabid dogs since all the bad xbone news.

starchild3896d ago

Haha, Solar is a PC gamer. He probably has a PC that will make games on the PS4 look more inferior than the PS4 will to the Xbox One.

No, what's happened is that EVERYONE that isn't a Sony fanboy is sick of Sony fanboys and their horrible arrogance and trolling. As if it's not ok to game on anything else.

I'm getting a PS4 to go along with my PC and I know for a fact that it is more powerful than the Xbox One, but that power difference isn't as dramatic as some people make it out to be and I really don't care anyway because I am going to be playing all multiplatform games on my PC.

awi59513896d ago


Yeah the console guys are measuring their junk and neither one of them is the biggest. Just got my new cpu upgrade today for BF4 can wait to test out my new build on BF4.

solar3896d ago


hey star, how ya doing mate?

i get automatically called a MS fanboy for that comment. keep getting your jolly's off riding that hype bus jessupj. like a prepubescent getting a boner on a bumpy road. when that bus crashes and burns, ill be laughing my ass off.

awi59513896d ago

Just played metro last light on max on my pc all AMD build with new CPU metro is maxed at 50 fps at 1080P and that game kicks your card butt so im happy right now lets see what BF4 can do to it. Ill sell my card if it crushes it but i doubt it.

black0o3896d ago

we all do own PCs .. this is about ps4 vs xbone

and for the record more then 80% of pc gamers do game on mid-setting almost like ps360 #fact stream database and the sells number for the high end gpu

so drop the act as if u own a 2000+ $

awi59513895d ago


A midrange card will beat the ps4 easy and then if you add two mid range cards for 100 dollars less than the cost of the ps4 its no contest at all. You can max all pc games easy at 60+ fps at 1080P with a computer that costs less than the xbox one. I have never paid more than 600 on a PC build and i got that money from selling my old parts so i didnt loose any money at all.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3895d ago
Killjoy30003896d ago

"One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers."

- There goes Xbox holding back a console generation again.

jeffgoldwin3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Now you know the feeling PC gamers have for underpowered budget consoles. Group hug?

nunley333896d ago

sony just keeps on doing donuts in MS's lawn and they can't seem to stop them from doing it.

nunley333896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

double post so i'll say this was predictable but it's still funny seeing ms flail around like this.

UltraNova3896d ago

They dont need to give up because 95% of the games are multiplat and if anyone here believes that MS will allow a single developer to make a game run better on the PS4 you are seriously diluted. As they demonstrated this generation the most powerful console doesnt always win. And they can do it again all they need to do is win In the US which they will no doubt.

And this is coming from a Sony fan.

starchild3896d ago

I don't believe that for a moment. I am willing to bet that we will see superior graphics and/or performance on PS4 games.

Madderz3896d ago


You mean deluded right?


UltraNova3892d ago (Edited 3892d ago )

starchild: I get what your thinking trust me but why do you believe that Devs will put in the extra effort to polish one version more than the other risking fan and platform holder uproar?

Madderz: Thanks for the typo headsup!I am trying...You see English is my 3rd language :)

BallsEye3896d ago

your comment makes no sense. How did they give up exactly?

AndrewLB3896d ago

I guess none of you remember the endless parade of fanboys claiming how the PS3 was so much more powerful than 360, and how Microsoft would have to compete against Nintendo for x number of reasons, etc. We all know how those claims turned out.


Blaze9293896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

So it's about 50% faster...so can someone tell me why sony fanboys have been shouting 50% STRONGER all this time?

I knew that simply wasn't the case. Honestly, any gamer should have realized that. Really, FIFTY percent STRONGER?

That would be a night and day difference people, use your damn brains.

So ok, even if it is 50% faster what does any of that mean for gaming? More specifically multi-platform gaming?

"better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers."

^ It means, NOTHING. Like i've been saying all this time. Honestly, if the difference was that vast, why have we not seen one PS4 game that outshines an Xbox 1 title in every department? EVERY? But Driveclub has yet to nail 1080p 60FPS for a RACING game? A simple ass racing game?

It should be EASILY visible with 50% "power" difference...or its just faster eh? lol i guess we will let the games speak for themselves.

black0o3896d ago

let me make it simple for u:
when someone says my car is faster then yours that automatically means that he's car has more horsepower then your and better gear box ...etc

same thing is here speed is a result of power of gpu+ram deference between the 2

nosferatuzodd3895d ago

but but but the power of the cloud will help us beat sony lol

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3892d ago
iamnsuperman3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

"Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.

Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves"

Well that was rich in detail /s

To be far what more can they say.

BattleTorn3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

To be completely honest, they could've said 'the claims of vast performance gaps are false'

Not saying that is kinda showing that they know they can't.

KonsoruMasuta3896d ago

But then they would be saying a false statement themselves.

BattleTorn3896d ago


That's assume the 50% gap is true. I don't think it's quite 50. (or 30 even)

It's not a false statement to say 'the gap's not 50%' if the gaps 45%, or 30%.

I would've thought they'd be able to say - without lying - that the Xbox One is not 50% weaker than PS4. Looks as though they can't. :(

tuglu_pati3896d ago

There's nothing else to say, on paper the PS4 is more powerful they cant argue that. Their games are looking good though. So i guess will have to wait and see.

My guess is if you are a graphic whore and don't have the money for a high end PC, PS4 is for you if you want a console with great graphics (not the best) which gives you other features than gaming go with XBO.

LetoAtreides823896d ago

No one has seen any games running on Xbox One hardware, all the gameplay you've seen have been from nerfed PCs hiding inside cabinets.

NYC_Gamer3896d ago

MS shouldn't have been on forums trying to argue over specs in the first place..

gaelic_laoch3896d ago

Exactly they should have designed a console with better specs that would not be subjected to such vitriol in the first place!

SilentGuard3896d ago

They couldn't. Kinect to MS was much, much more important and making a powerful console was secondary. "Xbox On" took precedance over designing a powerful and easy to develop for console with games first. After all, XBOne is plenty powerful for apps and tv.

MasterCornholio3896d ago

You mean Panello right?

That douche got severely owned in Neogaf and he just gave up. Even a mod got on his case about it.

thejigisup3896d ago

Great idea jumping to the forums but it kinda backfired. They should've taken this approach a month or two ago.

1OddWorld3896d ago

Can you link him getting owned. I need a good laugh.

pedrof933896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

"In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves."

This is the best answer they came up with, I don't mean to be rude, but, these guys must forget that they are competing against Sony.

By the way Penello said something that the software would balance things with the Ps4 hardware. And I just found out that Xbox One drivers are late in development ?

BG115793896d ago

It's the truth for both consoles, the Xbone and PS4's drivers are not developped yet...
So at this point they are on equal footing.

BG115793896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Shesh, I was saying equal footing to be compared, not equal footing in computing power... -_-'
The PS4 has the advantage at this point.

Whitefire3896d ago

Why even release that statement if they were going to let the games do the talking the whole time. It's obvious that they are trying to damage control. Also you didn't hear them refute the claims or say that the Xbox is stronger, because they know they cannot. Most of the reply was PR bs anyways,

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I Am Your President review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Even those outside the US will have noticed the American government’s actions bleeding into their subconsciousness. Just by scrolling social media, glancing over newspapers, listening to radio, or flicking through TV channels, you’ll inevitably catch wind of current news concerning US political parties, especially in the run-up to elections. This bleeds into video games too, with various presidents making novelty appearances over the years, and frequent digs at the government as a whole."

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Review - I Am Your President (Xbox One) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Oliver Shellding: "It’s a disheartening game that is tedious, seemingly random and honestly runs so terribly slowly on console. I Am Your President is trying to poke fun at the establishment and probably provide some spoof-esque humor, but the delivery is underbaked, flat and just a slog. For Americans, unless you’re already a zealot about the elephant or the donkey, this isn’t going to ingratiate the political circuit to you any further. If you’re from outside the U.S., I cannot imagine the appeal of this game in any capacity. If it’s something you’re truly curious about, grab it on PC when the price drops, but a Gerald Ford simulator on my Mountain Dew Box is the most assbackwards thing I’ve done this year."

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Ghost Of Tsushima's PSN May Be Online-Only, But People Still Can't Play It

Sucker Punch’s massive samurai adventure Ghost of Tsushima has come under fire because of the PSN requirement. However, unlike Helldivers 2, things are a lot different and more logical this time.

thorstein12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

"Sony has made it clear long before its release that the PSN requirement is strictly for the online multi-player Legends mode in Ghost of Tsushima and the PlayStation overlay. Online connection or PSN is not applied to the single-player campaign, which is honestly what the game is all about."

Extermin8or3_3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Legends clearly was based around using the pan they hardly want to have to design a whole new account structure just to play it, that's alot of effort and work. Ultimately people kicked up a fuss despite there being workarounds in most of those territories that people with a ps console have used over there for literally like 15/16 years. This is the consequence of that, be careful what you wish for or demand because you don't necessarily get to pick the method by which you get it.

melmacj1h ago

This game is not Helldivers 2. Every game doesn’t need to be Call of Duty. I may or may not play one minute of the online component. I’m buying it solely for the story/campaign. Sony needs to integrate it better but Microsoft does the same with Xbox live account. It’s an ecosystem they will always want to tie into the console audience and frankly don’t know why this is such a big deal.