
Celebrities in Gaming: Shattering the Illusion?

While everyone's debating Ellen Page's likeness claims this week, is there a bigger issue that faces gaming concerning the use of Hollywood actors?

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JohnDread3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

I can see why one could be concerned about this. In some cases I'd say rightful so. On the other hand this is a great thing for the industry though. Hollywood stars are Hollywood stars because people like their work. This could be a step forward for gaming to be taken a little more seriously by even entertainment industry veterans.
However, I don't think movie stars will make too many appearances (via face mo-cap at least). It's looking good as it is. Of course nobody wants to see Kristen Stewart anywhere near their game worlds and I don't think that's about to happen.

adorie3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

I have one simple reason why I don't like celebrities in games... balloned budget.
Money that could have went directly into the design. Example: more time to add things and, or polish, refinement, Etcetera.

PhantomT14123975d ago

I agree. I also think pure animations get overlooked over the costly and so-called "performance capture". It's not something that needs to disappear, but it's definitely a trend that could use some restraint. Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth with her cartoon-like animations was a much more emotionally engaging character than a performance-captured Sam Worthington in Avatar.

JohnDread3975d ago

That's true, I haven't thought about that. Still, I believe the developers know what they are doing with their budget. At least that's my experience with celebrities in games. I think LA Noire and The Last of Us couldn't have pushed the border remarkably further. Sometimes budget isn't even a problem in production, see Hollywood.

geekspodcast3975d ago

You know that hadn't occurred to me but it makes a lot of sense and I wish I'd included that as a point in the original article. It stands to reason that money spent securing likeness rights very well could be better spent in developing a deeper gameplay experience.

adorie3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

@John Dread, I agree with your comment below, but! to counter your statement, see EA. many games, mainly their sequels, after attaining "good sales" then increasing budget astronomically, then expecting 5+ million unit sales.

Jimmy Sterling put this into great perspective when he ripped into triple AAA games, a term I hope gets ground up into dust and spread over the black sea, like the ashes of someone who died before their time.

But to support your opinion as well, games like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Bioshock Infinite, The Witcher 2, Metro: Last Light. All "triple AAA" looking games that didn't seem to have extortionate budgets.

NihonjinChick3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

I personally don't have any problem with celebrities in video games. It makes it easier to feel what the character is feeling because processional actors know how to add more feeling into the role.

Who else remembers the bad voice acting in RE1? I can't even take that game serious because the voice acting and dialog is so ridiculous. I laughed more times than I was supposed to in a survival horror game.

"You were almost a Jill sandwich"

"Wow! What A MANSION!"

Hydralysk3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

That ability isn't really limited to celebrities though...

Think about it, Nolan North, Jennifer Hale, Troy Baker are probably the top voice actors in terms of exposure right now, and they aren't movie celebrities. More over, if you don't have a mo-cap studio the actor is probably going to be doing his voices alone in a booth, which most actors don't actually do outside of the odd animated film. Acting on a set is different from expressing emotion through your voice in a booth.

I don't have anything against celebrities being in games, but judging from what I've seen in the past (Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson in Oblivion and Fallout come to mind) celebrities aren't any better at conveying emotions than the voice actors that focus on video games. Add the price tag of a celebrity in and you've really got to ask yourself whether it's worth the investment.

In my mind we should be giving more praise to dedicated video game voice actors, instead of assuming that film celebrities will somehow be better at it despite it not being their main medium. Not that I don't think film celebrities can do amazing work in terms of voice acting (I mean take a look at any given Pixar movie), but we shouldn't try and get a hollywood voice actor just because we think it'll make our games look more respectable.

adorie3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

Scared me when I was young. Bad controls, bad voice and all. Lol.

Well said! :)

Sidology3975d ago

Hey, nice thought piece.

I think that the BIGGEST issue regarding is how the story is going to be told and if the game is going to rely on star power more than its own two feet. Actors are actors for a reason, in that they can convey themselves through mediums and give us the potential to BELIEVE they are someone else.

In the end, it's going to be the ability of the actors to convey their roles more than the fact that they are in the role, if you catch my drift. It doesn't matter if it's Ellen Page or not, really. It just has to be if we believe that Ellen is playing her role well as another person.

Blacklash933975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

If you actually pay much attention to celebrities, maybe. I don't, so it doesn't matter to me.

Don't see why they bother with celebrities, though. They usually don't amount to better voices, from what I've seen. And given how costly they are to hire it's not worth it. Take Bethesda games , for example. They get a celebrity VA for every game and barely use the character they voice, assuming they don't kill them early on too. That's several thousands of dollars for a paycheck that barely adds anything to the game you couldn't get cheaper and do better with using a VA native to the industry.

Edit: *Headdesk* lol, someone wrote almost the exact same thing I did before me, examples and all.

Corpser3975d ago

I really hope gaming budget of future games are not going toward hiring famous actors to motion cap or do voice overs


Beyond: Two Souls A ‘Challenging And Fulfilling’ Acting Experience For Ellen Page

The patience to act through a 2,000-page script of Beyond: Two Souls, written by David Cage, was challenging for Ellen Page.

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The best and worst video game performances of 2013

GamesBeat: 2013 was an interesting year for acting in video games, with extreme highs (The Last of Us) and extreme lows (Zeno Clash II). Here are some of our favorites in both categories.

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Sadie21003795d ago

Man, cringe-worthy is right.

Donnywho3795d ago

Trevor is definitely an unforgettable character but he should have killed Michael and his entire family.

3-4-53795d ago

Trevor was a piece of crap. He is a horrible human being. After playing GTA 5, I realized most of the characters were garbage.

I loved playing that game for like 4-5 days but I can't stand it now.

Donnywho3795d ago

So I take it you're not a Manhunt fan then? Hey, I agree with you although I enjoy filth for thrills, but I only practice it out of necessity.

JohnApocalypse3795d ago

I really liked the actress who played Lara Croft

DVAcme3795d ago

*Mika* OH GOD YES. That character is everything I hate in anime condensed into one. I know that Suda is very much into spoofing an exaggerating tropes from anime and games, it's a huge part of his style and I love it, but my god, that character is beyond painful.

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When a gaming actress’ nude images leak, who should take the legal blame?

Ars - "When nude images of Jodie Holmes, actress Ellen Page's character from Beyond: Two Souls, began appearing on the Internet a few weeks ago (courtesy of a repositioned shower-scene camera running on debug hardware) we thought the story was a little too tabloidy to cover."

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FantasyStar3854d ago

Hm...the only person who should be to blame is the modder that toy'd around too much. I'm sure the modder didn't intend for harm to happen so the idea of threatening lawsuits and such is barbarous. This whole thing is one of those "Oops, my bad" sort of deals and nothing more.

s8anicslayer3854d ago

I think that every public figure who poses nude in pictures or videos in privacy either intend to publish images for personal gain or do it because their career is stagnant. They can't say I had no idea that this could ever happen.

Deadpoolio3853d ago

Ellen Page didn't have that spectacular of a career to begin with....It's only the hipsters who are in to little boys that think she's so amazaing since she looks like Justin Beiber

MyFeetHurt3853d ago

deadpoolio LOL

an actress with the body type of a ten year old boy... not really my thing.

Naga3854d ago (Edited 3854d ago )

Law Student opinion (for whatever it's worth):

There will not be any liability imposed on the modder, and likely not even any on the sites which choose to publish the leaked images. Page may be able to secure some form of injunction which would slow the publication of the images, but any hope of that being effective is misplaced.

As the much as Sony or anyone else may want to make veiled legal threats at the pervy corners of the public, it's really just a matter of them wanting to cover their own butts. After all, the ultimate responsibility for any damages to Page's image (or emotional distress... or whatever she claims) will likely fall upon the shoulders of the entity which published the disc: Sony. Quantic would also be jointly liable for creating the content in question and including it on the disc - she would probably be able to obtain restitution damages for breach of her contract (because their programming actions exceeded the scope of the agreement, I'm sure).

At the end of the day, we as gamers have nothing to worry about. Legal liability will fall on the broad shoulders of Sony and Quantic, and there is a very high likelihood that we will see some massive settlement ($ Millions) between the parties within the next year or so. Should be interesting.

UnHoly_One3853d ago

Unless I misunderstood how these pics came about, though, I was under the impression that it was done with a debug kit PS3, and a debug version of the game.

In other words, it's something no normal user could ever access.

If that is true, then it would seem Sony wouldn't be liable for publishing the disc, because the version they actually published didn't have any access to these kinds of images, correct?

I don't know... The whole thing is weird to me... Partially because I don't see the big deal in the first place, I mean, it's not really her body.

To me it's no different than photoshopping her head onto a nude picture of somebody else, which happens to pretty much every female celebrity ever since the advent of photoshop. lol

Blacklash933853d ago (Edited 3853d ago )

It's a brand thing, really. Ellen Page and her associates are going to concerned about the brand of her likeness first and foremost.

Rzep3854d ago

The way I see it is that the extent to which the Developer can use the Actors image is or should be clearly outlined in the contract.

I am guessing, just being logical here, that this whole story is really about her not being informed that in the contract there was a piece that allowed a full nude body render to be made, or that in fact the contract did not allow a nude render.

If for example the Devs overstepped the boundries set by the contract than she has every right to demand that they remove it, or sue the company.

brich2333854d ago

The person reponsible for the handling of them.

Indo3854d ago

Removing her nude parts would only make her model more realistic, so lawsuit either way.

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