
CRank: 5Score: 16360

GOW3 was shown. It looked damn good. It looked to be exactly the same as all GOW but great nonetheless.

SL1M DADDY- They showed MS tech with Burnout. While to get the Ps3 tech to work you need to but 2 peices of hardware.

5493d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

I've divided the Sony confrence into 2 parts.
PSP and PS3.

The PSP part while boring to me was exceptional. You would think that the PSp was their falgship console. Their major inovations were all tied to the PSP. The PSP is getting MGS not the PS3.

Their PS3 conference sucked. We really didn't get anything we didn't plan to see. FF14 was a megaton until online flashed on the screen. The team Ico game showed no gameplay but only a emo dog bird thing.

5493d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

You are the worst fanboy on this site. You are a fanboy that doesn't know he is a fanboy.

You keep touting Peacewalker...Get this thru your head..IT's not coming out for PS3. It's a PSP title.

Agen, nothing was shown. Nothing at all. Team ICO game was all movie. No gameplay. FF14 Online, we know how that is going to turn out. Let's just say not pretty.

Sony's best demos were AC, Uncharted 2, GOW3 and GT5. GOW is a 2010 game and no one knows when GT...

5493d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lets get this straight,
FF13 can't be done on the 360, now it's there.
MGS can't be done on 360, not it's there.
FF13 cannot be run fully on the 360.

5494d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

to defend the Ps3 in every 360 thread. Dude we get it. Yo has yet to u like the ps3. Face it it will be in 3rd place for good this gen. Year after year, you guys keep trying to underhandly bash the 360. Face it, 3rd place is ok. The PS3 sold 127 with the bigges game of this gen, KILLZONE 2. It sold 350K last month and nothing this month. It has sold less than 1 million units and it was suppose to be this epic blockbuster. Can you name me a Sony title that has sold 2 million plus that hasn't ...

5512d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

FF13 was the game that the 360 couldn't do. How quickly people forget. Now, it's any 1st party game that has no chance to every coming to the 360. Before this is Unreal Tornament(early 2005)

"InFamous can't be done on 360"
"GOW3 can't be done on 360"

5522d ago 6 agree28 disagreeView comment

Has any sony first party game broken 2 million that wasn't bundled?
The same thing would have happened to MGS4 if it wasn't bundled. Look what happened to LBP, has it broken 2 million yet?

Sony's biggest hyped games crash and burn at retail and that's a fact. I epxect to see a GOW3 bundle, a Uncharted bundled, and a bundle for eveny other 1st party game to hide it's inability to sell 2 million copies. Killzone 2 will not break 2 million sales.

For a game that...

5539d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

The sony fanboys are in full protect mode. Perharps if they checked the playstations store they will see why this is a really bad idea. If you can't make a correlation between the tumbleweeds rolling thru the online store and developers being charged for content, let me help you.

1) Currently, 360's multiplat form games typically outsells the psn version by about 200K fist week sales.

2)Because Psn versions of the same game sell less than the 360 counterpart, de...

5565d ago 19 agree50 disagreeView comment

I don't know what planet you guys are on but this is terrible news for both Sony and Ms...

The PS3 sold 40K units with a release of 2 big games in Japan.
App 166K a month is not going to help you catch MS. That's 2 million consoles a year. Lets offset that by MS' 100K console advantage in US and the 672 K a year they get in Japan. That means between the Us and Japan, Sony is only cutting into MS leade approx 300K a year.
I didn't bother to do Europe but at most i...

5577d ago 0 agree26 disagreeView comment

Yes, they are...
Started at 399.99 with a price drop to 299.99 going on years.
Do you really think they aren't making money? I would wager

50.00 on the core
100 on the Pro
100 on the Elite(hd prices are almost always the same)

Is the Ps3 making money? Humm!

5584d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't think it is soley because of the price. MS really came out and gave the world a great system. The y got the connect from user to machine right. Everything makes sense. If I want to check out my achievement, I simiply have to hit the home button when the achievement pops up. The ease of use in the xbox makes it the best user designed console in history....

The Ps3 is a whole different beast. I appreciate what sony tried on the Ps3. Giving the user the ablity to modify ic...

5584d ago 19 agree14 disagreeView comment
5590d ago

No I think Demos and content is worth $50.00.
I'm sorry but the PSN store is a barren waste land. I at least know MS will support it's game siwth DLC and pushes for that. Sony seems content to not care.

I also like the fact that people ahve mics and use them. I can pass on the cursing but I think building a community is easier if people talka nd joke together. Sometimes someone gets blown up and it's funny..on Psn all I get is silence.

5591d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

There is nothing I have seen of Alan Wake that tells me it's an amazing game. It doesn't even look that good. Why is everyone so hyped about this game? Its all potential!

Moving on. Most of the PS3 "graphical power" stem from the ability of Sony's developers. They are very talanted and very stylized. Give the 360 same developers and they will make the 360 dance in ways you have never seen. Unfortunatly, we will never know because all the amazing games are PS3 exclusiv...

5592d ago 16 agree17 disagreeView comment

This article is written by a fanboy..
" i was sadden to hear that it's going to the 360"

WTF, why should that sadden you? Does that cause your Ps3 to stop working? Are your fingers unable to work because of this news? This is why I hate fanboys, they feel the ened to justify their choice of gaming hardware. Do I explain to my neighboor why I bought a Sony DVD player

5595d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm 26 and i don't remember those comments. I do remember EA not backing the DC. I remember Sony launching FF8 on the day of the DC went on sale(I wonder who MS learned that from). I remember people seeing a trailer for MGS2 and being blown away as that's not possible. I remember all the talk about what the EMOTION ENGINE could do and why it will change gaming forever. I then remember looking at my xbox and luaghing at the crap developers were releasing for it.

Like I said thi...

5599d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

No Colobo -
It's not up to MS to decide when the next gen starts. Who ever releases a next gen console starts the next gen. I don't care if it takes Sony 7 years to beat MS to second place, I will be too busy playing my new Wii or 360( depending on who has the games). The bottom line is Sony doesn't need saving, it is entrenched in 3rd place for a long time and that is embarassing enough to the heads at Sony that they may put out a machine more akin to what people want
Price, fe...

5599d ago 2 agree27 disagreeView comment

I know people don't like to hear this but Sony messed up this gen. They were at their best when their machine was easy to develop for. They should have realized that the PS2 pissed people off and that MS was woking to be the easier to develop for machine. I think they over estimated their worth and their enemy.

The Ps3 is powerful but it's s agile as a bull. The 360 is less powerful but it is like a ninja using a hundred strike technique.
I have a ps3 and it just isn't...

5599d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboy on this site. Why throw out bogus numbers like 13 million in 2 years for 360? I believe it was at 17.7 million in 2 years.
If you are going to use 13 million, that means the 360 sold 15 million this year. That would make things look pretty bad for your beloved PS3 as it was out sold 2:1 in 2008. That didn't happen because you decided to short the 360 4.7 million consoles.

The ps3 doesn't need saving, it will pass the 360 in sales when MS is about to launch t...

5599d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

I'll stick with the bug free version please.
360 version all the way. `

"But as good as Street Fighter IV is, the game isn't perfect. We ran into a few bugs with bringing up the XMB on the PS3 version, as the game would occasionally crash in the process and there was a strange Trophy bug that reared up when foreign unlock data was transferred to our PS3"

5603d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment