
CRank: 5Score: 16360

DEMOS. PSN needs more demos. It just seems that Xbox live has a steady on time stream of demos and content.

5247d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Its easy to see that it's Golden eye.
Black tux with a silenced handgun.

There is only 1 game that everyone is asking for. It's golden eye.

5247d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modern Warfare looks better than Killzone 2. It's easy to create an Alien world with nothing in it than to create a realistic modern day enviroment. I believe the character models to be better looking and the enviroments to be more life like. I have a ps3 and killzone 2 and it has been surpassed.

5326d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Hy dummy,
It says at the same time. Why would everyone that has an xbox be online at the same time. Hell MW2 is as popular as crack but the most you see on at a time is about 400,000.

5337d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is my only issues with the PS3. Everything seems to be released unfinished. Home, OS, Netflix, PSN etc. It's just always a work in progress.

5354d ago 13 agree29 disagreeView comment

Only fanboys would argue that this is a terrible feature. Lets be real. This is a great thing that many people wish GT5 had. Lets down play it however.

5355d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

2009 was a bad year for all gamers. The Ps3 didn't have that many great exculsives. Lets ignore PSN and XBOX live releases because they aren't full games.

1) Killzone 2
2) Infamous
3) Demon's Soul
4) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

A Whopping 4 titles. Great games but I think we can all agree that both lineups were anemic( xbox's worst than Ps3's). I just hate when people are 1 sided like that.

5355d ago 8 agree47 disagreeView comment

Soo a device was outsold all year long and it's no big deal. It outsells the 360 for 2 weeks and it's the end of the world. Mark my words, the NPD for Sept will come out and the 360 will still outsell it.

These are world wide sales coming down from a console re-release. Lets see how much legs the sales have.

5394d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

People just don't understand....This game is going to be huge. The customization is going to be crazy. Everyone seems to forget the HD movie feature. Forza will be better than GT because of the 360 and it's community. In GT you drive around alone and check out the sights and enjoy the cars. In get that community that is built into the game and people exchanging ideas, cars, concepts movies. It's equivalent of joining s message board about a hobby(say video games and the one you a...

5394d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I fear most of you miss understood. My point was that this isn't anything to bash the 360 on. it's a win for you all. However, most of your sony brethren have decided to use the term Beta when talking about these games. My original question still stands....Wasn't the Ps2 the Beta console of last gen? I expect the true fanboys to burst into tears.

5394d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment
5395d ago

Yo know nothing about Forza, if you did you would know physics is almost always dead on. They went as far as to caputure tire wear and a realistic break away simulation. This game is the real deal.

The trailer you saw is a HD replay video creating feature, one that goes well with a complete custimazation kit. Take a look at some of the things you are able to do with the paint kit. It's amazing.

5488d ago 33 agree27 disagreeView comment

This was done in game. However it is using the Forza HD movie kit. I believe you are able to splice videos together with it. So several of the moves you saw there were layered. The cars drifting while the other cars go thru it was probably placed on top and sowed down for the cars to go thru. We don'tknow what the kit is capable of just yet. Lets wait and see.
:35 spin simi...

5494d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most of sony's best showing were PSP games.
Unchrated looked great (we already knew that)
GOW3 looks good ( we already knew that)

Outside of that we saw? An Emo trailer for Last Guardien, GT5 and a screen saying Rockstar.

5495d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

I need a release date. Something tells me late 2010 : (

5495d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look at the sony fanboys holding standing under umbrellas while the roof is falling. The PS3 needs a price drop. I have a PS3 and a 360 but even I can see that the ps3 neds a price cut.

However, I believe that Sony is playing a different game. Sony is happy living off the psp and ps2. They will sell just enough Ps3 to saty compeative while the price to make Ps3 will continue to go down. They will then jump head first into the market in 2011 and catch the 360.

5495d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That was always my repsonse to questions abot a controller. Why can't you use Natal and the controller.

Picture you are playing ME and you walk into a room with a chracter your need to talk to. Natal kicks into a Milo situation where you have to speak to this villian. On screen will have you typical 3 statments of what you must say but the kick is because we are all different. The villians response will depend on not only which choice you read but also how you read it.

5498d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Remember everyone saying....but but but, it won't look anything like the ps3 version because DVD 9 will keep them blah blah blah. Damn looks like that has been dismissed. MGS4 can't be done on 360, A new MGS is coming and it's on 360. It will look better than MGS4 due to additional time with the systems and development tools. That was proven to be untrue. 1 by 1 all the games that can only be done on ps3 are growing thinner and all that are left are 1st party games that are exclusive for fanb...

5498d ago 20 agree17 disagreeView comment

MS showed off Natal with an actually game, Burnout Paradise! Tech demo vs. Game....hummmm!

To the OP asking about movement, did you see any movement in the PS3 demo? I didn't I saw alot of standing still games!

A Bigger question would be... how much money will be be paying for an eytoy + a wand.

5498d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

The one thing everyone forgets about natal is ....
Facial detection. Amazing!

Why is FPS movement so much harder than sprts game. As a boxer, you have the movement of your feet, head, torso etc. I would think that would be harder to tract than someone holding a gun it's basically just your arms. Your head will be used to turn the camera.

5499d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment