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I find it funny when Ps3 fanboys diss the 360's rpgs but they ps3 has like 2 rpgs 1 of which was on the 360. It's like you talking about my car when you take the bus everywhere you go.

5644d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

Socom and R2? You tatse for multiplayer games alarm me!
I fear that there just isn't alot of good multiplayer games on the ps3 at thig point. Can someone help me find some?

I tried warhwark and it was a terrible experience.
I tried resistance and I hate FPS that feel so twitchy, it's hard to explain but I hate FPS whee the characters move at an unrealistic speeds( like Far Cry 2). I guess it's back to COD!!

5645d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

You are comparing it to 360 Rpgs with less units?
Doens't make much sense!

5645d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ms does this with sales and figures to back it up. When you are losing, it's best not to celebrate. Especially when you are talking about how expensive MS' console is but your own is more expensive with less games.

5645d ago 14 agree15 disagreeView comment

Nice Try Dark ride
but MS has had 2 profitable years off of the 360. 2007 and 2008.
It sur elooks like 2009 is oign to bring in even more profits. Why does everyone bring up the xbox when tralking about the 360's profitability. The 360 is a success. Period.

5647d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ms, Sold the numbers it did because it was bundled. It would have sold about 2 million in the same time frame. Not a bad amount but still not the 4 million monster we have come to see.

5648d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

To the guy that said MS sold 13 million in the first two years, that's not true. MS has sold on average 9 millions a year.

5648d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

The problem with that is the lack of game sales. Thoses secrect games have cost the Ps3. Sony needs to spill the gospel because games are what sells the console.

MS can afford to hide their games because they are seen as the "cool" console to have by the majority of the buying public( males 13- 25)

5648d ago 3 agree29 disagreeView comment

Something you can't buy is community. The ps3 is severly lacking in this aspect at this time. Most of my friends own xboxs and I buy games to play against them. I wager most school kids will ask for the console most kids in schoool have. At this time it's the 360.

5648d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

I would wait to see what actually coems out for the Ps3 this year. Delays are a part of the business.

Expected delays - GT5, GOW3, MAG,

I think you guys don't quite understand what that 199.99 price cut has done. Sony needs a $100.00 price cut on every system. Even @ 299.99 the Ps3 will have a challenge to outsell the 360.

5648d ago 17 agree13 disagreeView comment

The reason I said the Ps2 feels a bit to much like the ps2 is because of the lack of actual communication during the game. There are too many people without mics. So yes, Playing only with the ps3 seems like a detacted gaming experience. There are some ass holes online with the 360 but atleast people can communicate. What fun is COD4 when no one is using any tactics at all. That's the issue.

I guess if you don't have a 360 and that is all you have, it may feel like a complete ...

5648d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The 360 is a must buy. You are missing out of tons of great games if you don't have one. Honestly, my Ps3 feels a bit too much like my ps2.
I play it but online is no exsistant. The best games on the system don't have excellent online options.

I think the best game this gen has been on the 360. Mass Effect. Anyone that missed on on this game is doing themselves a huge dis-service. It is an awesome game. I also think that Too human was slept on. When i first picked it u...

5648d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

I must agree I saw a Sony commecial where they advertised their movie download system. It is something MS has yet to do. Sony needs a price drop. I purchased a Ps3 a few months ago and I can tell you that I see the potential you all see. It could be a great system but things about is just aren't right. I have been playing far cry 2 and I have yet to hear anyone use a mic. There is no sense of community with this game. I love tha tonline gaming is free but it seems to be more fun on my 360. I...

5648d ago 23 agree18 disagreeView comment

The fact is the Ps3 isn't gaining ground. That is a problem.
8 millions head start is still 8 million 2 years later.

5648d ago 45 agree32 disagreeView comment

Sounds great.
Please give me bubbles. Some fanboys ate mines.

5649d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sounds great.
Please give me bubbles. Some fanboys ate mines.

5649d ago 1 agree31 disagreeView comment

Anyone that thinks the PS3 is future proof is an idiot. While the term future-proof was not invented by Sony, it is Sony's big buzz word this gen. The PS3 will be obsolete in 3 years and I expect the PS4 to luanch in 2011-12. The Ps3 will be manufactored till 2015-16 but it is not future proof. Sony needed a buzz word that would make people feel comfortable dishing out 499 or 599 for console. We keep hoping for some miracle but it's not coming. Sony and MS are well into the design process of...

5651d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Like I always say the reason for thr ps3 hate is the the fact that the ps3 is not what it should be. It was over promised and underdelivered.
The Ps3 should not be behind the xbox at this time. Where is the 150 milllion fanbase? Japan has abandon sony and no one wants to admit it. 2 million + ps3 sold in japan in 2 years is a failure for Sony. This is entering sony's third year and things are looking worse for the ps3. I have one and I love the build, but I can tell you that there is li...

5671d ago 4 agree28 disagreeView comment

People think that the Ps3 is a step backwards for sony have altered their opinion multiple times. The ps3 like the ps2 and psx was expected to dominate the consoles by Nintendo and MS. With a legacy as strong Sonys, being in 3rd place after 2 years is like a right hook from Tyson.

5672d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

It would be a sign that the world is coming to an end. But it's the ps3's ok. Ignore the 800 lbs gorrila people. Sony has made major mistakes with the ps3 and it show. The Ps3's first chance to catch the 360 in sales won't be until Next winter which would be entering the 360's 5th year on the market.

I have a ps3 and I'm not impressed. I need more online focused games.

5673d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment