
CRank: 5Score: 25940

Some of you just sound like complete idiots. You all are aware that the 360 does upconvert to 1080p and we have all known for the longest that it does. If any of you actually read what he is saying about the box stating 1080p. The back of most games state they support 480p, 720p, and 1080p for upconvert resolutions. The PS3 for some games do not do 1080i for displays that don't support 720p. What is worse is this idiot thinks only a few games on the 360 are less than 720p when their are a...

6059d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

It is free at abc.com where you will watch it on your computer screen vs me sitting at the couch watching the show in HD. Even though it is free you have to watch in parts and sit through watching ads in between those parts. Since ABC local channel has been a problem for me with Directv HD. I have been able to watch it in hi-def from Live vs watching it in standard def. I have the first 2 seasons on DVD and the 3rd season on BR. I don't expect people to simply download past episodes unles...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Knowing by now how 360 games sale better than the PS3 DMC4 will be no different. Just like Burnout Paradise we will see the 360 version outsell in both U.S and Europe.

6079d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

As much as I love Tekken it looks like a minor upgrade as far as graphics go.

6079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is development going for your games?

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of you need to get your facts straight. Moore is head of EA SPORTS only.

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me get this straight after a year only 2 other games that are not exclusive to the PS3 are million sellers? COD4 and Assasins Creed. WHy would developers move over to the PS3 as a lead or become the main focus when the 360 had million sellers left and right since launch. Developers are making money on the 360 than they are on the PS3. 2 developers that are multiplatform did it but the exclusives didn't? Rachet and Clank bombed(oh wait rumors to bundle with the system so it will sell ...

6083d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is his brother. I am not sure how anyone would disagree with what you are saying. But I only had problems for a few days. You people got to be kidding if you think all of us decided to go to PSN. I call BS for one thing. Consumers are not going to go out and buy a PS3 and the same games that were released on the 360 because of the online issues. I don't see that happening and it doesn't make sense at all. I only buy exclusives for the PS3 anyway. Everything else for the 360. Got...

6084d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why the hell is this guy interviewing about PC games when he doesn't even understand WTF he is talking about?

6090d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They love to hide how the PS3 is doing in comparision. Funny as hell.

6090d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Let me get this straight.

Your saying a game that is being released for both the 360 and the PS3 is being cancelled cause you think because of too much shooters. If they were cancelling it for the 360 MAYBE that would possibly be a very small reason why but for the PS3. Give me a break. You mention Gears of War 2 which is for the 360 but the other 2 games that state to come at the end of 08 and this game is about to release within the next month. All I can say is.......HUH?...

6094d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Simple and direct answer.......NO

6094d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im sorry but people are not going to simply buy the game for this particular mod just like they are not buying the game because it has the mod for Halo. PC games have been on the decline for years. Very few games sale on the PC and all it takes is a brief look at what games sale and what doesn't. What is odd is that you can't pinpoint it down to different genres that is a sure thing to sale. It is random across the board.

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has been my assumption all year. If you look back throughout the year with the game sales for the PS3 and you will see it doesn't matter how low or high the game is reviewed they are simply not selling. Games that should be must haves are not. Rachet was bragged about as reaching Toy Story status and this game has never once reached the top 10. What is odd is that it is not an original IP this game did good for the PS2 but doesn't sale on the PS3? Then Uncharted and Unreal Tournamen...

6095d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

If anyone has bought the game you can contact MS for a refund.

6095d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who the hell plays at the arcades anymore. Get this game to the consoles

6096d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not 1 PS3 game in the top 20.

6096d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have yet to understand how a kid in Alabama wants to brag about the sales of PS3 in Kerkuchstan Germany selling 15 copies more than the 360. All of a sudden we have a race.

What were the past comments.

"Wait until 05 for the PS3"

"Wait until April 06 for the PS3"

"Next gen starts when we say it does" Boy that was like Bush pre-mature comment about his " mission accomplish speech


6096d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It didn't. In 06 Dec sales for the 360 hit 1.1 million consoles for its first year. This year the same month the PS3 only sold 798,000 consoles. Lets not even discuss the amount of software sales the 360 has brought in. Oh by the way all the bragging going on at that time was how the 360 was getting beat by the PS2. The 360 has been outselling the PSP, PS2, and PS3. The 360 has set the standard for gaming. software sales continue to come in at #1. Not 1 PS3 game for the month of Dec i...

6096d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is dissapointing is how the PS3 didn't come close to the Dec 06 360 sales of last year.

6096d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment