CRank: 5Score: 51290

Agree. That's why I wish they weren't using the number 4. It's been too long since the original prime trilogy. Time for a soft reboot. Keep it a prime game but give it a separate subtitle.

2644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My only complaint is that none of Sonys big 3 (Spider-Man, God of War, Days Gone) got a 2017 release date. I know it's always best to make sure the game is ready rather than rushed and I'm all for this new logic of releasing great games all year round but there's a part of me that misses having a big game or 2 drop around the holidays. Seems more and more the holiday season is now the dumping ground for annual and semi annual releases that end up being more of the same. Your call ...

2652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the main reason for the mid gen upgrades is because this is the first generation of consoles in awhile where the advancements in picture and video media didn't line up with the new consoles.

My old NES was hooked up with two prongs screwed in with a butter knife. Then with Super Nintendo came coaxial cable. With N64/PS1 came AV cables. With PS2 we got DVD movies and DVD quality video. PS3/xbox360 came HD tvs and HDMI cables along with streaming Apps. All those ...

2652d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm so happy for new metroid. My only nit pick is that I kind of wish that wouldn't have gone with prime 4 implying it's a continuation of the original trilogy. Would like to have seen at least a small reinvention. Especially with a new studio taking over.

2659d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed fallen. Ever since my ps1 and N64 sat side by side the Sony Nintendo combo has been the way for me.

2666d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually hope what they are doing is combining 2 and 3 into one remake since those games intersect anyway. Then we would have good versions of the entire series.

2680d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed black flag is such a great and in my opinion under rated game. It just came at a time when the beginning of the assassins creed fatigue started to set in but it was so much better than all the others and could have been it's own franchise.

2691d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've heard rumors of a more horror themed metroid being in development and I love that idea. It could still be very metroid in every aspect but just add in more tension and creepiness. All the old bosses and enemies would easily slide right into a horror game.

2694d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My new theory is that Nintendo will launch their Switch virtual console with a virtual nes classic line up for 60 bucks.

2705d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's too true. I didn't expect to use it so much as a portable but the about do play in bed or on the go is huge for someone like me that gets OCD about doing all side quests. It gives me more time to game.

2709d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish it was a new wave race releasing. I don't know why Nintendo abandoned that franchise. It make a perfect summer multiplayer/party game.

2714d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's because it takes time for developers to learn the ins and outs of a new console and how to harness its full potential. Add to that the fact the more advanced games get the longer they take to make so console generations needed to be extended. Games take as much as 5 years or longer to create and make it to retail. The advancement of 4K hdr tvs becoming mainstream was out of sync from new console generations so they kind of had to release these mid gen consoles to stay caught up. So ...

2723d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe they do but I think the original cruis'n USA was codeloped by Rare when Nintendo still owned them. Don't know if rare had a hand in this one. I didn't even know it existed. I only remember cruis'n USA, world and exotica. Cruis'n usa was the shit back in the day. Don't know if it's aged well though. Love to see them try a new one though.

2729d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had so much more but n4g went weird and didn't let me finish or edit. My point is nintendo gets its first must play game in over 10 years with Zelda and releases an intriguing new console and some people on here just can't have that. It's like picking on a special needs kid. Just let them have this moment in the sun without being bitter. Both PS4 and xbox1 had about as many issues reported at launch as your hearing about the switch now. Not widespread.
Oh and don'...

2730d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Dude nintendos console quality has always been stellar. I just got thru a 4 day Zelda bender on my switch in the dock turning it off only to get some forced sleep and my switch is as good as it was in the box. Every new console will have isolated incidents that sometimes don't have anything to do with the company. People shipping them get angry and throw them on to trucks, employees in Walmart from boxes off the top of a stack onto the floor and put it onto the shop else n...

2730d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

The only assassins creed game to really hook me was Black Flag and I still feel Ubisoft made a huge mistake making it an Assassins creed game and not it's own franchise.

2735d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't understand why this always has to turn into a sony vs Nintendo thing? In my opinion they can be and are sister systems. When I want to do my core gaming I do it on PS4. When I want something a little different and quirky and play the franchises I get up on and on the go I'll do it on switch. This isn't like PS4/xbone war where they are directly competing with each other. Nintendo has gone out of their way to be the "other" system. And I can't put my finger on ...

2735d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I kind of agree with that. I was really worried about the art style at first then after I played it I realized how unique it was. This is the most Japanese feeling Zelda yet but it work and still feels very Zelda.

2736d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can anyone tell me if this is worth getting? Not so much story cause I know what I'd be getting into but gameplay wise does it hold up or will it feel dated? I don't want to put in a bunch of time on something that isn't fun. I was bummed I missed this series the first time around.

2739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess these articles are just the flavor of the month right now. Look I support the LGBT community 100% but do we need a new soap box article on this issue every day? It's feeling very forced. I'm seeing more and more on N4G where an original article comes out and it get a bunch of hits and comments and all of a sudden there's a new article every day saying pretty much what the last article said. It seems lazy and unoriginal and done only for hits.

2740d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment