
CRank: 5Score: 25940

The 360 fanboys caused this game not be enjoyed by PS3 owners who don't even buy games to begin with. They buy the console but no games. Da*n good how you came up with that one.

6130d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You really have no clue what you are talking about. The price and being a "techhead" has nothing to do with it. The worst game on the 360 sales better than the PS3 game. Hell the best games that are availble on both consoles are sold better on the 360 and this has nothing to do with the fact that the lead platform is the 360. I bet you anything Unreal will not come in #1 in software sales. I say that because no one is buying the games for the system. The excuses I have heard th...

6130d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Even when facts are pointed out, you see the blindness that comes from what we call DENIAL.

6130d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

For all the talk that goes on around here you would think some of the PS3 owners or fanboys who claim to own them(I am talking about you 10 yr olds) that woud understand how this concept is supposed to work.

Developers see console sales which of course increase. What they expect from that increase is possible buyers.(common sense so for the slow ones please reread so you can comprehend)

Potential software sales come from these increase console sales. This is wo...

6130d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whatever makes you feel better about your purchase.

6131d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah see what I mean.....denial

6131d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If you are a blind fanboy then this should be a shock(we call this denial). If you look at all the facts and the last 12 months this will not be a shock to you.

Anyone claiming that 360 is going to dieout in 08 is kidding themselves. The attach rate is record high and has been like this since released in 05 for software sales. Developers go where the money is being made. It happen to the PS2 and it is happing with the 360.

6131d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why do the majority of the post in this one sound like utter denial?

Maybe if you fanboys were buying actual games for the system instead of spouting about "wait for 2008" Things would look good for Sony. When you "big guns" for 2007 Uncharted in Rachet can't even sale as exclusives on one console......somthing is wrong with that picture. The NPD sales are available for you all to see the trend that has been on going. We heard the same thing this whole y...

6131d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Your claim of no games for the 360 huh?

Okay your wife should have got you Rachet and Clank and Uncharted to help out the sales of those games. Probably would have made a difference. Pretty ignorant to claim no games for the system when the majority of games in the list are games being sold FOR the 360. But you keep telling yourself that. Nice try though.

And if anyone has any doubts I own the car in my avatar here is your proof. I is funny wh...

Where the hell is Uncharted and Rachet at?

ANy of you Sony fanboys able to answer the question?
Alot of claims about those games being system sellers and they are not even in the top 10. You going to use the excuse based on the time of month it was released lol? Please please someone explain to me how everyone claimed these games were system sellers but are not selling. I have Uncharted and it is fun but I find it odd all the claims about these games being system se...

6131d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

How is this news? This was stated back when the PS3 was announced and the PSN at the time was shrouded in secrecy. Look what we have today and Stinger is still making promises. Can you please tell them to FUC*ING FOCUS ON THE GAMES

6132d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

So you feel it is okay to say bomb on a plane to then huh?

Let us know how that plays out next time you are on a plane and this happens.

6133d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


Xbots. All xbox owners are kids who don't know any better?
I don't know what is worse saying Xbot, M$ or any of those immature names. What is worse is this comment you say.

"The PS3 will considered an amazing acheivement in the future while the xbox will be remembered as a bedside heater."

Are you the kid that is hoping mommy and daddy got this for you under the tree this xmas. Need to quit worrying about being "Tuff i...

6133d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason why you are saying this is obvious. Based on the comments on here and fanboys posting numbers of units sold really don't have a clue. This "WAR" was not expected to end anytime soon. No one wants to accept that it is very possible for both formats to survive. No one here can say for a fact which one will win, lose or have no winner at all. Fanboys bragging each week about BR movies winning over HD movies sold is so laughable because the numbers are actually so small ...

6133d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Neither is this one.

6133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Shut and think before you speak moron. Is that what kids say around here at your age. Notice how it comes down with some of you with this he said she said this. Why are you on the thread. What defense do you feel you need to do. Why are you worried about someone posting a article of a analyist opinion. But if this was an article posted about the PS3 praising we would have fanboys jumping for joy like we see now with the articles that are on here. As soon as an analyist says somthing...

6133d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I shouldn't be surprised by any of this. Funny how alot of you fanboys have a field day about the 360's RROD but Bit*h and complain about analyst articles. What is even more odd is the fact that the 360 continues to sale. It sales the most software across the board. Wit hthe RROD issue and still sales more software and more Live customers than the free Sony service that simply does not compare. But what am I supposed to expect. I own both the PS3 and 360 but none of that matters. I mad...

6133d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment