
CRank: 5Score: 16360

Nintendo should make the next hardware for both...

PS1 = Bad reliability
Ps3 = Fualty hardware
360 = Faulty hardware...

While my Gameboy is still going strong.
Everyone believes that MS is worst than Sony but 2/3rds of Sonys attempts have been troubled with issues.

5621d ago 3 agree30 disagreeView comment

Maybe it was you blaming MS for 3rd party developers making glitchy games. WTF does MS have to do with that? Blame the developers idiot.

5623d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would you consider it a waste? If it turns a profit who cares?
Here's the bottom line. Sony has made some major mistakes this generation and that's why they are in 3rd place. Microsoft has made some major mistakes this generation and that is why they could end up in 3rd place.

This generation will be a 6-7 years cycle for MS, If Sony hopes to survive, it better be a 5 to 6 year cycle for them. Sony needs to release the ps4 in 2011 or 2012. The Ps3 will still be churn...

5623d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

No it won't
It's proven that Sony games only sell well if bundled.
I expect it to break 3 million sold lifetime. However, it will take 3-4 months to break 2 million like LBP did. Sony gamers don't buy games. I still say it and it still rings true.

5623d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

More Demos, Custom advatars, free mics?
PSN is lacking in content. Demos come out like 1nce ever 3 months.

Acarde games are rare releases.
It's just not as refinded.

5624d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's where Section 8 picks up, with Alex Corde (the player's character) "burning in" to one of the outer-rim planets to investigate the situation. For the record, "burning in" is one of the most original ideas in Section 8. It's the way players enter the battlefield and it starts at 15,000 feet above ground. From there players plummet (in five sec...

5625d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why people hate this game...
It's great.
People, resident evil is all about it's slower pace. Could you imagine what the game would be like if you could shoot and move at the same time. People would be playing it like Max Payne...

I think the only reason this game isn't scarier is becuase it takes place in the daytime. Also you have to remember that as graphics get better, the less realistic they become. I hope there are some daytime levels.

5626d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looks like it will be better than I thought. I still wished i had M&K support. However, I like what MS is doing with the franchise. I rather this than 200 JaK and Dexter titles.

5628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love the BS that You Sony fanboys are trying to shell out."Oh we never said the Ps3 would do XXXX"

What liars? In 2005 when the ps3 was still a wee pup in Sony's eyes, you fanboys came out in full force. It was supposed to dominante, The price didn't matter and xbox was last gen and not able to compete.

Fast forward to 2009 and the ps3 is still where it started 8 million units behind the 360. It's still getting games and demos after 360 releases and lacks...

5628d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

GT5 and GOW3 are not coming out this year, please stop including them on list. SO that leaves, Killzone, uncharted 2 and infamous. The ps3 lineup is looking very thin after killzone until late Nov.

The 360 line up is looking very thin as well until late november.
I had a friend that thought Halo Wars was a shooter. lol

5628d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's sad how Ps3 gamers have had to stfu for the last 3 years.
They were talkign abotu how the Ps3 was goign to blow the 360 away.
Then they talked about how the 360 was going to be the next dreamcast. Remember those articles? Comparing the DC to the Xbox?
Next it was how the 360 only sold 8 million with no compatition!
Then it was 2007 was the year of the ps3.
Then it was the 360 would die when MGS4 came out
Then it was 2008 is the year of the 360 ...

5638d ago 12 agree26 disagreeView comment

I think mos tpeople don't understand how good Too human is.
I played the demo the first time through and thought...this game sucks. THen something made me play it again and it got better. So i played it again and I started understandng just how good this game really is. It's kinda tough to understand but I fear that the media don't have the time to invest in a game like too human to really like it. All I can say is it is a game that most everyone will feel is bad when they first play i...

5638d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

$169.99 for an Arcade 360 is a deal. It's a shame that so many people are fanboys and won't seize the oppotunity to try out a different system before they talk sh*t about it.

Anyone that has the money and turns down a 360 for 169.99 should be shot.

5638d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

He's right. The Ps3 is a huge failure compared to the sucess that the Ps3 and PSX held. It is selling ok but it needs a price drop quickly. Sony has bundled every big game they have with the console and still hasn't chipped away at Ms' lead. The year of the Ps3 will be 2010 mark my words. I expect GOW3 to slipp to 2010 as will GTA 5, MAG and a bunch of other projects. They will be outsold in 2009.

5638d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Congrats to MS. I purchased both a 360 and a Ps3 this holiday season and I must say I am playing my 360 more. Multi plat games tend to go on sale for the 360 and not the ps3. I picked up Merc- 2 for 39.99 and NG2 for 9.99 for both the 360. I have far cry 2 for the ps3 and I haven't touched it in some time.

5639d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

The 360 outsells the ps3 by more than 70,000 a month. So the loss in japan is a wash. Europe is very close. That is why I say, unless sony finds a way to get better in Japan, they will never outsell the 360. how many Ps3's are in Japan? 3 million going in on 2 years? japan is a graveyard for both consoles.

5639d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony gamers are bitter. I t remind me of the wii fanboys when they found out about the sixaxis. Lol. I think we all know that the 360 will be around for 7 years. We have had 4 now and the 360's successor will be unveiled in 2 years and pu ton sole a year later.

5642d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

IF you ask me Sony is the real company in trouble in Japan. They ahve sold what 3 million console in a territory that they sold 35 million in last gen. They will win 2nd place in Japan but Japan has been ignoring the PS3 so far. The 360 is doing bad but when you compare Ms' sucess with Sony's previous sucess in the same territory, Sony the Ps3 so far has crashed and burned in Japan.

5644d ago 6 agree24 disagreeView comment

It's a game creator. That's like being mad that RPG maker doesn't have a great story. You make the game.

5644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was funny and so true.

5644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment