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No thx. I’ll play it on the x or pro.

2417d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

relax your boner, bro. COD enhanced is available. it just wasn't showing up in the enhanced section. its not the only enhanced game to not show up in the section. if you install it like i did, you will quickly notice that it is in fact enhanced.

D2 was too busy s'n sony's D with exclusive content to be bothered with making their console version look the best it could look on superior hardware. thankfully they are the minority developer for enhancements so fa...

2417d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

its definitely there. i have it and its working... COD that is.

2417d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wait. listen. whats that? developers are actually doing stuff for the one x? but.... the internet was.... wrong?? if you told me its reviewing and selling well i'll know you're pulling my leg.... what?? it is??

sony may have more exclusives, but console hardware is decidedly a win for ms

2417d ago 12 agree19 disagreeView comment

developers love showing off what they can do. more power lets them do that. single reason alone why i was never worried. it only makes their own products look better in return and that draws attention to them. nobody says "wow that game looks average for the system".

2417d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Same. Looks and runs premium.

2417d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice one. Completely pleased with my scorpio edition. Hope it continues to sell well. Having superior multiplatform versions is sure to turn at least some heads in the short term.

2417d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

I got a 2tb drive on prime now for $50. That’s 3tbs on my x.

Nobody said better textures don’t take more space. It’s not magical alternate consumer reality world.

2417d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yet I still had to buy one for my pro too. *eyeroll*.

Nobody said the best was the cheapest, otherwise everyone would be driving Porsche’s and Ferrari’s. 4k textures are in fact more information and scale and thus bigger. That’s just physics and nature.

2417d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It’s like I actually know what I’m talking about sometimes....

2417d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Switch will take 1st cuz the holidays love kids and kids love Switch and parents love Nintendo. Out of Sony and ms I bet it’s neck and neck. Sony has sold more historically but new hardware usually sells high. ms is getting positive reviews and great impressions of the one x and word is out on the street that it’s yes... a beast. That will count for something - especially when even my diehard Sony friends post on Facebook things like “I actually think I’m going to buy an x” (true sto...

2417d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

Agreed. It’s almost impressive how shitty it runs on every system across the board.

2418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don’t see how the racing sim missing more than all of its competitors and playing catch up is the gold standard. It’s the best Gran Turismo in a long while for sure and it’s definitely good, but it’s no longer the gold standard.

2418d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

Whelp. You guys get th shitty Rez now. And shitty textures.

2418d ago 14 agree52 disagreeView comment

The very same reasons I got it. They also didn’t mention the faster load times, wider color gamuts, Dolby Atmos, and nonpatched games getting performance boosts... including bc games. Oh. And it’s way quieter than my pro when the load gets high. Whisper quiet in fact.

2418d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

Ha. That’s cool. I don’t even think it’s assholish. Just fun and clever.

2418d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

the hardware is there, the multi platforms are there and they got the hint on exclusives. some out, some coming.

2418d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

"a great showcase of the leap in power that xbox one x has over the 4.2 tflops of sony's machine, translating purely as an image quality boost".

2418d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

superior hardware wins again. get used to this.

2418d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

That’s me! I have the pro cuz it was the best hardware when released. I have been playing all my newly purchased multiplatform games on it. When the x went on sale I bought it for that exact reason. After playing on the X all day, I know I made the right decision for definitive versions. The X is just hands down better hardware across the board. From graphics to audio to footprint to noise to power consumption. And in person it’s immediately apparent.

2418d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment