are you a gamer or a spin doctor? #noMoreFanboy


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Too bad that $399 price point was so important. They could have done more and not be as underpowered comparatively. Then it could do 4k AND bells and whistles.

2497d ago 13 agree17 disagreeView comment

how many multiplatform games are coming out and were just released. so far over 150. all with superior performance. plenty of reasons to get a one x. its not like gen 8 consoles only play exclusive content. the biggest selling IP 9 out 10 times aren't even exclusives. look at any sales charts for the last 5 years. and... the biggest selling game of 2017 is launching on X in a few weeks. its a bs argument. exclusives are great but nobody just only plays exclusives and the majority...

2497d ago 31 agree94 disagreeView comment

If it’s a full game, sure. The bigger question is should it be full price for being so old. Changing the platform doesn’t really change the age, but then again it’s been updated to compensate for vr so that’s a refresh.

2498d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

f*** yeah it is.

2498d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dope! More content will definitely make GT Sport a stronger title.

2498d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s not a sim....

2499d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
2499d ago Show

lol. no. this is where power matters. forza is a sim. gt sport is a sim. project cars is a sim. first you need the power to run the actual simulations in real time. then you want the sims to update as fast as possible, and since simulations can only refresh as fast as the frames render, 60 fps is more ideal... again... more power. then because they are sims, its best to play them with force feedback wheels and pedals (and h-pattern shifters and clutches and whatever else you want to add...

2499d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

anecdotally speaking, most of the gamers in my social circle held off buying S's because they knew the X was launching. Some of them even pushed off PS4 Pro purchases to wait for the X (some did not). Even a bit of my hardcore ps4 friends ended up buying X's as well. Personally speaking, I have a pretty high end 4k HDR tv, and those that have seen my One X on it walk away very impressed. Myself included. Hands down the cleanest visuals and performance on console.

2499d ago 19 agree13 disagreeView comment


2499d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

So exclusives are the most important even though several huge multiplatform games have dwarfed most exclusive sales. Makes sense...

Congrats to the FIFA team tho. That’s huge.

2499d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

out of 65 million ps4 users, 300k played RE7 in vr and thats healthy? thats .5% of the base

2500d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

before we all get into the whole "new games" thing. I had too much time on my hands when on the one x the other night so with my phone i snapped photos of the "new releases" section on the One X and composited them all together into one image you can see here:

feel free to download and zoom in The black bars are t...

2500d ago 4 agree19 disagreeView comment

LOL so the parents had to step in and tell the children not to break their toys or they’d be taken away.

Disney obviously doesn’t want their franchise being dragged thru the mud w/ EA’s BS. I’m sure this is the last Battlefront to be published by EA.

2500d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ha thats dope. imagine if the switch had the horsepower to actually run unreal 4 at a high graphic level. Zelda would look amazing.

2500d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

now lets see some One X enhanced gameplay

2500d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

jesus... are people that dense?? Cost. The console is already in "premium" cost territory. Would you rather sink your money into the gpu and ram or a hard drive the user can just upgrade if they so desire on their own? I'd rather spend the money on better gpu/ram upfront. Keep in mind the console is currently being sold at a loss even without the SSD so... yeah.

2500d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet I’ve spent more time on my X than my PS4 pro since my X arrived. Guess I was just playing hbo go.

Wait. No I wasn’t. I was playing forza 7. The game that reviewed better and also runs better than Gran Turismo sport. Followed up by definitive versions of AC Origins and wwII and still have two generations of other games to play thx to BC oh and 3 game services my PS4 doesn’t have.

Here’s a link to a stream of photos just scrolling through the enhanced s...

2500d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Amazon is 1/10th of the distribution and also just announced a bunch of Black Friday deals

2500d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the brits but you should learn some more history :) but hey. At least your countrymen didn’t vote in trump. *sigh*

2500d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment