CRank: 5Score: 51290

Yeah Nintendo made some bad decisions in the mid 90s that still haunt them to this day. I’d say it started with them censoring the first Mortal Kombat game which gave them the kiddy image they still have today. Then they partnered with Sony for cd add on for the Super Nintendo that they pulled out of at the last minute in a dickish way that led Sony to go it alone and become their biggest competitor and a huge juggernaut in the games industry as a whole. I think the biggest mistake they made...

1981d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

My original thought was they would release a base model at $400 and a version with PSVR2 included for between $600 and $700. But now with those beefy specs and original psvr backward compatibility I don’t think we will see PSVR2 as a simultaneous launch which is too bad cause I would buy that version for sure.

1981d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this really is a tease for nemesis I think it will come in the form of a meaty DLC Similar to what Uncharted lost legacy was. I bet they even leave the 3 off the title. I’d be fine with that. Resident evil 2 remake was so good I’m fine with them reusing assets.

1985d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I’ve been through every console cycle since the original nes and Nintendo truly has the best track record. The original ps1 had its overheating issues that lead to having an add on fan released. There was also a thing where people were having to put their ps1 upside down for games to play. We all are familiar with the 360 red ring of death. The launch ps2s had a lot of issues including mine which broke down just after the 90 day warranty and Sony told me I’d have to pay 200 dollars to send it...

1993d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
1993d ago Show

Your wrong

1993d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have a day 1 switch and had the joycon drift issue and while it was annoying I have to give credit to Nintendo’s customer service. With no questions asked they emailed me a label to send it to them free of charge and had it fixed and back to me within 5 days.

1993d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think you hit the nail on the head. At least that was my feeling about Bloodborne. I love everything about that games world and art direction and lore. My issue isn’t even that I want an easy mode I’d just like a checkpoint before a boss fight. When I finally gave up on Bloodborne it wasn’t cause it was too hard, I could work past that but it’s having to go back through all the crap I’ve mastered just to get back to the boss. It became a slog and after a night of redoin...

1998d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I consider myself pretty liberal minded but I have to agree with most these comments. The whole pc and outrage culture is out of control. The left has traditionally been the defenders of art and now all they want to do is control it and tell people what and how they should make their art.

1999d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I agree that they shouldn’t be $60 each I’d still feel like you’d be getting your money’s worth if you did at full price. Wind waker HD holds up very well and twilight princess may be showing some age graphic wise it’s still a meaty adventure with some great dungeons.

1999d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rocksmith has become an addiction for me. It’s perfect for someone that’s not in or probably ever will be in a band but want more than to sit alone playing riffs with no music to go along with it.
My understanding is that they can’t really make a new game from the ground up or else they would have to get new licensing agreements for all the songs. I know they lost a few going from the original rocksmith to rocksmith 2014. I think they originally planned to go the just dance route an...

2001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think what will end up happening is that Switch will get a direct port of the original Persona 5 in the fall while PS4 gets 5R probably before summer. This seems very similar to what happened with Dark souls remastered about a year ago. I think Atlus wants to stay on Sony’s good side and show them they are their number 1 while also wanting to branch out a little. Obviously just speculation until we get something concrete.

2010d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

For what it’s worth this very short article IS NOT about a switch port but speculation that at least one of Jokers alternate costumes in Smash Bros. will be this new female character being teased in persona 5R.

2010d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I’m sure Nintendo would be fine since they are always off in the corner doing their own thing anyway and I’m sure PC gaming as a whole would survive but if true I think it could possibly be an Xbox brand killer. Especially if this gets announced before the release of the next gen systems. If people know ahead of time they will not be able to play series like GTA, Red dead, NBA 2k,bioshock and many many others I don’t see anyone but the most die hard loyalists buying the next Xbox.

2021d ago 27 agree24 disagreeView comment

Why is almost everything you post idiotic? If your gonna constantly troll you should at least be good at it.

2022d ago 21 agree5 disagreeView comment

I loved the first wizards and warriors game when I was a kid. Love to see that one come back.

2028d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want to see what Zelda II would look like remade for modern times.

2031d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don’t think it’s that far fetched for Microsoft to launch the next Xbox by the end of this year. The Xbox 360 got a 1 year head start on the ps3 and that gave Microsoft the advantage last Gen. I’m sure Microsoft remembers that. I also think Sony is thinking the same thing and they will launch the PS5 in early 2020. I think that’s why Sony has kind of pulled their cards back on their upcoming releases and what game to launch with. I also think that’s why Microsoft has basically given up on e...

2034d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

We all know EA sucks and that’s a given but to be fair BioWares record has been spotty for a little while now. Knights of the old republic games were well loved and mass effect 1 had a good reception. Then obviously mess effect 2 was a masterpiece. ME3s reputation has not aged well and then you’ve got the major disappointment of andromeda. You also have the dragon age games where the first one was well received but the second one is kind of hated and the third one is liked but not put on any...

2041d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really hope we can get to a point where people can learn the difference between a remake and a remaster. It’s really does matter regardless of how you feel about the game in question. Remakes, remasters and reboots are 3 different things and the difference should be known to Everyone.

2043d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment