
CRank: 5Score: 16360

They're a business what do you expect? Fanboyism doesn't pay the bills.

People act like if they were asked to do the same job fo rtwice as much money they would turn it down. It's business.

5767d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Every year we hear the same thing. MS ha sno game sready for this year. Then the year starts and MS drop games while games for the ps3 geat delayed and delayed then move. Just face it, MS doesn't use E3 to tlak about games for next year, it focuses on the game scomng out that year. So that is when you will see them. The first months of the year are dead zones. When MS drops it's list it will go toe to to with the ps3's list. Most people will continue to get their games on the 360 so developer...

5767d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You list sucks...MLB?
Come on. Face it. 360 wins again.
I hae a ps3 and I am looking for games for it.

5770d ago 13 agree22 disagreeView comment

I want Sony to fix the real issues with the ps3. Lack of included voice mics, extrememly long download times. Extremly long install times. Extremely long software updates. Refine the messaging system and friend invites. Make a lot of the system easier to use. This system is the least next - gen of the next gen systems. It has the power but it was designed by a nazi. MS went with an Apple like interface. Sony decided to compy windows ME. FIX IT

5770d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you think the lack of games on the 360 is huanting, wait till you try the ps3 : (

I would like sony to fix certain things to improve the ps3..The system updates are way too long. Hell, I turned on my ps3 to play it not to wait 30 - 40 and try again. The demo system is broken, why do i have to download it ( 30 - 40) and then install it? It's nonsensical issues like this that sony droppped the ball with and why the ps3 will always be a step behind the 360 in ease of use. The R...

5770d ago 13 agree29 disagreeView comment

It is always about graphics. I'm not talking about which is superior within a certain gen but I am talking about from gen to gen. As much as people like to discount it the Wii is a jump in graphics from the GC. It's better looking than xbox was. So yes people upgraded because the graphics were better than last gen....

We aren't just talking about Graphics. We are talking about graphical ability. Every year more an dmore techniques are developed that obsolete chip sets cannot do...

5774d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

What don't people get about 10 year life cycles?

1) The psx had a ten year life was obsolte in 5 years.
2)The ps2 had a ten year life was obsolete in 5 years.

By 2011 both the ps3 and the 360 will be obsolete.
The new 360 will be out and a new ps4 or will will be out.
If you think the Ps3 will be competing with these new devices in 4 years you're crazy. It is still being beat visually by the 360 now.

5774d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

And boy do i feel empty. There isnt the same sens of community as ther eis on the xbox. I feel like a stranded boater on an island. NO headset, I need an xbox in my life. I can't play madden with that controller. How can anyone think those anolog sticks are precise. THe DS anolog stick = the 360 d pad. Complete crap. I miss my old 360. Why did I make that foolish choice( blu-ray movie player made me buy it)why?

5776d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ms finally cuts the price of the 360 and it's desperation?
It's going on it's 4th year and it is now going to be 100.00 cheaper.
The Ps3 has been 100.00 cheaper 6 months after it's inception. How can this be desperation? Ms has always targeted the 199.99 price as the point they wanted to reach. I believe the waited to long to drop the price. They are responsible for the upswing of momentum Sony has recived. They allowed the 360 to become stagnant price wise.There is only so many...

5865d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

I don't get the negavtive press tthat some people are trying to force on the 360. It has not have a meaningful price cut in 3 years. Anyone with a degree can tell you that sales will trickle after a cetain time has passed. I think MS is happy to be selling 200K a month at $20 dollars less than the introductory price.

People that are predicting gloom are idiots. Price cuts

5882d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Everyone forgets.
1) MGS4 luanched during this time. I guess MGS4 had the same effect Halo 3 had ( a solid month and then bak to normal).

2) Why can't anyone realize that the 360 has not had a lot of price uts like the ps3. The console arcade is 279 , thats 20.00 heaper than it was 3 years ago. The satuation has dried up for this price cut. MS knows this but is in no hurry to to go lower since Sony is no longer the Sony of old( 3 years and 14 million units from a 150 mi...

5885d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment
5934d ago

I can't belive this was approved. I mean really! WTF?

5934d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

HD playback?
Hey smarties, you can still watch HD TV. You can hook up a blu-ray player( should be sub 200) pretty soon. If you bought the TV and 360 seprate, you wouldn't be able to play blu-ray either. Why bring it up.

5934d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's just you.

If you think that inferior texture work and lack of bump mapping in Uncharted was better. The archtexture and enviroments in GOW are waymore impressive. Again my opinion but I expect to loose bubbles for it....Bring on the disagrees.

5934d ago 9 agree15 disagreeView comment

This is a multiplayer map. It's not part of the singe player.
It's like when Halo get's it's maps redone. Gridlock was 1 of the best maps on GOW so they remade it for GOW2. Think of it as GOW2.

5934d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

To the guy above. MS and Sony work together on Sony Viaos and ( i think) Sony smartphones. This is just 1 aspect that they are competing in. Also i think all profits of this will go to Samsung. So it would be Samsung competing with Sony.

5934d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Xgamer -
You talk like it's easy to change the perception of an entire race of people. It's an entire race. Think about how different an Irish American is from an Itialian American. Black Americans don't have that luxury. We are all lumped together. Worst of all, a lot people fear the unknown. They don't really know black people and only know what they see on TV. They veiw Rappers and Young athlethes as as the norm. They ignore the distiguish black Americans like Denzel Washington and ...

5935d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

On 1 hand it's good to have an option to match Ps3's home feature.

On the other, this looks to be worst than home. I'm not excited about home, and I am laughing at this!

Sony wins because disinterest is better than me mocking their product!

5935d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Madden 09 will change alot of peoples opinion with EA. I know you guys don't want to ear it but they have changed a lot. I think Peter Moore has stepped in and is running a tighter ship.

1) People complaina bout cheesing online. You can't stop it. EA can't fix it. People cheat online in all games. It's impossible to stop. No matter how good your mousetrap is...the mice get smarter.

The fact that they have moved from canned animations to tackles that can be broke...

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment