
CRank: 5Score: 58310

This game and Replaced give me some really good vibes. Excited for both!

1100d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@knushwood Closing Evolution was a bad move IMO. If Motorstorm and Driveclub weren't successful enough they should have had them make a Gran Turismo spinoff like Forza does with horizon, or even just help out with the main series. The amount of talent they lost when they closed down evolution....oof.

1100d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I would say as long as 1080p (give or take) isn't the norm, it's fine. It sounds like it really only drops like that briefly in some select areas, though the typical resolution isn't as high as I would hope either. The worst part that they brought up was the XSS , they specified that it can go down to 512p? That is drastic. And I definitely wouldn't want to play that. I do wish they had different modes to select, though in the developer interview they said they just wanted to ...

1102d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see. That makes more sense now. I didn't read the article close enough. Though by the time this article posted, the video was also posted for other platforms, and a tweet was out, so really just seems like laziness if anything.

1103d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

The games run better on the ps5 than on a ps4 or ps4 pro. Same reason people bought those upgraded consoles (I didn't).

If you don't like the PS5 exclusives, then there's just as much reason to get an XSX as a PS5. I personally really want Returnal and demons souls, less so ratchet.

I think the reason people bring up the exclusives so much is that Xbox hasn't really put out anything recently on X1 let alone XSX. While last year PS put out...

1103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Players would gain access to a library full of games and all for free with most of them to own permanently."

I'm confused about them saying they are giving them away for free, to own forever. Is he talking about GWG or GamePass? Does GamePass give you free games to keep forever? I understand some games are on there perpetually while you subscribe, but you don't own them. On GWG, you do own them, but I don't think that's what's being discussed?...

1103d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's getting the same on PS5. This article makes it seem like it's only happening on Xbox. It's also getting a cloud version on switch.

1103d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

@RexRuthless Ive had a PS5 since launch and the only thing I've played on it so far are PS4 games (besides astrobot). I didn't have a pro, so i didn't have any hesitation upgrading. All my games play better than they did on the base machine, and some even better than on Pro. I have no regrets about spending the money, and although some games might still come to PS4, I'll still have the console in 2 years when they fully abandon the PS4. I do feel a bit bad that I haven't p...

1103d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it will release close to their anticipated release date, though IMO expectations should be kept in check. There wasn't a whole lot there that got me excited. There wasn't any gameplay, and they keep saying it's Skyrim in space, that's how a consumer should be talking about it, not the developer saying, we reskinned Fallout to the ES post apocalyptic, now we're doing it for space. I'm curious how they will differentiate themselves from other sci-fi games, but I&...

1106d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm usually not a big fan of 2d platforming types, but this looks really cool.

1106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two things I wanted to shit on Microsoft heads for:

"our aspiration is to empower everyone to play the games you want, with the people you want, anywhere you want." - lol besides PlayStation and Nintendo which make up 2/3+ of the real gamer base, not your "Billions" bs.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer continued: "The bottom line is that we simply put out more top quality games in front of more people than other companies." - I'm s...

1110d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The software tie ratio for consoles is not that high. For instance the estimated average for X1 is 6-7 games total. Not 4 per year. Of course those with GamePass are probably more likely to play more games because of accessibility, but I don't think their plans have to necessarily deal with tie ratio.

1110d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@chiefJohn117 They reference their "audience", which would be their target demographic. It's just completely batshit crazy to me that they think just because people won't have to buy a console (but still have to pay $15/month), they're going to reach billions more people. I don't buy it for a second.

1110d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I still find it funny every time they talk about bringing GamePass to BILLIONS of people. Yes, lots of people play games on their phones, mostly mobile games. If we're discussing console level games, it's seemingly evident that reaching the mobile market with AAA games requires a free to play model, which this is not. Also, just because 100 million people have played warzone across various devices, doesn't mean all those people are interested in games on GamePass. There's a la...

1110d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I mostly don't care about games being cross gen/next gen only, but in this instance it's a bit disappointing, though expected. The main reason for my disappointment is due to in-game assets.

In FPS games, structures/assets are often copied and pasted all over the map, and between various maps. Due to the scale of the game, this is necessary on HDD in games like Warzone and previous battlefield games. This makes it hard for maps to stand out as much. Don't get me...

1111d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was about to say it looks like it's based on date and time or something, then I remembered it's 2021.

In my defense I got my 2nd moderna shot last night and didn't sleep a wink. 😝

1111d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Did we already know they were working on another Saints Row game? I feel like there were rumors of a reboot, but no confirmation.

1115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having multiplayer titles day 1, or at any time is definitely good for the service/the gamers/the devs. I'm going to bring up PS Plus not to detract from GamePass, but because that's what my experience is with. Day 1 multiplayer games like Rocket League and Fall Guys, as well as larger multiplayer games given for free later on, Battlefront 2, Battlefield 5, Modern Warfare Remastered, Onrush, really help either establish a player base initially, or bring a player base back to the game ...

1115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo and Aeterna Noctis look awesome.

1119d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been waiting for a next gen patch to play it. I want it so bad. I absolutely LOVED Doom 2016.

1119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment