
Designing Slam Bolt Scrappers: Iteration 4 (of 5)

Eitan Glinert continues with part 4 of the Fire Hose Games development series:

"After finishing our work on Dance Central with Harmonix it was late August 2009 and we were trying to figure out what to do next. The prototype we had worked on so many months ago felt stale and unpolished, and we were certain we could do a better job if we started from scratch. Furthermore with the Nintendo greenlight we decided to switch engines to Gamebryo since it was cross platform (i.e. we could switch release anywhere, assuming we got lucky and managed to find a publisher willing to back us)."

Lost? Parts 1 http://n4g.com/news/727070/...
2 http://n4g.com/news/727944/...
and 3 http://n4g.com/news/728697/...

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Cat4815d ago

Eitan stopped by N4G the other week and partly in response to the discussion here decided to create this series. (This is the fourth, the earlier ones are linked above.)

In this iteration Eitan talks about starting with a new engine, IGF and the Indie Game Challenge and game tester feedback.

He'll be by to respond to comments and questions, so post away!

eitanglinert4815d ago

Yar, I be here in the comments, replyin' to yer queries.

Interesting side note: we considered putting this level into SBS as an unlockable easter egg, and then bailed on the idea as the level is mega tedious. Who would ever want a boring easter egg?

Criminal4815d ago

Looks like a great game. I'm going to download the demo right now, but I have a question.

Are there any plans to add online multiplayer?

Don't get me wrong, if I enjoy the demo, I'm going to buy it regardless of online.



eitanglinert4815d ago

Good question. When we released the plan was for it to be local multiplayer only - the game is really fantastic when played locally, and we didn't want to make an inferior networked version.

However, we've been getting a lot of fans requesting this so I'm rethinking my stance on the issue. I've always felt that if a lot of people tell you something you should listen, especially if it's people who like our game and care enough about it to ask for a feature. We certainly want our fans to be happy!

GodofSackboy4815d ago (Edited 4815d ago )

Why the hell are these articles so popular???

AAHH come on I don't even know what slam bolt scrappers is!!?? WTF?? is it cause Cat posts it??

Kon4815d ago

It is quite obvious. I think you're the only one that didn't figure it out.

Adamalicious4815d ago

Thanks for posting. It's always interesting to have a window into how a game gets made.


Announcing: N4G Indie Month Coming This July

Cat writes, "After months of planning in my über secret lair, I'm more than a little excited to share that this July we will host our first ever Indie Games Month at N4G! A month-long celebration of indie developers and games, we’re giving indies main page N4G time with demos, trailers, previews, interviews, guest blogs and giveaways."

Palitera3674d ago (Edited 3674d ago )

Everybody wins!


Slam Bolt Scrappers Review | CalmDownTom

Slam Bolt Scrappers is a strange game. Strange in an interesting way. The basic premise is that you have a building area and your opponent has a building area. You then fight over crates which can be dropped in your own building area in a sort of psuedo-tetris way. When these crates are arranged into square shapes they form turrets that shoot at the other player’s turrets. Oh! And there’s different coloured crates for different types of turrets. Also there’s ninjas and giant robots. Got all that? Good.

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Be Mine 8 Has 7 Games Of Surprising Quality For $5

Gamesta.com has yet another round of PC deals for frugal gamers. The latest comes from Groupees and their Be Mine 8 Bundle promotion that packs a ton of games for a low price. Just a buck will get you 4 games already, like the recently released Slam Bolt Scrappers. With $5 or more, you'll get Blood Bowl and more as well.