
CRank: 5Score: 56600

Sony is firing on all cylinders turning a blind's eye and pretending that Sony does not have some serious heavy hitters just around the corner is foolish.

3100d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony historically always starts slow I see the gears turning now and next year will be the beginning of a massive amount of games begin to release, to often I see some claim that the ps4 has no games which by the way is not true next year it will be undeniable because the sheer number of exclusives is unreal.

3101d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony just keeps stacking more games, some people might be upset by this but I think Sony has been fostering this environment where developers feel more comfortable working a long side with them for a very long time it also doesn't hurt that they are the leading console this generation.

3101d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is my personal GOTY having played the game since it released I can say that the minor problems that I encounter were at times annoying but never they did not take away from everything good that the witcher 3 had to offer.

3101d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I could give a better assessment than some of these so call journalistic gamer websites but what to do when all they care about is clicks. In my opinion fallout 4 is not overrated because my expectations where in check and I knew what kind of game it would be and gave it a shot, I also believe it's more accessible than the previous installments, but hey why take my word right I only platinum the game.

Apparently fun is also overrated because rocket league is also on this...

3102d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

In short answer no they won't but why even try to compare them when PC will always be ahead.

3102d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe some developers can and will maximize the full potential of current gen consoles but PC will always have the upper hand. Why compare a tech demo with no real game play to actual games. MGS 5 has awesome visuals so does Batman Arkham Knight the order also comes to mind when talking about graphics but it makes no sense to continue to compare consoles to PC when it comes to graphics because if a game is optimized for PC it will always look better.

3102d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The one that will make you happy but of course fanboys will always choose for you if you let them. I choose to support Sony because they have a better track record in my opinion but to each their own.

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They shouldn't of had to change anything but some insist that MS should still lead the video game industry when they didn't even know or care what their core audience wanted they didn't change they were forced to change.

3102d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gamers are interested in game related features, yes consoles have become entertainment center pieces but the primary focus should always be on games and the features that will enhance video games.

3102d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS made the greatest sin possible and that is turn on those that made their brand popular above everything else, they had garnered huge good faith among many gamers and I will say that they had even given Sony a run for their money but that wasn't good enough for them they wanted to dominate even if it that meant at the cost of gamers and their best interest and they paid the price for it.

3102d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The video game market is over saturated and games are cheaper than ever, but it's up to the consumer to decide what games are deserving of the sixty dollar price tag some games do offer more bang for your buck than others.

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My top 5

1. The Witcher 3 the GOTY
2. Bloodborne the best new IP
3. MGS 5 the best action game
4. Fallout 4 most anticipated game
5. Until Dawn sleeper hit of the year

Honorable mentions:

Xenoblade chronicles, Mario maker, Splatoon and Rocket league

3102d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Witcher 3 or Bloodborne enough said everyone is entitled to their opinion so in my opinion some of his pics just don't make the cut.

3103d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly the Nintendo 64 was a huge leap forward from 2D to 3D and it's kinda of unfair to compare it to consoles of today because the impact is not as noticeable, however I suspect that VR will have the same kind of effect when it's full potential is realized because it will change how we experience video games.

3103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was pleasantly surprised by until dawn, I recently platinum the game and there is a lot to like and would welcome a sequel but it is most definitely not game of the year. I understand that some gamers don't have hours upon hours to sink into a games like the Witcher 3, Bloodborne, MGS 5, Fallout 4 but all of those four games are better games.

I will say this though until dawn is best in it's category of games I'm calling you out Telltale step your game up.

3103d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Utterly amusing to read comments like yours stating pretty ridicules reasons as to why they are getting rid of their console aside from trolling which doesn't affect me or anybody else and adds nothing to the discussion other than to flame fanboys.

Again if the ps4 has no value to you sell it affects nobody I just don't understand why you feel the need to announce it to the world other than to get a reaction. Just a mere observation of you and people like you who lik...

3104d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW some people are really desperate two and half years and they can't wait for the next generation look it's probably going to be a while before we see some thing new from Sony maybe sooner for MS but the introduction of VR for Sony will likely make them stretch out the ps4 and extend it's life cycle and that's not mentioning the fact that it the ps4's install base will be huge if it keeps selling at it's current pace.

I'am almost certain that bot...

3104d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

The difference between Sony and MS is that Sony is willing to take risk's on new IP's and this proves it because they did not give up on the game and vision that it's creator had. This is probably the reason why Kojima went with Sony because he knows that Sony will encourage him to create an amazing game.

Obviously Sony canceled the game and they are trolling gamers LOL fanboys are so silly.

3104d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah because people aren't bias to one console or another to fit agendas the bottom line is that we live in a digital age and for better or worse these are the types of issues gamers now have to deal with. I'm pretty sure the influx of new consoles is taxing on their network but to sit there and act like Sony is the only company that has to deal with this kind issue is asinine.

3104d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment