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I agree, it's absolutely exciting, I was just hoping for a different studio to tackle the project. Of existing IP, Perfect Dark does have the most potential for being something "different".

1385d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Perfect Dark is great but I was really hoping for something original from the AAAA Initiative game.

1385d ago 12 agree26 disagreeView comment

Honestly, in Kong: Skull Island Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson were putting off some major Nate and Elena vibes, just look at what they were wearing! Although I don't think they're great fits either, they sure pulled off the look.

1387d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling we'll see a Last of Us 2 multiplayer trailer, naughty dog is a frequenter of the game awards. Halo Infinite will be there for sure. I'm really hoping for Elden Ring, I have a feeling they have been holding off on showing much of it because of Demon's Souls.

1387d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@alb Microsoft is skimping on R&D costs, that's why they have the same old controller (although PS5 should support DS4), stock gpu with stock software, CPU is chosen for future long term azure cloud server usage, SSD is nothing special, and the form factor is essentially just a PC tower (although microsoft did do a good job on the internal layout).

I applaud microsoft for to their backward compatibility support, although it is much easier to do this for xbox as all ...

1388d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

@LoveSpuds Most people can only notice it at a certain distance, I'm beyond that distance, that's why I specified how far away I was sitting. Look it up on Rtings. What I do notice, however, is the HDR. HDR is many steps above the ssd brightness range and is immediately noticeable.

1389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Infamous 1and 2. Those are 2 of my favorites from the ps3 that somehow haven't gotten the remake/remaster treatment. Imagine 4k and ray traced electricity..

1389d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is interesting that the PS5 is supposedly performing at the approximate levels of the rtx 2080 and 5700 xt, as both of those cards have about 10 tflops of power from what I have seen online. The Xbox is really the outlier here as it is performing well below what we would expect from 12 tflops.

I'll be keeping an eye on these comparisons simply because I find it interesting. In truth, when playing it's hard for me to notice any differences.

I b...

1390d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Titanfall 2 would have almost undoubtedly been more successful if the first one came to ps4 (and of course if they didn't release BF1 at nearly the same time). Titianfall had so much hype early last gen, and the success that was deserved didn't come to fruition because of the exclusivity deal.

On the topic of Squadrons, I am curious about the ps5 version. I know PSVR is causing complications, but I hope this is solved.

1398d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I would say there's a clear difference between having to meet a certain standard and proprietary. To my knowledge, Switch microSD cards need to be certain speed, which would be meeting a certain standard. Whereas PS vita memory cards are proprietary.

The SSDs supported by the PS5 and microSD cards have uses beyond video games alone. With the vita and the XSX expansion cards, those have no practical use beyond their own systems.

1399d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

The emphasis on VRR is a bit ridiculous considering only a small amount of TVs out in the wild support it right now. Frame drops on the majority of TVs will be visible.

Developers need to prioritize frame rate. You have dynamic resolution, use it to your advantage.

The developer has said that they are working on a fix for xbox, and that should, at least I assume, fix the 120fps mode detail, but the other modes still performed better on ps5 which is intere...

1403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@badz149 the hdmi bandwidth I think only concerns 4:4:4 vs 4:2:2. Pretty much every analysis done shows that 4:4:4 is a non-issue with video games, and is only of any concern for reading large amounts of text. From what I have seen it was a bigger deal in the past, as before hdmi 2.1 TVs couldn't do HDR and 4:4:4, now that's not an issue.

I think the 4:4:4 support could come to ps5 via a software update, but maybe not. That's a bit over my head.

1403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree to a certain extent, and I haven't played it, but even the beta wasn't a 3.5. that's just ridiculous. I can't imagine what Call of Duty could possibly do to get under a 6 or even a 7.

MW2 is my favorite of all time, but I also thoroughly enjoyed Advanced Warfare, black ops 1 and 4.

They just want the headline.

1404d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm using my ps5 to play all my old ps4 games I never played, so it's working great for me!

In all seriousness though, there is some extra jenk it seems with the new consoles launch. I had issues with my modern warfare needing a reinstall every time after quitting the game. Ended up that it only works with all the data packs installed.

Just a lot of weird stuff going on

1405d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol. Microsoft doesn't own Bethesda yet. The deal is still pending.

You can make a case for their inclusion next year, though Deathloop may not be on Xbox by the end of 2021, so it'll be interesting. Game of the year contender for microsoft that isn't on xbox.

1406d ago 20 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm going to preface this with saying, I'm not a developer so I really don't know anything, BUT from what I could tell from the video, the XSX struggles quite a bit at times with implementing certain lighting techniques. To me it does seem like relatively poor optimization from Ubisoft. You have dynamic resolution, use it to it's full effect.

On the other hand the xb1 consistently ran worse than the ps4. Almost always had a lower resolution.

1407d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Do all HDMI ports on the TV support it? On my x900h, only hdmi 3 and 4 support 120 fps at 4k

1411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many people forget that VRR requires an HDMI 2.1 capable tv or monitor, of which most do not have. I decided to buy one (x900h) for next gen specifically, as I had been holding off on 4k anyway. But all those who have bought 4k TVs before this year will not have that capability. This means that no matter what console you're playing on, xbox or PS5, a stable frame rate is still key for most players.

1415d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm curious as to when SSDs will become a requirement

1423d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is one of my favorite games from the last generation. The first couple hours can be difficult to play because you don't have many abilities, but once you get shadow strike and sprint, it's one of the best feeling games to play. The combat flows incredibly well.

If you're looking for a power fantasy where you can kill Uruks, this is your game. I couldn't set it down and played 70 hours in a week.

1423d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment