
CRank: 5Score: 56600

Seriously Tomb Raider does not even resemble what the franchise use to be and that is okay with me, but if anything the TR reboot seriously took a lot from the Uncharted series.

3242d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You do realize that the ps3 was backward compatible right? I have had BC and quite frankly I never used it does that mean that others wouldn't enjoy it no, but just because you have said feature does not mean everyone will use it that was my whole point. Look enjoy BC I will be busy playing current gen games and looking forward to PSVR.

3242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do people realize that BC compatibility will only be used by a small minority of gamers. I don't care about PS Now why because I have a ps3 that can play ps1 and ps2 games but does that mean I want to no. Call me crazy but I bought a ps4 to play new games like the Witcher 3, Horizon, Uncharted 4, MGS 5 and the list goes on. This is just an excuse for fanboy's to say see we have something you don't but the truth is there are is a lot more people that don't care about BC than th...

3243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep saying that sales don't matter and that it does not affect them as gamers but thats not entirely true they do especially when it comes to the longevity of a console. The Dreamcast is the perfect example of this the way Sony oblirated the dreamcast with the ps2 definitely put a nail in Sega's coffin. The dreamcast was an excellent console that suffered an early grave partly because so many gamers had gotten burned by Sega and many gamers had made up their mind to get a ps2....

3243d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You think the ps4 version has issues go take a look at the digital foundry performance test on the X1 version. Yikes it's bad! both versions have performance issues so much for the claims that it runs buttery smooth on the X1.

3244d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't trust reviews anymore I will play the game and see if it lives up to the hype. Not a huge fallout fan but I am willing to try the game out, considering it has some performance issues I wonder how much this will affect my overall view of the game.

3244d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now this is interesting why where are some people claiming that the X1 version had no issues and that the ps4 version was pretty much unplayable due to frame rate drops. It is apparent that some people have an agenda when compering the games, however it does make you wonder considering the close relationship between MS and Bethesda that this game was optimized for X1.

3244d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hold up why should Bethesda get a free pass for their short cumings if this is true? This is the reason to stop pre ordering games, developers think that they can just patch games and it's ok to ship a product that is unfinished or may need more work this is unacceptable Bethesda should know better by now considering their track record. I gave them the benefit of the doubt if this turns out to be true I will no longer be supporting them in the future I will just wait until the game runs p...

3244d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh MS is it good business tactic probably but it is a desperate move because they know how huge the Star Wars brand is and at the end of the day every time you see a huge Star Wars commercial for Battlefront it ends with a playstation logo.

3246d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ever think why they are not in those countries? Maybe because they don't sell well in those countries and they know it.

3249d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Isn't the Halo series supposed to be held to much higher stander because it's a flagship game for MS? Isn't supposed to be a system seller to make gamers want to buy an X1? It is undeniable that Halo 5 is getting mixed reviews by some critics, and no amount of spin can be made to cover up that fact. Die hard Halo fans may not agree with the review but angry joe is one of the few reviewrs that does not hold back and tells it like it is.

3250d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah MS doesn't care to flame the fire of the console war ok and I quote.

"Xbox is the platform with the most games, the most exclusives, and probably the most anticipated game of the year in Halo 5....."

Oh and if that is not good enough they have the best gaming line up in history ever. The delusion is beyond comprehension.

Is it me or isn't Fallout 4 the most anticipated game of the year? Nah must be me only.

3250d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't believe that women are being singled out or targeted by gamers, are there annoying, rude, immature people online yes but they don't represent the whole community. The mass media has distorted and misrepresented the gaming community for a long time. I remember when violence in video games was to blame for all violence. At the same time some people seem to think that because of the very nature of being anonymous online that gives them a free pass to be a douche bag to anyone not...

3251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Nintendo would just stop using gimmicks and continually under power their consoles they could potentially give Sony a run for their money, they have some of the most storied franchises in video game history and yet every time they let me down. They are out of touch with the hard core gamer and have continued to make the same mistakes over and over. Imagine being able to play nintendo games and have full third party support, unfortunately they are behind the curve yet again specially if VR ...

3252d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah because no one can have a different opinion right? As far as I know fallout 4 has not been released yet so can we please play the game before automatically giving it an award. Right now the Witcher 3 is the game to beat followed by blood borne and MGS 5.

3252d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS has one big game to really sell their system Halo 5 a side from that every other big AAA title will be third party. Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive and I suspect that very few gamers will bite the bullet and buy an X1 just for a timed exclusive. Both have plenty of games but it's my opinion that the PS4 has more variety of games now and in the foreseeable future. Price and bundles will probably be the deciding factor for many that are yet to adopt the current generation of consoles.

3254d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Uncharted games never had dedicated servers so why are people complaining? Oh that's right it's a first party game that extreme fanboys will latch on to anything that can be perceived as a negative. The truth is it doesn't really need it most people buying uncharted are doing so for the single player experience and will never even touch or play the online multiplayer modes. This is just a reason to hate on a game and are simply over reacting. Look you want to play games that are k...

3255d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

MS definitely dropped the ball with this game why not delay it until early 1Q 2016? When there is less going on, the fact is the anticipation for Fallout 4 is huge due to the fact that it has been gone for a while. There are a number of reasons to have some concern about how well this game will do in terms of sales.

1) The game just did not sell as expected when it was a multi platform, what are the indications that has changed and will affect the game's performance pos...

3257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think playstation is positioning themselves very well with PSVR because they have built in audience if they can prove that the experience is worth the investment they will succeed. I am very interested in trying it, obviously the price and launch support will be the biggest factors for it's success. It's going to be interesting to see what big third party developers do with this tech. Sony has to fully support the VR early on with compelling software, failure to do so may result in ...

3258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not worried it's ND the same team that worked on Uncharted 2 and the writers that worked on the Last of Us. If anything it is more likely for them to delay the game again instead of rushing it out. I would not be surprise if they delayed the game some more to get the quality of game that they are known for.

3259d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment