CRank: 5Score: 51290

For all those angry at The IGN editor maybe go and listen to what he actually says then you can direct that anger at the “writer” of this article and his misleading and out of context headline. I mean hate IGN all you want but you should hate this lazy click bait article even more.

1981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly and not only that as I said above the ign editor is being taken out of context. He said whenever ANYTHING tries to do fuedal japan he worries it will be gaudy and overstylized but when he saw ghosts he felt the look was perfect. So not only is this clickbait garbage it’s also misleading and incorrect. Not good journalism at all yet here it is getting all kinds of clicks and comments.

1981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a stupid click bait article. First off the IGN editors words are being taken out of context. He praised the game and its look. Secondly who writes an article about another editors general opinion? That’s just lazy.

1982d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mortal Kombat 3 Sonya will always be my favorite.

1983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing I don’t think Spider-Man gets enough credit for, same with God of War though it’s not a fully open world game, is how well it does bring a great cinematic experience into the open world. Spider-Man basically keeps you on track with certain story threads then saying ok now is a good time to go out and explore. I think we are finally starting to see the end of open world games giving you a mission that basically says “go save this person because they are about to be k...

1983d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fully agree Kyro. Not being able to just pan the camera and see all the enemies around you really adds a lot of tension.

1985d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Games are not getting more expensive. If anything you could look at it as they are getting cheaper and I’m very surprised the cost of games haven’t gone up. 60 dollars became the set price for a new game at the start of the ps3 Xbox 360 era back in 2005 and haven’t changed in almost 14 years. Since then games have only gotten more advanced and more expensive to make not to mention inflation. 25 years ago some Super Nintendo games like street fighter 2 cost 80 dollars and...

1988d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

If this is true I really hope Nintendo releases the Metroid prime trilogy on switch by at least March. Great games and I’d love to catch up on them before prime 4 drops but I’ll need some time to play them all and also some other anticipated games before then. I know other M is kind of hated but it be cool if they threw it in the collection as well. It’s the only Metroid besides federation that I haven’t played and like it or not it’s in the timeline.

1990d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What’s funny to me is that it actually seems like a low number even though I know that in reality it’s very. Just seems if your going to own a switch at all it would be for those 3 games right there and of course smash bros.

2016d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I’m a huge Zelda lover but right from the first reveal something felt underwhelming.
My gripes:
Wonky motion controls that didn’t work well no matter how many people try to defend them.

Not a fan of the art style. Also by the release of skyward sword I had gone all in on HD games and it looked like garbage comparatively to what I was playing on PS3

Only 3 main areas that you just keep repeating. It went against the thing I love the mos...

2018d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I always have to laugh when people get all worked up over scores to a game they haven’t even played yet. Even better is when people get all worked up over a score that hasn’t even been given yet to a game they haven’t played but are sure the reviewer is going to score it too low. When it comes to a game like red dead the score doesn’t matter at all cause people already decided a long time ago if it’s a game they are going to play or not.

2066d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maximum carnage was a 14 part series back in the early 90s where Spider-Man, venom and a handful of other super heroes like captain America had to team up to take on Carnage and his group of villains. They actually made a game based on it on super NES and genesis.

2170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since this game is a sort of take on sinister 6 I'd love for the sequel to be a take on maximum carnage.

2171d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought THQ no longer existed and when they auctioned off their assets nobody bought Darksiders. Curious how this all came together.

2174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was hoping for Elsweyr or black marsh. Cats and lizards. Elsweyr has both a desert regional and a jungle rain forest so that would make for a nice variety.

2192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd really like to try the witness but don't see myself buying it so it be cool if that was one. Xbox already got it so I don't see why PS4 wouldn't.

2194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo can definitely win in the surprise department for sure but it's almost impossible to go against A triple A Spider-Man game, a last of us sequel and a new game from kojima. That's a dream team of games. I'm still excited to see what Nintendo shows for sure though.

2206d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There's no less than 4 Pokémon games coming to switch in the next year and a half starting today with the last one being a full blown triple A game that takes time to make. What more can you ask for if your a fan of the series?

2214d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well there was that supposed Nintendo E3 games list and Fallout 3 such edition as one of the games so I bet it's that plus probably a 4K edition for PS4 and xbox1x

2215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah not being able to leave the boat seemed like a terrible mistake when a game from 2013 was able to do it so well. I'm not a huge assassins creed fan but I really enjoyed Black Flag and would have loved a Pirates Creed spin off or something akin to it and I had really hoped skull and bones would have been that game. Hopefully that's what they will turn it into with this delay. I want to do some deep exploring on land but also do awesome naval combat stuff and white whale hunting.

2228d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment