
PS4 Unveiling Shows What Is Wrong With Industry

Developers seemed to be impressed with the PS4 and what it can do for game design. However, they don't seem to be focusing on what matters.

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Nyxus4089d ago

It's far too early to draw conclusions like that. Really, all we have seen is a handful of the first games revealed for the console, we can't base any assumptions off that.

Actually, I would say jumping on conclusions like that based on just one showing, is what's wrong with gaming journalism rather than the gaming industry.

Larry L4089d ago (Edited 4089d ago )

This author is OBVIOUSLY not paying attention. He's talking about how original and creative game are important, and that raw power has nothing to do with creativity. And he's right, but that's where what he's right about ends.

It doesn't take raw power to be a creative game designer, but what raw power often does is make it ever easier for creative visions to come to life. Think about Little Big Planet. I'm not really a LBP fan, but what that game showcases for me is that there is so much power in consoles now, that there are now "games" that allow just the average gamer to be a game creator and bring their own visions to life. You need proccessing power and memory to be able to do that. There will be even less limits to our own vision with PS4 because as powerfull as PS3 is, it's still limited by it's power.

The other thing that REALLY bothers me about what this author states, is his closing. "At first, I was interested in the reveal, then I saw it was just more of the same from Sony." That's paraphrasing. That is AFTER his whole rant about power somehow stifling creativity. Excuse me, Mr. "Journalist"......in case you aren't paying attention, or perhaps can't add 2 and 2......."more of the same from Sony", is EXACTLY what the gaming industry needs in terms of "creativity" and originality.

Sony NOURISHES the indy scene. I mean, give me a break. Are Unfinished Swan, Journey, Heavy Rain, Pixel Junk games......the list goes on and on for days......are they not creative enough for you?! Sony this whole PS3 generation has done everything possible to bring these amazingly creative experiences from small-time devs to the forefront with programs like the Pub Fund. And if the small devs don't want to be Sony published they can self publish on PSN.
"More of the same from Sony" is EXACTLY what this author is claiming he's all for, but he's just completely arse-backwards in his brain, and is somehow using it to bash Sony.

He wants more of the same from Sony fundamentally, but he's bashing Sony for bringing more of the same........wft, dude ?!?!

aliengmr4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

Yes, I agree its too early. However, games, regardless of platform, have trended toward the safe genres. Higher cost of development means higher risk which leads to less risk taking.

I haven't heard anyone talking about development costs lowering next-gen, so its safe to say the industry is going to still be risk adverse with their more popular titles, perhaps even more so. What has been shown time and time again is jamming in more and more eye candy and reducing everything down to TPS and FPS genres.

This is NOT a Sony problem, its the entire industry. No matter what platform you support, its entirely plausible that just because you have the freedom to do more doesn't mean developers are going to take more creative risk than they have in the past.

An example would be keeping games like Dead Space focused on the fans of survival horror rather than broadening the fanbase to sell more copies. Where its budget is higher than an indie and lower than AAA. The freedom to do more by virtue of better hardware probably won't help in this case and may just exacerbate this the problem.

I know fans are eager to defend their platform with the announcement of the PS4. But its fair to ask whether more power will allow more creative risk than before. In some areas it might, but we have to wait and see.

I'll say it again, its not an issue with just Sony but the entire industry and its predilection for ever more shiny visuals instead of gameplay and new/risky IPs. Certainly Sony could change things but the industry hasn't shown that its willing.

I really hope there is a change and willingness to take risks on games, but it doesn't seem that way.

hennessey864089d ago

Why is it only the gaming industry that's required to make these impossible leaps in innovation and tech when phone company's release slightly changed phones every year, movie studios remake classics and never really innovate, the music industry is still dominated by the same old rubbish and yet the gaming industry is slated every chance they get. I can't think of another medium with as much innovation ad the gaming industry as a whole, its the easy one to pick at I suppose. It's pathetic.

AztecFalcon4089d ago

The mobile industry is constantly evolving almost every day. Look at where we're at since the release of the old brick Nokia phones and the original RAZR. We have quad core processors in our phones now. We have PCs in the form of tablets with the Surface.

If there's any industry pushing innovation more than any other it's mobile.

Stroke6664089d ago

the music and movie industry is a completely different medium than video games and mobile. mobile phones life cycle is a whole shorter than videogames and yes sometimes the next big phone/tablet isnt so much better/more innovative than the last iteration but in the life cycle of a videogame console mobile devices make true leaps and bounds in innovation. i agree with the article thedevelopers have their priorities mixed up. thats in part to all the graphics whores out there begging for the same games with better graphics. don't get me wrong the ps4 can be dope, i'm not hyped about it but they got my attention to see what they plan on doing, but if the industry doesn't shift toward great gameplay and not devs saying stupid things like they need more powerful machines to be innovative its gonna be a boring gen for all of us ms, sony, and nintendo fanboys alike.first paty titles i'm not so worried about especially with nintendo but third parties need to learn to work with what they go and show true innovation

DivineAssault 4089d ago (Edited 4089d ago )

what can they do to innovate anymore? Virtual reality?? I mean, the only thing technologically possible right now is network functionality & features.. Other than that, it would be gimmicky.. im sorry but motion controls was a waste of a generation so stick with the damn controller (that isnt a helipad) & make a truckload of great looking, running, sounding, playing, games

sonic9894089d ago

sony are awesome
plus more just google ps4 vr and you will see that sony were hiding some features

sonic9894089d ago


new videos for what should sony been hiding

DivineAssault 4088d ago

I don't think their hiding it but I don't think their ready to do a massive showing til it's close to perfected

Jakens4088d ago

I completely agree with you. For myself, innovation is a tricky term in my book. My friends and I talk about what gameing could be or what add ons might be coming. The cost to benifit ratio simply isn't there for the cool stuff. Not even close. I'm pround to have digial 7.1 sound. However, I dare dream about dual HDMI outputs, and full sensery simulation. Our concoles are cool but not nearly as cool as the stuff that's (possible but) not practical and certinly not affordable.

MasterCratosKong664088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

I respectfully disagree. I think a huge problem with our industry is that we want to attach the word gimmick to everything that strays away from tradition. Doing that alone is a good way to limit creativity altogether. Just because you can't see the ways we can improve the industry and change gameplay for the better, doesn't mean there isn't someone out there who can. And thanks to that mentality by a lot of vocal gamers that person probably won't ever have a chance to show it because nobody embraces change. Motion controls are a great example because now people like to attach them to "casual" gamers. Now motion controls have a lot of work to go until they become a truly useful form of play, but it is a bit bold to call them a waste. I don't agree with everything the author says, but I don't understand how you can be a fan of any form of technology without being a bit open-minded. Otherwise all we can expect are games that will look and play better, but by decreasing increments each generation.

solar4089d ago Show
CouldHaveYelledUiiW4089d ago

"The term "Chaucerian fraud" comes from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in the character called "The Pardoner". A Pardoner is one who specializes in fraud."- ranunculusviridis


I smartez, Now!

Power does not = creativity.
Power Can hinder creativity depending on what creation you have in mind.

Complicated A.I. takes processing power- so let's say you want to give complicated A.I. to 1,000 characters on the screen.
You can't just do that with out power under the hood, esp. if you are using full-Specs Graphics.

My problem is every Gen. most Developers seem to only focus on graphics, even though they make promises of more innovations every Gen.

One reason I like Nintendo, is no matter the systems power their games or their Hardware is going to bring something new.

For me I think that Sony's most telling Developer that will make the power of the PS4 shine is Quantic Dreams. I think they are going to do something with Story telling and NPC character A.I. that will blow us away - or at least I hope.

No Fraud, Brah.

ChickenMan344089d ago

power 100% creates creativity are you that stupid ? if not for the change from cartridge games like nes to cd like psone than we would have never seen better graphics bigger worlds longer games with special features how you can say that power doesnt help creativity is beyond me , you my friend are a troll and a retard

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4089d ago (Edited 4089d ago )


"Power does not = creativity.
Power Can hinder creativity depending on what creation you have in mind."

Then I said:

>>Complicated A.I. takes processing power- so let's say you want to give complicated A.I. to 1,000 characters on the screen.
You can't just do that with out power under the hood, esp. if you are using full-Specs Graphics.<<<

Next Time try reading before going Psycho with insults.

Jakens4088d ago

Better AI is coming. We all know it. Same with better physics.

glennco4087d ago

I haven't seen better AI for 20 years. it is a dream

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