are you a gamer or a spin doctor? #noMoreFanboy


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fantastic! This is a game i actually have on both consoles (got it for free cuz i worked on the cinematics). It will be interesting to swap back and forth between my Pro and my X to see the comparisons.

2412d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

they are bro. f7, super luckys tale, cuphead, crackdown 3 and pubG and sea of thieves are all released or releasing soon (F7 reviewed better than GTS and PUBG is the biggest selling game in the world right now). They also have some games in the works that haven't even been announced yet, not to mention they themselves just announced a shift to more first party attention. I know this cuz we are a vendor that works on their media/advertising so we know whats coming down the pipe before i...

2412d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment


2412d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Holy shit that’s a lot! GTAV is still in my heavy rotation and rdrII is gonna freakin kill it once released. I will def be playing that on the one X for full glory.

2412d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice one MS. loving mine. Can’t believe how good some of these games look on it. Definitive versions of ac origins, cod wwII, shadow of war, PCars2 etc... F7 looks way better than on the S and puts GTS on notice. I have been on that thing since it came out of the box. Sorry PS4 Pro, I love you and your exclusives, but the one X blew my hair back and slapped my eyeballs. The games I have played and listed are razor sharp, both in resolution and texture quality. You could nearly mistake some of...

2412d ago 8 agree22 disagreeView comment

But but exclusives....

2412d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

It’s awesome man. I’ve been on it all day... the X that is. I think my Pro is gonna be hibernating thru the winter after what I’ve seen today.

2413d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

I just got my one x today. I’ve seen it befor but when it’s in your house on your own gear and it still looks mindblowingly clear and smooth it’s an exciting feeling. I’m in love. Forza 7 and AC Orgins are next level on the X. Can’t wait for PUBG in 4k.

2413d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bummer. So far so good over here. Im sure they’ll get sorted out but still sucks.

2413d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

i bought both. the one x so far looks better.

2413d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

Price was an argument due to Kinect being a forced bundle. The problem is With price was that it cost more for less performance and a Kinect not everyone wanted. At some point in the beginning they split out the Kinect to match the PS4 price. Th BIGGER argument was power and the price was a factor in that argument. Even after the removal of the Kinect, you were now paying the SAME price for less performance and that stuck... long after Kinect removal. Come on, man. Don’t over simplify.

2413d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Other points to consider: value, future proofing, performance gains, features like Dolby Atmos and 4k bluray, a practical guarantee on definitive multiplatform versions, network reliability, consumer policies and so on... I like to use more than one data point. Not sure about you.

Furthermore it’s not like there aren’t games to play. I’ve been playing the x all day. Forza 7 is superior to GTS and I own both. Ac Origins looks and runs better on X, as does Project Cars. Gear...

2413d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus. Who writes this shit. The biggest argument against the x1 was performance. REMEMBER?? 900p vs 1080p gate, frame rate gate, vsync gate, aliasing gate and so on. It wasn’t til the One X and Scalebound getting canned did it switch to exclusives being the more important argument (conveniently enough when outpowered)

The PS4 pro and the one x are direct admissions by Sony and ms respectively that gen 8 consoles were underpowered at launch and not equipped for the now blos...

2413d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who cares. I’d rather have the performance. My one x showed up today and it looks f’ing gorgeous on my Sony xbr950 4k hdr screen

2413d ago 11 agree24 disagreeView comment

F*** yes! Beautiful.

2413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No offense. :)

2413d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Maybe fanboys should get thicker skins or learn to care less when people are interested in things they aren’t and let the rest of us celebrate some great new hardware without telling us we are wrong or talking a bunch of shit.

Adults should be able to talk and be respectful. We are excited about the one X even if they aren’t. Can’t count how many times we’ve had pro Sony mantras beaten into our heads. 2 way streets and all. If people don’t want to read the celebratory bea...

2413d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

100%. The extra 4gb of ram, balls fast gpu (in the console space) and even a high clocked cpu all give the X more headroom than the pro. My PS4 pro might finally be taking a break after tomorrow ;)

2414d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

wolfenstein is going to deflower my eyes on the one X. I'm glad I waited.

2414d ago 10 agree17 disagreeView comment

where is the ps4 pro stepping up? one x already has way more native 4k titles than ps4 pro and the pro has been out for a year. i know this cuz i own the pro. i love how people talk shit about the one X not hitting 4k on games SOMETIMES for 1) it can do way more than the ps4 pro is even capable of no matter what and 2) its entirely up to devs to decide how to use the power. on the pro theres less headroom and RAM so some of those decisions get made for you.

2414d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment