CRank: 5Score: 51290

I actually don’t think we will see MK9 for at least another year only because MK8 is still selling so well. No reason for them to step on their own sales just yet. They can save that big announcement for another time. Plus in some ways with both MK8 and Smash Ultimate they have almost backed themselves into a corner cause where exactly do you take those franchises from here and have it be as good, exciting or even better then what came before. Maybe they can do an ultimate thing with MK9 wher...

1848d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well they did already give both borderlands 1 and 2 back on the ps3 for ps plus so it is a bit of a double dip. That was back when borderlands 2 was relatively new and ps plus had like 12 games at a time available for download and they were almost all bangers.

1850d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This collection is great and totally worth the 20 bucks. Yeah it would have been nice to have multiple save states but other than that it’s a collection of the earliest games with a nice bonus book and timeline. I hope they keep releasing more of these collections.

1852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I’ve been wondering if the success of Persona 5 will have an affect on what Final Fantasy 16 will eventually look like. But I’m just in my own corner hoping the next FF is a return to its roots in high fantasy with turn based combat and the ability to summon all the classics.

1865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Konami would rather make slot machines instead of video games then fine that’s their choice but I wish they would hand over their best franchise to a company that will actually use them and do them justice.

1870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think something that’s not being taken into consideration on this subject is that there is a large amount of rural areas all over North America and beyond that does not have the level of high speed internet required to run these spec heavy games through streaming. Not everyone lives in San Francisco or other major cities that can get that kind of internet speed. I live not too far outside a major city and have what I think is decent internet and when I tried playing ps3 games on PSnow they ...

1873d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah...that’s what I’m saying

1873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In theory I love this idea. Anything to bridge the disconnect of what my eyes see in VR vs how my body feels I’m all for.

1873d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just saying how game stores best hope is if the rumors of ps5 being backwards turn out to be true then game stores could become like used record stores and people could go dig through bins looking for hidden gems that are disc only.

1875d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh man I would love it if Yoko Taro ended up as director. After the amazing work he did on Nier Automata is love to see him take on Bayonetta. He also fits the term unorthodox.

1875d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I agree and I got nothing but love and nostalgia for those old games but every year that goes by they just get harder to play and find value in. Especially when the Super NES has more playable versions of a lot of the best franchises.

1875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pretty good list. I would have added Nier automata to it though. Even hearing how unique the game is I was still thrown off by the intro and immediately knew I was in for a breath of fresh air.

1875d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree it’s X but I knew once they took away control of the airship the series was about to change. I’m very curious what FFXVI will look like. 13 was terrible, 14 is an MMO and 15 was conceived as a spin-off game. So 16 can really go anywhere from here.

1876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just saw a tweet from Jason schreier showing how Square Enix has messed up almost all their final fantasy ports and he did point out that the switch version has new feature that not even the ps4 version got just a year ago. Also I agree with handheld being the best way to play cause it allows me gaming time during my commute and downtime at work and even playing in bed before falling asleep. With a huge backlog of PS4 games to play I wouldn’t have time to go back and play these older and lo...

1878d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Bring back tony hawk

1879d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Many websites gave it a pretty low score. Haven’t played it yet myself so I’ll reserve judgrbut I do have to laugh at the fact that when websites, especially IGN give a game a really good score they are accused of being corporate schools taking money for payed reviews but when they gave an antic it game a low score they are just a bunch of shitty journalists that don’t know anything about games. Damned if you do damned if you don’t I guess.

1879d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Or maybe rather than try to make this political we can just accept that it’s not a great game and that’s ok. No reason to BS excuses about political agendas.

1883d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not on N4G they won’t. Some of my most downvoted comments and logical predictions have been the ones that came true.

1885d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

That’s funny. Part of me thinks one of these supposed new switch models will be a hybrid of switch and the 2ds. It be a shame to have all those DS games locked to a almost dead handheld system. A lot of those games wouldn’t work without a touch and/or dual screen so you can’t just port them to a different system.

1885d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude the thing is you can buy an Xbox 1s with a disc drive for 50 dollars cheaper than the one without a disc drive and it will do the exact same thing for less and keep the option of a disc drive. So your idea for xb1 SAD can be applied to a second xb1s for cheaper and more options. Not a good look for Microsoft at a time when new consoles are right around the corner and then needing to earn some good will with the gaming community.

1886d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment