CRank: 5Score: 51290

maybe it's just me but I'm really annoyed by both sides of this argument. On one hand I don't like having anything forced upon me whether it's religion,sexuality,politics etc. on the other hand the amount of hate speech and unoriginal buzz words to try and make people sound smart (sjw snowflake pc) is also very cringe worthy. These articles lately are bringing out the worst in everybody. It should be as simple as don't be a dick, don't cram your beliefs down others thr...

2648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And let's not forget about Resident Evil 7 PSVR which was one of the coolest experiences I've had with a game and shows off PSVRs true potential.

2649d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always appreciated Nintendos quirkiness but not so much the childishness. From what I've heard the new mario is supposed to be geared toward hardcore gamers more than casual so that's a good sign. Now give us a new metroid.

2654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blah blah blah!
Nobody understands you she-bear

2656d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shenanigans! Most of those early reviews all dropped at the same time after the embargo was lifted. Are you saying they all colluded behind the scenes to give it 10s and 9s out of the gate? Do you also realize how many clicks this no name site is getting because of this score?

And for you conspiracy theorist that think Nintendo paid off reviewers for high Zelda scores, which is also just stupid in its own right, why wouldn't Nintendo also pay for higher switch console r...

2657d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Colin has always been kind of a douche. I give him credit for being a pretty smart guy and knowing his shit when it comes to games but his overall persona is douche. In fact i know a guy who interviewed at IGN and said Colin did nothing but talk shit about all his coworkers. By buddy was like why are you telling me this you don't even know me.

2657d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Support will be key and I'm not just talking 3rd party. I hope Nintendo releases core game soon in their key franchises. So far Zelda and the new mario look like a good start. A proper metroid announcement at E3 would be huge and what fans have been begging for.

2657d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I always liked the side quest where you get black out drunk and I ended up in a far off area and town in the map I hadn't been to yet so I actually felt disoriented and lost while I tried to figure out where I was and how to get out.

2657d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That score will send this comment section into overdrive!!!

2657d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

So much yes to everything you mentioned above. I've seen so many comments that are so wrong and obviously from people who haven't played the game. To be honest I was a little nervous about the art style myself until I actually turned the game on the first time and immediately saw how well that style will hold up over the years. It's a living painting.

2658d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

See now this is another well thought out comment. I get what your saying too about some games not being held to the same standard and fanboys hating on horizon zero dawn when it too is also obviously a great game. I don't know why I let some comments get to me but they do. When people say it's a big empty green world with nothing to do and the game sucks i don't even know what to say. I mean Skyrim was buggy as shit but the sum of its parts still made it an amazing game and few wo...

2658d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

First and foremost I want to say I appreciate your intelligent rebuttal to my comment. Rarely do you find someone in the comment section that wants to have intelligent debates and discussion about the games we love to play. It's a nice change from the usual immediate im right your an idiot fanboyism all over the place.

Now I'm not familiar with this reviewer so I'll believe that it's not for clicks. But we all know there are sites that do that and it obviou...

2658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure if this comment is directed at me but since it's a direct reply I'll bite. now if I had said Nintendo makes the best consoles ever and every game they make is pure gold then that would be being a mindless drone. Funny enough though, someone wandering into a comment section to talk shit about a game they obviously haven't played and reply to a comment they obviously didn't read would be much closer to be being a mindless drone. Either that or your just trying really ha...

2658d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Right on thanks for looking out. I'll check this thing out.

2658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair enough. Part of that though I think is because at least in the case of PS4 we all know what that machine is capable of and have certain expectations. As of right now i don't know really what the bar for switch games going forward will be. A year or so from now I might be saying wow I can't believe zeldas even reached the frame rate it.

2658d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh boy where to start?
First off I don't know why I keep seeing people say Nintendo and Zelda just get free passes cause they are Nintendo yet judging by the comments and likes and dislikes on this site, there are no free passes being handed out. Seems giving any credit to Nintendo will get you down votes like crazy. Even if your like myself and doing 97% of your gaming on PS4 you will still be considered a fanboy.

Second it's weird to me that breath of th...

2658d ago 12 agree31 disagreeView comment

I love Zelda to death and I just finished majoras mask 3ds for the first time the day before botw came out. It was only 1 of 3 Zelda games I never completed because when it was released the 3 day cycle drove me mad. Doing a bunch of stuff only to have to do it all over again cause I didn't quite do it fast enough was the worst feeling. I can totally see why this game has such a cult following and there's some cool stuff but i hate time limits in almost any game and it kind of ruined i...

2659d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

My switch screen doesn't show any signs of scratching yet but that scraping sound it makes every time I pull it in and out of the dock is nerve racking. Every time I feel I'm sure munch screen just scratch but not yet.

2659d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've pretty much dedicated all my switch time to Zelda and the one thing I was suprised about was how much the game loses its sense of epic scale in handheld mode. I think it's because of how vertical the game is and all the valleys seem smashed in. On my 65 inch tv I find myself constantly stopping and panning the camera to take in this living painting of a world. It's funny cause wind waker on the Wii U gamepad didn't feel smaller to me like botw does on handheld.

2659d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I've loved Nintendo since I was a kid but the way they handle their numerous properties is mind boggling. If they just released proper core titles of their franchises at a. Irma like rats they would be making many fans happy but instead it's endless spinoffs of popular titles. Look what they have to pull from:
Super mario Brothers
Legend of Zelda
Punch out
Star fox
Donkey Kong
Kid Icarus

2659d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment