
CRank: 5Score: 25940

You must be like 10 years old to make a comment like that.

6187d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was expected since so many games are coming out. The Orange Box was just released today. Maybe some are waiting on other games but renting or, maybe just decided not to get it compared to what is out or what is keeping them from buying any games

6195d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pretty obvious you all haven't read the books and followed the complete story to understand what references the retired soldier was saying. Nothing surprising here.

6195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The waiting game. Lets wait until the PS3 released in 06
Lets wait until Spring 07
Lets wait until fall 07
Lets wait until Home comes(yeah whatever)
Lets wait until Lair
Lets wait until Heavonly Sword(the game is fun even
if it is short)
Lets wait until 08 when the games like MGS and now

6199d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where the fu*k have you been the last 4 years. The same thing happen with Halo2 released. Calm down sparky I will still play COD4 (played the beta) and Mass Effect(can't fuc*ing wait)

How the hell does a popular game effect your enjoyment. Get over the politics and worrying about how a game compares to others and just enjoy it. You live to play games to worry about what others think vs thinking for yourself.

6205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better then purchasing a console that still doesn't have a must have game with it. Yeah Its like that. Still waiting to give Sony my money for a good game to come out. Guess I have to wait until 08 which is not depressing at all since I have a 360 to play games.

6205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"and hell ps3 will pass xbox soon enough anyway."

You do realize this comment has been stated since the announcment of the PS3. We are still Fu*king waiting for them to catch up.

"Next Gen starts when we say so" Thank god we didn't wait on them.

6212d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And if you are not a child then I fear the worse that a grown man/woman acts this way. First of all you say you have nothing against the actual game but yet you take the time to have an avatar saying Gaylo(are you implying that you are gay "not that their is anything wrong with that" I mean who the hell comes up with this stuff)
Then on top of that your simply pissed because it is being advertised. Hmmmm well don't go out Monday or Midnight Tuesday then because this isn't o...

6212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't play any of the games I want to play that are next gen on the Wii for the 360. Hey it is great for the unique games you can play with the Wii mote but I would not be happy with that being my only console. So honestly I personally don't look at Wii as a competition to 360 that is fine as far as sales go. Sales for a console doesn't make me happy with a game system. Regardless of all the haters the 360 has already establish itself. With 2 next-gen games getting the the highest rati...

6212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guys it isn't rocket science they have the beta open but the actual code has been worked on this whole time just like when the Beta for Halo3 was released this is information purpose for them to have to make sure the game runs stable.

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly it will end sooner for me because I have been playing the beta but after midnight Tuesday was the going to be the last day because you know why. Yeah you know why.

6213d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If true this will be the reason why I finally pick up a PS3

6216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love being a gamer this is the life to have it all.

great woman in my life
beautiful kids
Halo 3 and I get to finish the fight

6218d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What the hell are you talking about. What tide turning. In sales. Both hardware and software. Show me how many games a month are in the top 10 for PS3. Show me how many times the PS3 has outsold the 360. The point is it doesn't matter if this article was done in 2006 or not. The fact that you and I are still waiting on MGS4, just now got Lair(WTF) HS(great looking game that last 6 hours after all this fuc*ing time in development) then to top it off they said "if it sells well we w...

6218d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I just played the video and had sound the whole time.

6219d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It hurts doesn't it. Hey hey hey don't cry calm down its okay fanboy let it out let it out. This is the start of the healing process. Let it all out and come from the state of denial. Please let go of this assumption that you are going to make a change with this post. It is the fuc*ing internet. You bring out your ignorance with these types of post. Let it go Sparky. Come to the light and just enjoy games and enjoy life.

Other if you can't do that then grow the fu*k up and ...

6220d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ignorant comments have been too much. I still don't get how you or others like you with these type of comments give this much time to a game you don't feel deserves the hype let alone your own time to play it. Simply shut the fu*k up and let it go. That is the beauty of games and different consoles. I enjoy Bioshock, Halo, BF2142, Ninja Gaiden, Dead Or Alive. The point is if everything played the damn same way or had the same type of story(Halo under the water story give me a fuc*ing bre...

6220d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Another example as to why execs just need to shut the Fu*k up with contradicting comments like this. The fact that you go on record for 2 years saying the opposite and then turn around and make a comment like that. IT IS A GAME CONSOLE PERIOD. oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh hhhh didn't know that.

6229d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Neither of them were ever winning to begin with. DVD is beating them both. BR and HD sales combined equal about 2% so I don't know why anyone has argued or stated any of them getting PWNED

6229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't hate the Japanese at all but I sure as hell am not worried how it does over there. It didnt do good last gen it won't do good this gen or the next. It is an American company against to Jap companies. Regardless this does not effect my ability to have fun with the 360 and past and up and coming games. Sorry for rant back to playing Call of Duty 4 Beta if you want to play with me my Live ID is PimpJuice2

6229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment