
CRank: 5Score: 58310

@gangsta and darth No. They offered a 10 year deal, which is NOT what Steam is getting. There's no expiration on Steam.

565d ago 9 agree14 disagreeView comment

The question is why didnt microsoft extend the same offer to Sony and Nintendo as it did to Steam? I thought Phil said they planned to release on PS "as long as there's a playstation to ship to"

565d ago 16 agree23 disagreeView comment

Play on easy difficulty. Sure, it might be a little TOO easy, but its also much more enjoyable

567d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before acquiring Bethesda they had also said it was about bringing their games to more people, citing the "3 billion" gamers worldwide. Seems to me theyve just begun to take games away from existing ps gamers. The same will happen with Activision games. Maybe not call of duty, but i would certainly wager many of the smaller, previously multiplat games, will be exclusive. As a gamer, i really just have a hard time figuring out how this is going to benefit customers beyond it being fr...

567d ago 30 agree4 disagreeView comment

No, this is the spinoff, Phil Spencer Believes. Lol

577d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their expectations for the first psvr were fairly low and realistic. I would assume them to be along the same lines for psvr2

583d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox was first on the indie scene with XBL Acrcade indeed, but saying Sony has never had a big indie presence???

They also arent huge in mobile, but have tried their hand at it multiple times.

A couple points here seem very unresearched.

584d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@LOGICWINS Nintendo has great success half the time and fails the other half. Wii U and Gamecube ring any bells? Much of the switch's success can be attributed to the fact that it also is the only handhelp console out there (until steam deck). Nintendo also keeps their games at full price essentially in perpetuity. If the same thing happens to Sony where they lose all 3rd party support and charge full price for their games even 5 years after release, i fail to see how that benefits the ga...

584d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although Black Ops 2 is one of the more loved entries in the series, there seemed to be an overall lack of recoil when I played back in the day, which made the guns feel toy-like. The overall art style didnt really sit well with me at the time either. A bit too cartoony. I think zombies could have been cool, but on the PS3, playing splitscreen made the frame rate drop to unplayable levels.

588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sports games, unisoft games, GTA. Most major releases are going to sell close to that. Dont forget all the microtransactions that go along with those and fortnite either. Its also only Sony's biggest franchises that reach that 10 million mark. Smaller exclusives are still only selling a couple million

596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, with the PS4 install base growing to over 100 million, we frequently saw 10+ million sales for exclusives. That still pales in comparison to COD's 30+ million every year, with the biggest portion of the player base playing on PS. MW2 sold over 10 million in 3 days, not over multiple years. And holidays havent hit yet.

597d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Inside is great. If youve played limbo it's very similar

621d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has vice city been fixed? If not it feels like a weird addition. Lots for Dragon Quests fans.

621d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would expect the announcement today or tomorrow around noon. Ps essential games are revealed the wednesday before the first Tuesday of the month. Probably something similar here (3rd Tuesday?). I think the reason they were announced early the last month or 2 is because they were leaked ahead of time.

622d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@InUrFoxHole And that's exactly why Sony is so worried that theyre going to lose COD. No one can compete with it. Ask a random mom what call of duty is, they'll know. Ask about battefield, youll get blank stares. It's a household/brand name so deeply ingrained in the industry that even the worst selling games in the series sell more than any competitors best.

643d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It is honestly baffling how poorly they have done with the Battlefield franchise. They have a HUGE opportunity in the future if Activision games go exclusive. Not only would COD be exclusive, but Overwatch as well. Estimates have Overwatch at over 50 million copies. That's not small potatoes either. EA has Battefield, Medal of Honor, and Titanfall all at their disposal, yet they have killed basically every franchise. Titanfall or Medal of Honor already have a history of being more arcade ...

643d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

COD has never really had cutting edge graphics imo, but since the MW reboot i feel they have looked pretty good.

645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you like the old style games AC black flag and syndicate are great. For more witcher type of gameplay, origins is great and odyssey is decent too. Valhalla i havent played yet. For their other franchises there really hasnt been much of note since far cry 3.

656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to admit, i havent played in a while. It was a hell of a lot of fun for the 6 months I played though.

661d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment