
CRank: 5Score: 25940

What is funny to me is how the stance is depending on how reviews do go. Fu*k reviews from Company perspective and you get the comment we see above. Let it be high reviews and you get the opposite opinion from(insert company here)

6228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So where is the Iphone then.

6229d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This doesn't even make sense he is claiming there is only about 1.5 mil including PS3 so the question is how many PS3 are in the U.S?

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't go by the reviews try the game out you might like it lol

6238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why does the Nectar seem like if anything would make this game bad that would be it.

Follow me a sec. Who here hates playing online as it is and you got some mofo who just starts shooting anyone for no reason and then exits out the game. Now how will it be fun to overdose on the nectar and(I understand the concept) but thats what will draw me right out of this game especially in co-op. I can see it now:

"Will fuc*ing stop overdosing on that sh*t man you...

6239d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is a prime example of what denial is please learn from these types of post. Thanks

6241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your a fuc*ing idiot.

If the numbers were different and PS3 sold more you wouldn't have claimed a pay off or anything related to how you made this post. Some of you need to grow the fu*k up taking this sh*t personal. Please do not admit if you are a grown man. I can forgive you if you are a kid that hasn't reached puberty

6241d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dumb as*es they are talking about sales generated from software, accessories etc. Not hardware. WTF is wrong with some of you. Take Madden for example the sales compared to the other systems. Take the attach rate the 360 has when sold for games and assec. This is why it is the leading platform. No fanboy or bitc*ing needs to be stated. honestly if you don't even have a 360 why would you even care who is selling what. How does any of this affect your enjoyment for the systems you like....

6241d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple you just keep your mouth shut. Don't make yourself look desperate when you are in 3rd globally. Just release the games so this trend can continue. This is getting really old from Sony. I am still waiting for a good reason to buy the PS3. Which of course that reason is the games that I am still waiting to be released.

6242d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sure did and funny how the sales across those platforms didn't make it on the charts like Madden's continue to do each year. Funny how people have time to worry about who has the license and hoopla or whatever. But buisness wise we see the results each year. Doesn't matter if Madden sucks. Doesn't matter that EA sucks. But buisness is good for them and it shows each year this game is released on platforms. Can't argue with that one. You don't like the game don't buy it. For every pers...

6243d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The exclusive deals and 60 FPS has nothing to do with each other. Lets get all this sh*t straight. Last gen it was all just fine and dandy that the PS2 was the LEAD game platform to develope on because.....well what do you know higher possibility of sales. Turn to 2007 and it flip flops.

Fact there are more 360's on the market than PS3's(fanboys disagree and say why don't just disagree because you don't like the fact that this is a true statement and don't take it as being t...

6243d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

What I find funny about your post in here is that you actually made it in here to worry about what anyone says about this news. How do you go into a news thread that you care nothing about but have the time to worry about what someone wrote here about anything related to a game you say is going to bust

This has nothing to do about being an Xbox fanboy but I would point the same thing out for just the similar idiots that will do it in a news related Killzone 2

6243d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe you all are arguing over an imposter who claims tobe a director at a forum. Give me a fuc*ing break

6245d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The EGM review was brutal about the controls. They even interviewed the developers on it with the review on the latest mag.

6248d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That picture is fuc*ing classic.

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait, this is going to be off the chain. Between the kids, Military and the rest of the year with new games. It is going to be a busy time. Enjoy.

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How the hell did this become over 170 post over some poster at a game forum get told by ear about this BS.

6254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You must be referring to the PS3

6264d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It wasn't about them coming to their senses. The damn thing has been selling at the price it was at. Why would a company price drop a system that is making sales month after month for almost 2 years? Companies always do a price drop and they do it when it is for certain they need a price drop. The system was not hurting in sales 6 months ago or during 06 xmas.

The PS3 on the other hand is a question of why does a console that has been on the market less then a year alread...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you comparing this price drop for a system that has been on the market for almost 2 years vs a system on the market less then a year that needed to a price drop? Yeah Okay

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment