
CRank: 5Score: 56600

Yeah that's why BO3 still out sold every other game out there sure it's on a decline but the numbers don't lie they still command attention not to mention that competition for FPS genre is huge Destiny, Battlefront, Halo 5 have to compete with each other and cannibalize each others sales numbers so nice try but no the demand is still there.

3191d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW some people are so delusional go on youtube and hear gamecrapgamers podcast just to name one of the most hateful bias MS fanboys out there but ok lets just pretend MS fanboys aren't talking nonsense and trying so hard to defend MS or how much MS has been owned. If he represents a fraction of what your user base is like it's no wonder why so many people have to keep them in check. I understand that there are fanboys on both sides but stop trying to justify one over the other.

3191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony was the only company pushing VR maybe I would consider it a gimmick but it's not so these types of claims don't seem to carry much weight. Considering other companies are investing heavily in VR with applications not related to games I don't think it will be a gimmick. So is this what some fanboys are now going to cling onto hopping PSVR fails if so that's pretty sad.

3191d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately some games will always get over looked both Mad Max and ROTR have suffered from bigger titles being released on the same day. I have heard both games are good but some will inevitably wait until they are in the bargin bin to pick them up.

3191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I belive digital is slowly overtaking physical content just not fast enough. Personally I would hate to see digital only content because it gives publishers way to much control over content. GameStop is fighting a losing battle as much as I hate to admit it digital will continue to eat away at physical demand. Is it me or am I in the minority not wanting digital only? seems to me that more and more people are starting to buy into the digital only mentality.

3191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All consoles will be fine but the ps4 will dominate yet again so why continue this nonsensical charade. More games, more variety, more sales and VR so here we are who will shine in 2016? Well I'm no analyst but I would put some money on Sony out shining MS.

3191d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I can't help be remiss the article is clearly bias towards MS they have hyped the greatest line up in MS history and it has had very little impact a side from a PR stunt that only fanboys have bought into. Sales numbers don't lie because clearly the biggest games that dropped this year were third party multi platform games that have done better on the ps4.

So in the grand scheme of things Sony got the last laugh MS dropped their biggest heavy hitter and it did help s...

3191d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

What will the headlines read like when Sony starts dropping games that MS has no answer to.

3192d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it was a jab but if it was he would be a hypocrite because ROTR reboot definitely retooled it's self to be more action driven and it's apparent that Uncharted's success definitely had an impact on the Tomb Raider series.

3192d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think It's more amusing and entertaining reading the comment section than reading these types of articles, they always turn into my console is better than yours, here's my list of games that prove it when best, better, greatest will always be subjective to the users preference and tastes.

3192d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to fix their engine the novelty of their games is staring to feel stale to me specially when a game like Until Dawn comes along and pretty much improves on their formula. Until Dawn out did Tellale and Quantic Dreams at their own game it's a hybrid of both based on what they have done in the past.

3192d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Unless you are completely clueless you know what your are getting yourself into when buying online only games as far as access to games you bought why would you have a problem accessing them? My issue with people complaining is that they are complaining about games which that's not what the service is about.

Now if you want to complain about something at least make it a valid argument like improving Sony's security infrastructure, or netw...

3193d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some people it's an OLINE SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION not a give free games service and if you only have PS plus for the games then it's your fault for paying for a service that is clearly for online gaming the games are just an added bonus.

3193d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment


It's up to the consumer to find value in what they are paying for I have a ps4, ps3, and a Vita so that's 6 games I get on top of playing online so to you those games are worthless to me they are a way to discover games I would not buy otherwise, by the way some of them are actually good.

3193d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


Or here is a wild thought you can cancel your service instead of complaining which in fact would have more of an impact than complaining.

3193d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Some gamers are so entitled PS plus is an online service, you want AAA games here's a though go buy them. I'm often amazed at the lack of though that some people seem to put into what they say. I'm not defending Sony because they could offer more old games at this point but why? Shadow fall, knack, infamous, black flag would all be a disappointing to me because I already own all of those games.

Grim fandango is an awesome game I already own and I could be upset t...

3193d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is out of touch with the hardcore gamer audice and I'm not talking about the die hard nintendo fans. Over the years they have been slow to adapt they were last to jump on HD. The WiiU system shipped with only 8GB in todays digital world that doesn't cut it , they were again last to implement an online component. Looking at Nintendo as a fan I really hope they get it together and put an awesome console out but I can't help and be skeptical.

I'm interes...

3193d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


That fanboy logic no one should judge you for having brand loyalty until you or people like you start making ridicules claims about the brand you support.

3194d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop it it's a single player experience by the way more people should try it it's really good.

3194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So having more games and options is a bad thing? Logic having options is never a bad thing more often than not that is how you find hidden gems.

3194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment