
CRank: 5Score: 16360

Sony has said no Price cuts this year.
Honestly with 2 price cut last year, it's not possible for Sony to keep cutting cost. here is a reason they lost 3 billion off of the ps3. The are losing money as it is. Please don't take it as a dis to the playstation brand. it's a fact. You don't cut the price on a console in the first year two times and make money : (

5935d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony bundles MGS4 for free and it's a smart move.
A store bundles 360 games and it's because it's not seeling.
No one will mention both are wins for gamers...Throw feces at each other fanboys. Throw feces!

5935d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care about the gamercards or point as much as i care about content. Right now it's something that PSN needs badly. There just isn't enough content out there.

5937d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

me thinks

5937d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5953d ago

lol...Remember when the ps3 was going to be ustselling the 360 in NA this year. Everyone laughed at MS for saying they had a supply issue and this was the end of the 360? Funny those people saying that are really quiet on this site now!

The fact remains Ms is keeping it's sales down in lieu of making a huge profit on each 360 sold. It's going into the 3rd year of the 360 and most units have only seen a 20.00 price cut since 2005. The fact that it has gone so long without a pric...

5953d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

So lets see....
We ahve halo 1-3 in 8 years and you are complaining.

We are already on Resistance 2, MGS4, GT5, and it's all good?
Let's not even talk about the prolouge...Think about all of the games that Snake has been on..I beleive he was in a skateboarding game....But that's not whoring out. Jax 6. R&C 5.... Should I go on.
GOW3( excluding the PSP versions) Why don't you just shut up.

5956d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People still don't get it. Ms has made the monst money this gen so far. They are actually turning a profit. The xbox has had 1 $20 price cut in almost 3 years. You do the math! Do you really think that Ms isn't turning a profit on consoles sold. I wager that they are making about $100s on each console sold. If they sell only 7, million consoles a year that's 700 million grossed.

Lets talk Live. Right now there are over 12 million Live accounts. I would wager that about 7 mill...

5956d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Lol About of pro sony people complaining about xbox live.
Any online system is going to have these kind of issues. There isn't anything you can do to stop these guys. They can't be punched in the face so they are going to act tough onlive.
Lets look at the benifits to live.

5957d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

Te problem is no one uses headsets online. I love tactical games but i chose the 360 version of COD4 over the ps4 version because of the lack of mics.

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is one reason why sony;s PSN fails to be a community. The fact that it lacks a standard communication device needs to be addressed. People don't by random headsets for their ps3 or they don't know how to use a head set. Sony you need to fix this quick.

Additionally, lets get:
Demos and DLC on time. No more after the 360 has it and with way less content. It's to "most advanced console" so it should have all of the content the 360 gets. Where are my demos.

5958d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Actually the belife is that...
PS3 owners don't by games....seeing that only Motorstorm, Resistance, GTA4 and Cod4 have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. You have 2 luanch titles and only 2 exceptional/hyped games selling major copies. MGS4 should be added to that list.

While 360 has many more titles hitting that mark. It's just too risky at this time to port this game. It's really not that great an rpg as there are no challenges in game. None! Evey none boss f...

5959d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

I am so happy there are some actually gamers and people on this board with MINDs. It's simple to see that the Ps3 is a monster but do developers have the time and resources to use that power.

If you need to make a game from scratch in under 1 year for less than 10 million dollars, the ps3 probally isn't for you. The 360 would then be seen as a more powerful system because all of your tricks work. All of your coding efficently transfer and you are able to put ot mind blowing gr...

5962d ago 15 agree16 disagreeView comment

So Komiji says Ps3 is most powerful and he's praised?
This guys says 360 is most powerful and he's crazy?

I look at the Ps3 and 360 as swords.
360 being a Katana and Ps3 being a European broad sword.
In the right hands both can be destructive. However, the sheer power of a Broad sword cannot be harnessed by a person not strong enough to swing it. WHile the katana's power cannot be harnessed by a person quick/agile enough to handle it...

5962d ago 33 agree75 disagreeView comment

cmrbe -

How is the gap 5 million? Link please?
By all records the gap is 9-10 million

Lets assume that the 360 will lose steam and sell 7 million consoles this year ( 9 million in 2006 - 8 million in 2007) That will put it at 24 million.
The Ps3 is presently at 11- 12 million. Sony will have to sell 12 million by the end of this year to catch them in 2009.

It's not going to happen. Sony outselling the 360 now is olny doing so at abou...

5963d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

The ps3 over take will not happen by 2009. Sony isn't out selling Ms at quick enough a pace. Sony is somewhere @ 11million consoles sold and Ms is at 20 million. Sony will have to ousell Ms by 5 million consoles by the end of this year and next year. for that to happen.

It's just not going to happen. Sony may catch them by 2010 but not 2009. Ms's price cut should happen soon and sony will match that but it's just not logically for that to happen at the rate they have been selli...

5963d ago 5 agree18 disagreeView comment

What can sony talk crap about?
We're in thrid place?
We sold 150 consoles last gen and we are at 9 million now?
Sony is doing what it should do, keep it's head down and left it's progress do the talking. It will catch MS soon and then the price wars will start.

5963d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

360 has picked up a lot of pc/360 exclusive lately.
Show the ps3 some love fellas.

5965d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Loved MGS1 hated MGS2. It should show you how crappy the story turned out in part 2.

5965d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Great response. Call me a fanboy and ignore my post.
You didn't even respond. Are you saying the games isted aren't great? Are any of the Sony games i listed definate for 2008?

5969d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment