
CRank: 5Score: 25940

360 actually sold 1.1 mil last december so not sure where you get that it didn't sell more.

As for software sales, no one should be surprised about software sales for the 360 but for the PS3. I want to see the full list because Uncharted as good of a game it is and UT3 I am shocked these exclusives did not sell well at all.

6096d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect (Xbox 360) 401,000
Mario Party DS (DS) 385,700
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) 147,600
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS) 117,200
Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (PS3) 56,500
Nights: Journey of Dreams (Wii) 60,800
TimeShift (PS3) 25,000

Now if those are the numbers for the rest of the chart....then what the hell did Uncharted, Rachet and UT3 do for the PS3 in sales. Only 56,000 for Half Life 2. MAN WTF?

6096d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony now has 20 first party developers making PS3 exclusive games compared with just 9 or so for Nintendo and 3 or 4 for Microsoft. That is a gigantic increase from the PS2 first party developer lineup that created the largest and greatest library of games ever for a console

If they don't sale why does it matter. We have seen 3 games on the PS3 that are exclusive and they are selling poorly compared to Multiplatform games. Your right we will see but based on how 2007 went. We we...

6096d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

So again, why the low sales of games?

6096d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You have sene the sales of games for the PS3 haven't you?

How is Uncharted, Rachet, and UT3 doing? You don't want to know.

How come the software sales numbers are not as close to how the hardware sales are? Especially during the Holiday sales.

6096d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

What you are saying sounds like a cop out excuse. It is pretty obvious based on the last year alone and all over the world the software has been low as far as (Blu-Ray games) go. As many consoles they have been selling it should have better numbers than this by now. Not 1 game on the PS3 has ever made it as #1 for any month. The answer to why is the devided user base.

Blu-Ray movie watchers
Gamers/Blu-Ray movie watchers.

Not one person bou...

6096d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not 1 top 10 PS3 game

6096d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

While those games might come to the PS3. Let me get this straight. Even though MS hasn't really announced the full 2008 lineup which they stated they would focused on 07(which they did)
Here you are telling us all that we need to enjoy Bioshock on the 360 even though it will come out on the PS3(based on what you stated at least) You have to be fu*king joking if that is the claims you are making about 08

So how about how the PS3 came in 3rd(Again) for Xmas sales here in th...

6097d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


You live in a trailer park huh?

I seriously doubt MS is worried about Apple's laptop when they don't make laptops or computers. Maybe you meant Dell.....dumb*ss

6097d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

First of all I don't know why anyone needs to "defend" their console. If anyone here has an issue about a da*n game console then that is a problem they are going to need to get over themselves. This article is not going to shift anyone to get a PS3 over a 360. What is funny is all the comments that are on here are debating this misinformaed blogger vs getting people to actually get either system.

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"At least some gamers' hopes lie with Gibson, a consumer-fraud attorney who claims he's never lost a trial"

He should get prepared for his first lost then. He should have read the terms and conditions before going thru with this.

6097d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do hope some of you know the article was strictly talking about Austrailia. In no way the country is going to be the deciding factor on how the sales will be for this gen. You all are bragging about less than 20,000 units sold as if this will make a huge difference

6098d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course you are waiting on the more exclusives for the PS3. We all have since 2005. DUH!

Oh and for everyone to not be surpsied by this comment.

"don't be shocked about delays on some of these big exclusives"

6098d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

You do realize with your comments your just repeating the same thing said in 05 about "ohhhh when the PS3 lands it will so own the 360"

Keep watching.

6098d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Anyone here would be saying that MS lineup is weak. For one it needs to be clear that the reason we haven't heard fully what is coming for the 360 in 08 is due to the concentration they stated to have for 07 and clearly it worked vs Sony announcing "potential" games in 08-09.

UT3=still not selling and it is timed exclusive.
Uncharted(great game)Exclusive. I remember in 06 how this game was going to push consoles
Rachet and Clank. HMMMMMM another exclu...

6098d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

Your getting excited over 1 week. Not that impressive.

6099d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

The same thing was said about 07. I guess we will see. If MGS 4 doesn't actually sell well as much hype that has been talked about here. You can put a fork in it about sales expectation of PS3 games.

6099d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

And none of those games have ever seen the #1 position in the sales chart. What is odd is only 1 game that is multi is seeing the top 10 charts. Oh my bad anther multi is AC and when we do see it on the charts the 360 is selling better than it.

6099d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Then don't be shocked by UT3's sales when they release it for Dec. I expect them to be low. Uncharted still isn't selling. Rachet?
Pretty much the games that are actually selling is R-FOM after a year(my god) and Motorstorm(packaged with 80gigs)

I don't know why anyone here or on the internet thinks developers will simply stop developing for the 360 as their main system with sales like they have done.

6099d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wait until NPD releases it software sales. UTIII is not selling. You saw Dec 07 sales right? Right?

6099d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment