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The baby ones for the PS3 at first kind of sucked, but I like the recent ones a lot

4915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are there PS3 and Xbox version as well?

4915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When did everyone lose their sense of humor? People should get that checked out.

4915d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

@mystic summer- yeah, unfortunately I got into RPGs late. I need to go back and play some of the older ones, some of the final fantasys, Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate, try the earlier Fallouts, etc. My first RPG was KOTOR (heard good things and Star Wars lol)

@Thanatos-I got through it. It was just the main quest, if you just did that, was only 5 or 6 hours long tops. Not much main story.

4923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with that. As another example, I enjoyed Fallout 3, and I know and understand how it is a really great game. It is just not mine.

If I had to choose, especially when it comes to RPGs, I would rather go with a Bioware one, because of the focus on story first, and then freedom.

I enjoyed it, but I just did not have the urge to have to get to the end like you do with other games. Especially when you are looking at 30+ hours

4923d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. I guess I interpreted it as once hanging on a ledge, easier to move about, point to where you jump next, stuff like that.

Haha. Did not think of it like that.

4931d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No Co-op (for the reasons already mentioned), no parkour (he is supposed to be sort of a normal guy), no active reload (these are guns that are modern, not futuristic or anything).

And I think they are already working on improved combat, greater background detail, better enemy ai, and freedom of movement.

And I bet Elena would be back- if not, I will be disappointed.

So in the end, improve what you wanted to improve upon Naughty Dog, and do...

4931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought that they could/would do this soon. But I doubt it will be at E3. If I can channel Patcher for a moment, I would think that they would wait until PS3 drops the price, and then respond with a price drop of their own. That way they can ride the higher price for as long as they can compete, etc.

4951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My answer would be...depends on the game

For games like Arkham Asylum and Uncharted 2, both fantastic games and some of my favorites, the boss fights at the end fell flat. Arkham Asylum had these great "boss fights" with scarecrow doing what he does best, or Killer Croc, etc. And then to just sit there and fight a super big Joker was a little disappointing. Same with Uncharted 2: I really liked the guy on the train fight, or the helicopter. It felt challenging but r...

4956d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did not have too many complaints with the Mass Effect gameplay, etc.

My biggest complaint was the feel of the team. I felt that in 2 there were a bunch of them, but they just felt like my employees and not my team. Also, the romance companion was kind of a joke. I felt it lost some depth in those 2 areas, and that was my biggest complaint. At least in Dragon Age Origins, I felt that the team was great and the interaction felt much more organic. Hoping that stays the same in...

4968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At the same time, she hulk and hulk? X23 and Wolverine? I feel that those character slots could have been allocated a little bit better.

And it kind of stinks when my favorite "fun" team of Cyclops, Gambit, and Iceman is completely left out of this game.

4968d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My favorite part of the first Dragon Age, and most RPGs in general, is the character interaction. I really loved the characters in the first one, and hope that they make appearances coming back in the second one.

4971d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I usually don't mind the lists, they pass the time, etc.

But this one is horrible.

"Commander Shepard and his/her hook up choice"?-That does not even name a significant other

Batman and Catwoman? That game has not even come out yet, how do they know

And the absence of Nathan Drake and Elena makes it a bit of a joke

4972d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ChrisW and cakeisalie

Its about 5 1/2 years old. Still kicking well which is surprising. The problem is I have not upgraded it throughout the years, so it still has just the same graphics card (just the Radeon X1300).

The only new component is a new hard drive to increase storage about a year and half ago. Also helped with the RAM.

I was able to barely play Mass Effect 1, which was great, but really hiccupy for me. So it is just easier to g...

4979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agree with the PC will be the best. Unfortunately my PC can't run it (a little old) so getting it on my PS3

4979d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree. There are obviously a ton of sex symbols in gaming, just like in other media, but at the same time I can think of female characters that represent strong individuals and all around good characters.

Off the top of my head, Elena from Uncharted, the girl from Gears (have not played in a while, forgot her name), Jill Valentine, Alyx Vance, Samus, etc.

Very well-portrayed and not stereotyped girls in my opinion.

4984d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know that its only predictions, would have liked to see some Dragon Age 2 in there though haha

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cyclops is my favorite Marvel character, and so without him, this makes the game a rental, and not a buy for myself.

5000d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

They are going to be the scary supernatural element that comes in about 3/4 of the way through the game. The "atlantis of the sands" is just a giant circus tent.

Clowns> Demon Yeti > Slippery Naked Guys> Sully's Mustache

5002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember one of the reviews I read said skip the movie, all you need to do is play the game. Its much better.

5007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment