
CRank: 5Score: 16360

I thought it was funny.
You can really tell who the fanboys are on this site. They poke fun at anything against a rival system but any attack at their MASTERS and they must defend it.

It was funny.

5611d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

See image!!!

Just joking!!!

5612d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree.
I have both and I can tell you when yousing my PSN i feel alienated.
Not only is the games deathly quiet( lack of mics) but you simply feel like your friends are connected but not doing anything.

Deep status' are a god send. 1 think about XBOX is it's ease of use and it was well thought out. Now only if they can make it free. Paying 50 a year sucks but I do it because playing on PSN is less enjoyable.

5612d ago 14 agree18 disagreeView comment

You post made me remember something. Demos for downloadable games please.

Your point about Devs being small doesn't make much sense. We are talking 3rd party demos that are released on 360 and weeks later on PSN. This needs to be revised.

We cans till argue about it but honestly, you seem to think that the content released on PSN is comparable, A man with both consoles tells you it's not. If you want to use the start of this year as a mesuring...

5612d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

zlatko -
No one has ever complained that Gears' mutiplayer isn't fun... It's the connection that is a b*tch..

You may not beleive this but gears 2 is a good game. I would rate it as a 9.0 The Horde mode is possible one of the best inclusion to multiple, i have played in a long time as it's a real challenge.

I have no dopubt that Killzone will be great. However, you can't discredit an 8

5612d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

1) It's never that consistant and they aren't all excellent. Xbox live typically gets 2-3 games a week and atleast one of them are pretty good.

3) Betas...LBP, MGO, R2, KZ2 all say hi. You got CoD betas - big deal. All Ps3 exclusives and some werent available to the public. There have been more than just COD betas BTW. You can't argue that additional ***3RD party*** betas are a bad thing!

4) Mics - They should of bundled a mic, but everyone on my friends lists ow...

5612d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I guess the media is getting tired of the bull that PS3 fanboys pull...

PS3 Game X gets an 8 = MS paid them to review it low.
360 Game B gets an 9 = MS $10,000 swag bags
Ps3 "AAA" gets a 9 = The sight is biased

Get over it. The game is great, beautiful but it is not fantastic game. I think it's a solid 9.25 based on what I have seen. My knock on it is the fact the AI is on pre'set routines....Ie....They won't do anything different than wha...

5612d ago 11 agree30 disagreeView comment

Ways to improve PSN.

1) Content - The lack of content has become so bad that I no longer chek the weekly updates. 1 theme for some random game is not my defintion of an update.

2) Demos - There is no reason why XBOX Live continues to get demos earlier and more frequent than PSN. Sony needs to step this up big time. Get those developers moving.

3) Betas...Again xbox seems to be the 3rd party defacto on public betas(even without dedicated servers, ow...

5612d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

MS has done more for innovation in consoles than sony ever has.
I don't get it. Why are you guys so critical of MS. All they want to do is take your money and give you good games to play in exchange. Why hate them so much?

BTW R&C 17 was just announced.

5614d ago 12 agree34 disagreeView comment

It's supposed to be sarcastic man.
It's making fun of Fanboys.

To the disagrees above..
I guess PSN has enough content for you?
Ulike you guys I have both an xbox and a PS3 so i think i know what i'm talking about.

5618d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

Honestly, the problem with PSN is content. There just isn't enough there. When a new demo is added, it downloads slower and then has to be installed. This is annoying.

We need more content sony and we need it the same time XBOX gets theirs.
We should not keep getting demos months or weeks after the 360's...

Lastly, i want trials for each arcade game. I don't enjoy blindly buying games...

Fix these things then you will be equal to Live...

5618d ago 4 agree25 disagreeView comment

Actually the Ps3 is sitting at 17.7 million consoles sold...
That does not equal 10 million a year.

However, I get your point. The authors point was the desing philosphy is/was flawed. Developers rarely take the time to implement the power that 1 console weilds over the other. They ignored it on the XBOX even though it was easier to program for. Do you really think they will invest time learning how to do it on th PS3? That's the point of the article....
Why use...

5619d ago 9 agree45 disagreeView comment

Star ocean 4 will coem to the Ps3. It's not exclusive.

5619d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not a PS3 is doom mindset. Many people never expected Sony to be in a close fight this generation let alone be in last place. Moast of these " biased" sites were huge advocates of the Ps2. I'm sorry but it's clear to me that you are all about Sony, every post I see from you screams this fact.

Sony has made major missteps this gen and writers are calling them out for it. Is the PS3 doomed...No. However, Should the Ps3 be in 3rd place? Nope. It is a console that ha...

5619d ago 10 agree32 disagreeView comment

If the partner didn't take items you would be complaining that the game was too easy because you had 800 healing agents. Besides. Playing this game online is the way to go.

I don't mind the movement. I think the knife attack should have more animations but this isn't GTA or GOW. It's resident evil. The enviroment isn't as scary but what we played was only a demo. For a game in it's 6th interation, it was pretty fresh.

5619d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I don't understand the hate. The game is fun and the demo was great. The controls are there to build fear of combat. We don't need RE to become Dead Rising. The game isn't scary but I think most of that has to be because of the abondance of Sunlight. The game is a blas t to play with co-op. I had a fantastic time and I can't believe people are bashing it. In most zombie movies the main characters are trapped somewhere and mobility often becomes and issue. It's a good game.

5619d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

I don't care who it's lent out to as long as the source material is identicle. Do you really think that the people working on Jak and Dexter are all original team members? I care about an overstuation of the market and right now, Sony is the guilty party. They release 3 or 4 games in their franchises per gen almost twice as much as Halo....

Xbox had 2 Halos
Sony had 4 R&Cs

Xbox 360 has 1 halo( soon to be 2)
Sony has 2 R&Cs


5620d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Ps3 needs saving from 3rd place.
No one is bashing the Ps3. You see most arent familiar with Sony being in this position. Honestly, most of you would have never guessed that after 2 years the ps3 would still be a distant 3rd.
I remember the anti MS articles in 2005 and 2006. Then the xbox got it's legs and Sony didn't. We all know that none of the consoles will disappear this gen, however, Sony needs to be saved from 3rd place.

5620d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

You guys can hate all you want but the truth is there have only been

3 Halos in 8 years.
While R&C has had how many different versions?
We are already on GOW3 and Jak and Dexter has had a Kart game...
WHo milks their franchises? Oh but it's Sony so it's ok...

Halo wars is how the franchise started and that's what alot of people were hoping for. After that there maybe 2 more Halos in the works. That's in about 10 years, which is the norm...

5620d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I speak the truth an honesty....Please give me bubbles.

I don't understand why people think the 360 is the only console doing terribly in Japan. The Ps3 sold 1 million consoles last year. That is an epic fail. Remember it's cheaper in Japan than anywhere else. The 360 sold around half a million. Both consoles are failing in Japan. I would be more concerned if I was Sony.

5620d ago 19 agree18 disagreeView comment