
CRank: 5Score: 25940

All it takes is some kid who is 13 state they are 30 and then what when you here his voice you going to spend the time to report him and think MS is going to spend the time to verify his age who his parents probably paid for the service to begin with. Mute button simple as that. Learn to use the features already in place. Find friends your age to play the games you have a mutual interest in.

6040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can happen to anyone.

6041d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both games play just the same as previewed so again WTF is with the circle jerking with the CELL being the best thing since slice bread at this. It has been a year and some good games have came out for the system but please please stop now because we realize at this point that not much difference in the quality of games.

6044d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You must circle jerk around this type of news huh? You fanboys go out your way to be that concerned about which game is developed on what. I can bet you the 360 version will still sale more than the PS3 version. With the way software sales have gone in just the last few months alone seeing how exclusives have sold for the PS3, I am not expecting that high of sales for this version regardless if it is made for the PS3 or not.

What makes any of you think that come next year t...

6044d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

These kids that brag about Blu-Ray can't brag about the games for the PS3 as far as sales. 2 games since a year has passed have made the 1 million mark and that is Resistances FOM and Motorstorm. WTF happen to Rachet and clank moving consoles, Lair anyone? Uncharted still hasn't cracked the top ten. So yes expect 10-18 yr olds to brag about it becuase they sure as hell are not buying the games compared to the other console. Not that anything is wrong with these games. I have Uncharted I...

6044d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Simply state give me what the other guys are giving me(MS) Today.

6046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The message was clear when they saw what the 360 was doing since launch. That is what is so dissapointing about the PS3 online service. Great that it is free but you don't offer what some of us are so used too. It is little things like this that make the difference with me buying my multiplayer games for the 360 and just exclusives for the PS3. The online seems like it is just constantly trying to catch up to the 360's online service. Yes you pay $50 a year for a service vs a free service...

6046d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess you need to find another line of work since you have customers leaving your place of buisness not knowing how to turn on a tv. I work part time at Circuit City so I am in the service too. Big whoop. Fanboys on both sides love to talk about this and that on the negatives especially when they either don't own it anymore or never have or front about owning any system especially ones claiming they have a standalone BR player and PS3 but are 13 living in moms house knowing this is past...

6046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that for a console you don't give a da*mn about(this goes for you fanboys also) You seem to enjoy keeping up with what it offers. Your couple of post make you sound kind of ignorant commenting about going through 4 360's. Hey thats fine we are all aware of the RROD. But why bother talking about a console you no longer own?
Why bother participating in threads like this?
The only reason is to argue, downplay and just continue to complain about somthing you no longer own. ...

6046d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think memory has a lot to do with the issues we have not recieved otherwise expect alot of these features in HOME not suprised being that HOME was supposed to be released by now that these features will be in HOME......maybe.

6048d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Boy when these type of articles come out alot of you love to circle jerk about your purchases. What sad is some of you that will comment don't even have a hi def player or a PS3 at that.

6049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How so?

Everytime someone on here doesn't like a review from this site and countless others they cry foul not to trust the sites to begin with. I don't see what all the fuss is about. Some on here actually are having issues with this guy getting fired for being honest. I respect that. The others, are just bit*hing just to bi*ch. If he never got fired some of the very same people here would be bi*ching about a review from fanboys talking about how too good of a score was t...

6051d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Trailer look good to me. WTF are they talking about. Classic Tekken trailers.

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great detective work on that on Sparky.
Blame it on MS to solve all the issues and make this about the PS3.
The game was released for both systems.
Fuc*ing idiot fanboys.

6052d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Notice somthing? No freaking disagrees from anyone. No arguing to the point of screaming BS and bloody murder. This is how a discussion should go for this site. Thanks to all 23 post replies that participated in this news discussion.

6053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't know why people keep denying it but it is right there showing you where devs are making the most on which next gen console. It continues to be the 360.

COD 4 top 10 for the 360........no where to be found for the PS3.
Assasins Creed top 10 for the 360 #1 spot....number #8 in the top 10 and the only other game is Need 4 speed pro street which sits at #19.
The same version on the 360 sits at #11 right behind the PS2 version.
So 8 top 40 games for the 3...

6055d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats because it is pretty clear the majority have bought the system for Blu-Ray vs gaming vs BR/Gaming. The software for that story tells it all.

Blu-Ray high attach ratio. Blu-Ray Games.........not so much.

6059d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet software sales pale in comparison with the 360. Gamecube all over again.

6059d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow for a company you don't work for you sure do have a bag full of excuses ready to in your arsenal. Halo 3 had 5 days before the 1st of the month when released and in addition it was leaked out a week prior all over the world.

6061d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Haven't had any problems whatsoever with the 360 version

6064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment