are you a gamer or a spin doctor? #noMoreFanboy


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Everybody stand back. Another list is coming out. Everybody change their opinions about what they like and praise it...

2390d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Switch has admittedly killed it this year. I didn’t see it but there it is. I ended up with a pro an x and a switch so I’m either a great consumer or an enthusiastic gamer.

2390d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

so those other 140 enhanced games available are just box art? my X kills my Pro on every level. i'll keep the pro for sony exclusives but literally every other game made runs superior on X and considering my go to games are more often multiplatform than ps4 exclusives, i'll take that power all day long.

2391d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

100% I thought my Pro was the shit until my X arrived. The differences are immediately obvious. I of course do have a pretty high end 4k HDR TV (2 actually).

True story, I had my X in the living room and the S and the Pro in the office (the 2nd 4k HDR tv). I got so used to playing the X, that one night I had to play in the office on the S and I ended up selling the S the next day and buying a second X. My Pro has been assigned to PS4 exclusives only at this point as w...

2391d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

no shit. i think we've all established that. thats why i think mid cycle refreshes are good for consoles and keeps quality moving forward. its also why i hate playing on base console hardware now. i don't want a gaming pc, but i definitely want my consoles as powerful as they can be.

2391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. Ok. A) that defeats ththe whole point on the base PS4 b) PCars 2 is hands down the best, most realistic racing sim on console. Period. If you’re not a gearhead that doesn’t care, that’s one thing but the physics come first (and they are better than F7, GTS and assetto Corsa which any Motorsport fan will tell you) and playing on base PS4 hardware is complete shit to playing enhanced on the one X (hence the whole point of the Pro and X) so I’m not sure what you’re point is.. cuz my point w...

2391d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I guess. I’m more interested in PUBG tho because it feels less cartoon and more adult. I would have purchased Fortnite already if i was interested in it. Def buying PUBG tho.

2391d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Definitely check out the demo on One X if you really want to see the full enhancements. Oddly the retail release doesn’t have them yet and just bumps the rez and frames. The demo takes it much further.

2391d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Whelp. First they promised to bring back an olde timey energy source (coal) and now they want to set the Information Age back. Pretty soon women won’t be able to vote the way it’s going. Those Republicans sure being progressive... said no one.

2392d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

i admittedly dislike when stuff gets announced years out. I'm glad they waited to announce. I'm really looking forward to learning more about this one though and thankfully it won't be long. I've always had a soft spot for Suckerpunch and Second Son was the first game I bought on PS4.

2392d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you mean the words you didn't read? your fanboy is showing, bro.

2392d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

too bad for you i guess.

2392d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Whelp. I'll concede. My expectations for the Switch were wrong.

2392d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

the upgrades in the demo are significant. admittedly i was slightly disappointed with the presentation of pcars2 on the x comparatively to the base version (even tho it ran the smoothest out of all the versions). When i installed the demo out of curiosity, thats when i saw the added visual enhancement modes and oh wow do they absolutely make a difference.

2392d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

cool about the enhancements but i feel that article could have been summed up with the first question and ended. very redundant.

2392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are they gonna give me for buying two X’s? :)

2392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The crazy thing is it’s doing this WHILE loading higher res assets than base harder... bigger files. The proof to how much faster this actually ends up being is in the non-patched GTA5 load times. Significant decrease as it’s not loading 4k textures and higher poly geometry. The average load increases are not as crazy but again loading double the amount in less time. Imagine that in reverse with the One S or PS4. It would triple load times.

2392d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol it came with a free game pass to lots of games. and a free xbox live gold, which comes with 4 free games a month... 2 of which thanks to backward compatibility... the best part is free upgrades to all the biggest multiplatform games that run better than on ps4 pro... and those are all pretty new games. just saying. my X smokes my Pro on just about every multiplatform title.

2392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sing it! *clap* music to my ears.

2393d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Broken record talking points from someone that has never even touched an Xbox but thinks he knows more about it than anyone cuz he reads fanboy rags for news. Objectivity is an endangered species on this site and debate priorities shift withth news of the day. lol. People are weird.

2393d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment