
CRank: 5Score: 56600

I sometimes wonder why some people are root for Nintendo's failure? I would love to see Nintendo be competitive again because they make the video game industry interesting. Just like I would have like to have seen Sega back in the mix instead of MS trying and failing to monopolize the video game market.

3228d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

The Tomb Raider series definitely borrowed from the Indiana Jones movies so nothing really exists on it's own they all feed off each other creatively. If you ask me Indiana Jones definitely influenced some game developers in to wanting to create such a world's in video games.

3229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realize that all the sales affect the company you support regardless of what region you live in right? I live in the US does that mean I don't pay attention of what goes on in Japan or Europe no because a trend in those markets could affect the US.

If you honestly believe that then why is MS in Japan losing money because they know how important and influential that market is even if it is not as strong as it has been in the past.

3230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Death

Well Nintendo releases their numbers as bad as they are doing, so what's MS excuse? No one is a loser for buying the console they want, you're getting off topic the article is about sales and not about which console or games you prefer. Yes Sony won 2015 in sales which is staying on topic even if as gamer you say all gamers won Sony just won a lot more.

3230d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Top Five GOTY list 2015

1. The Witcher 3
2. MGS 5
3. Bloodborne
4. Fallout 4
5. Xenoblade Chronicles X

All worthy contenders for me this year will be a tough year for GOTY.

3231d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

A side from hardcore gamers that have complained about the game casuals will lap it up even if it's a blatent cash grab from EA who has been pulling this kind of nonsense for years. The minute they announced that it would not have a story mode I lost interest, I played the beta it was ok but definitely sensed that they would try to pull a fast one when they announced the DLC.

The reason EA keeps doing this is the same reason they put out FIFA and Madden game every year p...

3231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apples and oranges trying to compare BC to the PS NOW is stretching it a bit one is a service and the other is a feature. I don't think PS NOW has necessarily flop like some claim Sony is banking in the future I think eventually we will go down that road. As far as the ps2 emulation Sony has made a good case to be consider the best place to game considering how deep the ps2 line up is.

3232d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know why but this game has definitely piqued my interest any advice for someone who has been gone from the franchise since the super NES days? Should I pick this game up?

3233d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very good observation they are just click bait articles that are written to further flame the fanboy war. The constant need for clicks is what drives them to continue this perpetual cycle of negativity that never ends.

3233d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some have mentioned Sony's track record in not supporting their peripherals, but this is different they have spent to much time,money and resources into making VR a success. I would like to point out that some pretty top tier Sony development studios are woking on VR projects I don't think Sony would waste those valueable resources unless they believed in VR as a viable product. I think VR has improved vastly over the years and the technology is starting to advance to the point were i...

3236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS and SE are to blame for the meager sales locking it behind a timed exclusivity gives it a much smaller audience and the fact that it launched the same day as F4 didn't help either. Sales matter for the sustainment of an IP they need to do more than just break even otherwise it becomes a huge gamble to produce a new game, I don't know but this cannot be good for the long term future of the franchise.

3237d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If by most attractive console they mean to existing xbox 360 owners then yes, but how about everyone else? All I keep seeing is Halo 5 and not much else so much for the greatest games line up ever? At this point the WIIU has a better first party line up but let's just ignore that because it's not selling hardware.

3239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are people surprised? I would be very worried if I were MS and they didn't win with a flagship game like Halo 5. November and December will paint a better picture of the impact that MS changes have had. BO3 and Battlefront will do huge numbers sales wise and that could be the difference that decides who wins those months.

3240d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are people arguing they both run subpar thank's to Bethesda.

3241d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Well if that's your reasoning weren't all the so call experts predicting the end of console this generation and look at how that turned out. VR has the potential to shift how you experience entertainment and not just gaming I think that's where you are going to see a real impact and no one will know until it's out there in wild for everyone to experience.

3241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it will be priced higher than a ps4 my guess between 300 and 350 anything higher than that is going to be a hard sell but who knows. I for one am hyped just saw the list of VR games and there are more than enough games that interest me to jump in right out of the gate.

3241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SONY just tells how much it will cost already hopefully at PSX. Three games stand out for me Allison Road, ARK, Valkyrie. Horror, racing and shooting games could potentially be huge on VR the more I see the more hyped I get for VR.

3241d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think you should be reading an article to decide which console to buy, get your hands on both consoles test out the controllers do research into what games each system has and will be getting in the future, what console are your friends playing with, what company has a better track record in supporting their console.

In the end buy the one that will make you happy, I choose the ps4 because I have yet to be let down by Sony they have always deliver solid hardware...

3241d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People that love the Fallout series will love F4 for everyone else it can be a hit or a miss. There is a lot to like in F4 but I'am having a hard time getting into the game the same thing happened to me with Bloodborne and in the end BB became one of the best experiences playing a game that I have had in recent memory. In the end it is up to the player to experience the game decide weather it's a good game or not, reviews are just someone's opinion play the game and decide for you...

3241d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel that I can put Fallout 4 down and it's ok which is kind of odd considering which games I have played and finished this year, the witcher 3, Bloodborne, and MGS 5.

3242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment