
CRank: 5Score: 16360

You guys eat this crap like dirt.
They aren't competing with Nintendo and MS but...

They release a electronic device that plays about 75% of the same games as MS' consoles.
They have an online infastructure set up to play said games like MS.
They revenue is driven from sales of software shipped and sold in the same location as Ms' and Nintendo.
The system plays games via a contoller just like MS and Nintendo.
The devices requires a Tv, just l...

5984d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Only SOny fanboys are talking about what the next xbox will have. Everyone seems to think it's coming this year or next year. They're idiots! Ms is making too much money and they will milk this console just like Sony miked the ps2...

Developers can't abandon the 360 because the userbase buys too many games.s is miking about 100.00 per console and has been doing so for about a year. They are making about 100 per hdd (the 120s) and 18 million dollars a month on xbox live( 6 milli...

5985d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think MS has done enough to stay revelant this generation. They have built enough of a user base to ensure that 85% of all games will be on their system as well. Perharps the ps3's power will pull ahead of the 360 graphically but there is nothing that can't be done on ps3 that the 360 can't do. Additionaly the 360 is leading in revenue and it seems like it allways will lead in software sales. MS has realized they will never have the sales lead in consoles but they will possible make the mos...

5986d ago 15 agree13 disagreeView comment

A ps3 offical finaly says something that makes sense andyou guys can't control your fanboyism long enough to see the larger picture. The average review scores for Ps3/360 games is about a .5 difference or less. Are you seriously telling me they are so different? Wii is a stretch but the ps3 and 360 are almost 1 and the same.

Ps3 gets blu-ray playback and 360 gets movies downloads in hd.
Both have online, while 360 gets the edge. Both systems are similar in game types an...

5986d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Madden -
I'm glad you're honest. I can admit that I prefer the 360 to the Ps3 at this point because I haven't had a reason to upgrade yet. I sold my ps3 and have been wavering between a new 360 or the ps3.

When MGS4 and other games come out I should /could bite the bullet.

5986d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone excited about FPS now. Lol. This entire generation is so weird. Sony fanboys bashed the 360 for having only shooters and FPS...guess what. two years into the ps3' life cycle and it's a shooter's haven. There is nothing wrong with that as I love all games but anyone noticed how no one talks about that any more?

5986d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why can't people understand that you can have a single drive that plays Blu-ray movies but only plas dvd games. You don't need two drives to do that.

5988d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are these real screens of fake trailer screens like they ried to sell us last time as in game.

5988d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

GTA is also on Ps3 so all fanboys can use the same game against each other.

5988d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

I mean i loved 3, enjoyed VC and played SA. Honestly they were all good games but not 99%. I mean really would you have reather played VC or NG last gen. VC or God Of War? These games are over hyped.

5994d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I like this idea. I think they can do it every year. Some great player hangs it up almost every year. Established players think that the 100,000 that EA spends isn't worth it and Rookies are quickly going to join that bunch due to their salaries. Retired players seem he best bet. After all, they use retired college players each year for their NCAA title.

5997d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imagine how much of the 360's gains are offset by the debacle that is the zune player. Everyoen thinks Ms needs to sell the most 360s to be profitable. That's not true. MS is going to continue to gain about 100.00 on ever 360 sold until sony can afford to lower their price more.

5998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'll wait for the reviews...Just last month industry insides heard and saw the ps3 at the sales charts....Then we know what happened...

BTW does everyone still doubt MS' supply issues statment?

5998d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

I think MS messed up. Waiting 1 week before the game comes out is a bit too late. They should have started running ads in March to bring home the fact that it is coming out on 360. By this time....too many pre orders are out there.

6006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont understand why people are excited about MGSO....the combat has always been the weakest point of the game....

6006d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Remember when the sony fanboys were bashing Capcom for being lazy developers for the install. Remember when the Sony fanboys bashed IW for delaying the Ps3 map for call of duty? This group will turn on everyone and thing they hold dare to them. LOl could you imagine what would happen if MGS4 had gone to 360? Lol......the end of the world!
I'm waiting for the reviews of the game before i go beliving crappy reviews. I will be expecting to hear people bash this game as well, when the ps3 ...

6006d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

9. What is Microsoft doing to remedy the DRM issues affecting those who have suffered the red ring of death? It's been over two months since I received my new console (unit #3) and I still cannot access content that was purchased with my original 360 while I'm offline. For people who do most of their gaming offline, it is extremely inconvenient. It has also caused me to hold off on future Live purchases for fear of going through this again should I suffer another hardware failure. It makes se...

6006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This story is a mess. I love the first game and story but everything else has been down hill from that.

6008d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

be excited about this game????
1) Unstopable juggles
2) Cheap deaths when caught up against the wall
3) New gimicy rage system

Tekken hasn't been good since Tekken 2.

6009d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

MS are idiots. How do you spend that money for a game and ...
1) Don't get it exculsive for sometime
2) DOn't get it bundled
3) Let you competition get it bundled.

This is laughable.

6013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment