are you a gamer or a spin doctor? #noMoreFanboy


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F yeah. So hyped for Tuesday. Don’t be fooled by some of the reviews coming out just yet either. They’re basing some of their impressions on games that haven’t even had their X enhanced patches go live yet (like forza7 and others) as I just found out. Most patches don’t go live until Tuesday.

2517d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah. I will definitely be playing this game when it’s old in 2019-2020 too.

2517d ago 13 agree13 disagreeView comment

Hey Jim Ryan, here’s some more interesting results of those interesting specs. lol. The best part is it’s only gonna get better from here. Devs haven’t even had a ton of time to get familiar with the one X yet. Imagine when they start squeezing out every bit of all that extra power. THAT will be interesting indeed.

2517d ago 9 agree26 disagreeView comment

Correction. The one X can run it at least 16xxp. They just didn’t make it.

2518d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

hmm... meh. not every month can be a winner i guess.

2518d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Nintendos exclusives have the power of very well known IP that rival Mickey Mouse and McDonalds for brand recognition. They got that going long before the console wars and exclusives were a huge thing and it’s paid off.

Exclusives by their very nature are in fact limited. Hence the classification. That makes them harder to be known to more people and it also takes years for IP to become so successful. That’s also why I say just being an exclusive doesnt make a game ...

2518d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Impressive. It’s the reason to have a switch imo. I hate on the switch a lot I know, but MO is definitely something to appreciate. And though it might not be as technically or visually impressive as some stuff coming off the Pro and One X, it’s a blast. My only gripe is the co-op play feels s little phoned in. Hardly a dealbreaker though.

2518d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh. That makes it not a problem now. Only western games will have storage problems. Guess that explains why my One S came with a 2 terabyte drive. I’ll make sure that problems only matter based on origin. My car is German, do German cars have to worry about tire pressure or just Japanese ones?

2518d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

So frustrating how the switch deals with storage. I honestly don’t understand why people think it’s so great. Almost everything about it is a pain in the ass. The only thing that isn’t a pain is removing it from the dock. Even my mobile phone has 128gb of storage (256gb when my iphoneX shows up tomorrow). If the switch was made by anyone other than Nintendo it would be a failure. The other fact here is the average game on PS4 or x1 is around 45gb +. If 25gb is a problem then you can count on...

2518d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

He obviously doesn’t know it’s a PS4 exclusive! Let’s tell him that it is so he rewrites it correctly.

“I was worried about GOW 4 and felt it was getting stale until I learned it was an exclusive so now I feel differently and it’s the best and only Xbox exclusives get stale by release 4”.

There. Edited it for N4G audience logic. You’re welcome.

In all seriousness, GOW is what it is. The formula is old now but it will still be good I’m s...

2518d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

Same. Which means we make a lot of console sacrifices for portability which I personally don’t consider a high priority.

2518d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cool that it works. Definitely not a looker.

2518d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

No way!! I have a switch and it’s cool and all but if you don’t have a console already I wouldn't recommend Switch. Too many sacrifices. In addition to the weaker hardware you give up having a proper online service, chat is a pain in the ass requiring a separate app running on a mobile device (even tho Switch is a mobile device), no achievements, no apps, no streaming, no Bluetooth access other than joycon connections and still not many games outside of a Nintendo IP and still no virtual ...

2518d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Take a look, Jim Ryan. Thats what an interesting spec gets you over the Pro. and this is 3rd party. Just imagine when people get this thing dialed in.

2519d ago 25 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol. more power means taking graphics further. plain and simple. even comparing GTS on the ps4 pro to Forza 7 running on the One X specifically (not the S as everyone has been doing) shows a clear and present graphical advantage in favor of the one X -with a stronger frame rate to boot... while only tapping 70% of the gpu. same with assassins creed, shadow of war and the list goes on. Sony's 1st party developers will always deliver beautiful graphics, but now they're going to have ...

2519d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

good for them. video games have grown up as a mature medium at this point and these issues exist in the real world. to pretend they don't exist or have no place in story telling is doing a huge disservice to victims by denying awareness to as many groups of people as possible.

2519d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s what the one X is for.

2519d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

strange that all analysts reports suggest the exact opposite. and that their reports are tied to info on pre-sales... and the fact that ms ramped UP production of the X after initial pre-sale rates. this carried on into the current production schedule which - even at present - they are concerned that there might be supply issues.

the ps4 fanboys are placing too much importance on the fact that sony has more exclusives. almost assuredly because MS now has the superior hard...

2520d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

i just got my order update saying my order is scheduled to be shipped on the 7th. can't wait.

2520d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

why would you care about an article about consoles then? to talk about your pc? no one is impressed.

2520d ago 26 agree14 disagreeView comment