are you a gamer or a spin doctor? #noMoreFanboy


CRank: 5Score: 32810

Ha seriously. Crossplay is definitely “for the players”. Com on, guys!

2416d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

News flash: no one NEEDS video games, period. Better graphics and performance are things some gamers want. Don’t speak for me and what I need or want. I want the best console hardware that delivers the best performance. That’s also why I bought the best tvs with my requirements and the best audio too. Not everyone likes to halfass it.

2416d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Bullshit. That’s like saying someone wouldn’t buy a Lamborghini cuz they’ll have to put gas in it more often.

People who want the console know why they want it and know that bigger resolutions and assets take more space. That’s the whole point. Everything is higher rez. The fact that the installs are big means you aren’t getting f’d around. PC users have been dealing with it just fine.

This website is the worst. Anytime Xbox gets positive momentum a wave ...

2416d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Trumpwontstopcrying wont stop crying. To some of us $500 isn’t a ton of money. I just spent $300 going out last weekend. Who cares. And bigger downloads lol. That’s like not buying a high end sports car cuz it gets terrible gas mileage. If you want a Lamborghini you want it for what it can do, not it’s gas mileage.

2416d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yup. Here we go. If it’s not being pushed now, imagine how badass it will be when it is. Cuz it’s already fantastic. Everybody celebrate (except salty PS4 fanboys)

2416d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol that’s not at all what it said. You guys are so drunk on koolaid it’s laughable. The only thing he said was he would wait a year for more games being built for X.

2416d ago 2 agree24 disagreeView comment

purdy. i love white consoles. wish the white was available when i got my pro.

2417d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet another beastly review.

2417d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think PS4 fanboys care more about how many exclusives Xbox has than Xbox users. It’s like the only argument and people interested in the one X don’t really care. There are more multiplatform games than exclusives and lately they’ve been more popular and better reviewed than most exclusives. Not every exclusive is a home run. Look at Ryse, Gravity Rush, kill strain,Knack 1 and 2, tomorrow children, recore etc. dead or on the way. Wildlands sold more than Uncharted 4 as did PUBG. So.. exclus...

2417d ago 20 agree16 disagreeView comment

the only thing that will part you with hundreds of dollars is a sony logo regardless of context.

2417d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never thought I’d say this on a Friday but damn I wish it was next Tuesday.

2417d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

thank you for listening, MS. Its a shame we didn't have this consumer friendly stance at the launch of the xb1, but theres never a bad time to start listening and start acting. you've certainly done that now.

2417d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

lets be real here. there are plenty of games. when i look at the ms store and the sony store, they are more similar than different. I'll even do screen grabs to show you. yes sony has more exclusives but that doesn't mean xbox has no games. i have 13 games on my ps4. approximately 3 are exclusives. so that leaves 10 games that would be better on the one X. another thing. not every exclusive is amazing. gravity rush is basically dead, knack 2 and gt sport are hovering in the 7...

2417d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

oh snap! im gonna do some nice photography on the Scoprio edition when it arrives. Haven't seen enough detail on that.

2417d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

badass. those textures clean right up. remember, the real magic is seeing it 1:1 on a 4k HDR screen. thats then you REEEALLY see it (for obvious reasons)

2417d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment

fanboy syndrome. if it were sony's console you'd have to wipe the screen off from too many "happy endings" after the review.

2417d ago 36 agree24 disagreeView comment

Pretty much saying what I’ve been saying myself. I’ll keep my pro for it’s great exclusives but everything else is going on the X.

2417d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tuesday can’t get here fast enough. I have a new iphoneX out for delivery right this second, yet I’m completely fixated on my Tuesday delivery of the one X instead.

2417d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Amen. Funny enough I bought the Pro for the exact reason. it was definitive console hardware. Now I bought the X for the same reason. My 4k hdr team will be complete this Tuesday. Can. Not. Wait.

2417d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

In a few years when it comes - if they don’t go the route of thin-client which is very possible based on this article. This article also makes it sound like it won’t be for a while. It specifically states th need for new hardware refresh isn’t as important as it used to be based on new business models.

And you realize it’s already been confirmed that th successor to the xb1 is already in development, right? Rest assured MS isn’t going to let their next console be out powe...

2417d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment