
CRank: 5Score: 20230

It was also different the second time, as he actually said stuff when he climbed, adding to his character and story. Thought that was pretty cool.

But then you skip to the rest of it, so it was fine.

4971d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For myself, it is about playing games that I missed out on.

On my ps2, I already have the God of Wars, so I did not get the God of War Collection. However, I never got around to playing any Sly Cooper or Ratchet and Clank games (only Jak and Daxter, and I loved those game) so I am looking into those rereleases because it gives me chance to play them on my PS3.

You say Sony is greedy, but no one has to buy these games. They choose to because they want to. ...

4971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am assuming you are being sarcastic. Otherwise you are just wrong

4971d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not game of the year. I am pretty sure that is going to end up in the Mass Effect 2 camp, with some nice competition from RDR, God of War 3, and I guess now Gran Turismo.

But a fun and enjoyable game nonetheless, and one that I will be picking up for sure.

4972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ DaBadGuy

That incinerator is what they use to heat their building. Kotick trying to cut costs all over the place

4973d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Depends on the amount of time it takes to get the game out. If it only will take one more month or so, delay both versions. No big deal. Patience is a virtue

If the wait will be 6 months or more though, then sure. Release the ready version. I am a PS3 only owner, but I can wait for game. Would be more enjoyable when I play it with all the kinks worked out. No problem. It is better than spending a bunch of money just to get something 2 months earlier.

Also, us...

4973d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have not made up my mind on Call right now- I promised myself that I would skip it, but we'll see.

But I am all about dropping all MULTIplat console favoritism in general, for both the xbox and ps3. I feel that let the first party studios show off what each system is about, for they are the ones designed for that system.

But when it comes to multiplat, buying DLC, buying extras, buying ads to omit the competition is just silly.

First, ...

4973d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Just replayed both Uncharteds myself, even though they are mostly 1 player. Who knew games are fun even if you already beat them?

I usually go back to a game after a while, even if I platinumed or beat it a while ago, etc.

4974d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was reading the article, curious if maybe a source somewhere was actually accurate about it, and then this jumps in:

"In fact Sony fudges a lot of things. The company's PlayStation 3 "can only do everything," which of course it can't.

Take the PlayStation Move. Replace my plastic back scratcher? Maybe next time, Sony."

I can understand comparing the fact that Sony waited a month to release the Move data to other...

4974d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah, because that was relevant to the conversation. /s

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most casual gamers have heard of Call of Duty over the past couple of years, and the yearly release dates make it popular as well. Amongst everyone.

Kinect is a week old, and while it has a sizable advertising budget, is still a week old.

I think that if I were to grab a random person off the street, casual or hardcore, they would have heard of Call of Duty before either the Kinect or Move. Both of the motion devices are too new, while Call has years of relea...

4975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

could you tell me where you heard that about the armor? Because that would suck.

4977d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They really don't differ from one another. Whoever started it, good for them, but the systems for each works well. Hopefully it does not affect the games people play, but as you said Servbot, it obviously does. I bet that Hannah Montana game was totally worth it.

The thing for Microsoft and Sony is that, if they carry over gamerscore and trophies into the next generation, then that will snare a lot of returning fanbase, because people will want to continue to expand their...

4979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beat me too it lol. That line just jumped out at me when reading the piece haha.

"I've had a Wii, and PlayStation ... I would not want it if they gave it to me,"

This also makes me sad. I only have a Playstation, and I do not have any intentions on getting a 360 or a Wii, but if someone were to give one to me, then why not? There are a bunch of great games on all systems and this illogical adherence only leads to missing out on those games. And ...

4981d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good for Microsoft. I don't own a 360 though, so I don't care. The numbers seem a little screwy, but they will be straightened out in due time. And then we can argue all about it then.

Good for Sony too. The PS3 has really come a long way, and the quality is also shining through.

Why everyone gets so worked up about this is beyond me. What we should be doing is uniting against casual gaming (haha well I am not a fan) and better games all around (bad m...

4983d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But he did not go about his quest in order to bring back free will. He went in there just to get revenge, not caring about anything else during his quest. It just so happened that his revenge quest indirectly brought about freedom from Olympus. But because of his intentions, he was still being a pretty big antihero.

4984d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4985d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. Jak had its great run on the PS2, and it wrapped up nicely. Now with a new system we got Uncharted, and are in the middle of its awesome run.

Now for the PS4, I hope that they have another new great IP that I like. Keep the IPs coming.

It seems like with Naughty Dog, they have a new series with every console. Crash and PS1, Jak and PS2, Uncharted and PS3. And it only keeps getting better.

4985d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of the poorer lists I have seen.

A tank? Really?

I like L4D as much as the next guy, but a tank should not be on that list of "ALL TIME" greatest boss fights. So many better ones that I could think of.

4987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't have to play the first one I would imagine, but you are robbing yourself of a great gaming experience if you don't. Its a fantastic game

4989d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment