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I thought the same exact thing when I read the original article. But dont you dare say anyone is being biased. cause then you'll be called a "Sony hardcore fanboy" lol (smfh)

6364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol I dont know why but i was like actually compelled to read the whole thing. And i did. Yea I agree on the PS3 and the cables. I went PS3 & 360 though. The wii doesnt appeal to me. Maybe cause i only play video games when im like exhausted and dont feel like doing anything else. That involves moving more than my thumbs ..maybe wrist occasionally with the "sixxaxis gimmick" lol....but good post. It actually sounds honest unlike most of the biast b.s floating around here.

6364d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a little young. Just turned 22 this month to you who is probably pushing 30. I give up. Boasting huh? Your refering to my myspace page probably. Thats my way of keeping up with highschool friends. See we all went away to college and some of us left the state. Even the country. But you probably know nothing about that. Well i hope you and your buddies "who's idea of a fun night is reading forum posts on a the internet" had a good time. Im done with you and this thread. and befor...

6364d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"if it's not selling for $600 to rich americans what makes them think it's going to sell for $800+ to 3rd world europeans?"

That is hands down the most ignorant,dumbest thing I ever read in my life...."especially since the euro is up on the mighty u.s dollar" "This mite come as a shocker folks but the united states is not the richest country on the planet.

6364d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats it all right. lol..aahaha. you are quite some detective. NOT. Sorry gumshoe. Dont get mad because some people arent as biased as you are. if a Sony Fanboy gets owned I laugh. if a 360 fanboy gets owned I laugh harder. Either way its all a good laugh. Why the hell would i pretend. Be serious bro. what am i afraid of. what big bad "Power of Green V" has to be say about be. lol. go by the quote "In a world full of fanboys the man who's builds his beliefs on neutural ground...

6365d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not even a PS3 Basher. I have both consoles. Let me breakdown how this happened. I was in a store around mid november 2005 and I was faced with a decision of what to buy. Xbox360 or the new Fort minor album "rising tide"... the album got tired after a few hours so i went back and picked up the 360. thats how i ended up with an xbox. but i must admit. Im quite impressed with it. I was a little nervous at first thinkin it was going to be a re-run of last gen. But no. its pretty dec...

6365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im an accountant. I sit in my office all day and do nothing. These forums and pointless comments and video game politics kill the time between fiscal years.

6365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Enforcer of the Truth" Hammers home another forum victory!

Enforcer of the Truth= 2
Fanboys= Zero

6365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not that passionate about games and consoles and companys i dont work for. honestly. Thats just a little strange. lol

"news4gamers.com" hands down funniest threads on earth.

6365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

damnn bro. those sony fanboys really got you worked up huh? lol

6365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Post #44 Just owned 360 fanboys A55's on this thread. Im not taking sides but you gotta love someone who decides to post in the news section of the console that pertains to his liking. Right on brotha. Good post. "That will teach fanboys to stop stalkin PS3 news" If you dont like ps3 thats fine. I mean honestly You kno how many lap dances you can get for 600 bucks. Better yet you can buy 5 more copy's of Gears and 5 more of Lost planet. just to boost the sales numbers. Since thats a...

6365d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would love to give a non-biast neutral ground opinion on this one. ahahaaha but im laughing too hard @ "Never been laid" but seriously. "shipped, sold how does it really effect xbox people that they get soo pationate about it. 360 guys jump on positive PS3 news like "Flies on S)-(it" its hilarious. I mean according to you guys PS3 is crap right.So why are you so concerned about there numbers. If you really thought it was sony PR. Bullcrap then let it go. Only ones ...

6365d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

AMP ???? lol...nahh Im 21 homeboy...I get amped after 4 Red bulls& Vodka and 3 tequilla sunrises...I get amped at Toga mixers with the Girls soccer team. I got amped this pass weekend when I smoked an old guy in a SL55 AMG in my 2K4 Carerra Turbo. Thats me gettin amped. video games however. I just like when people take fair perspectives as oppose to the one sided biased crap i been reading on here. thats about it...but i like the point you make about Drivin Sim vs. Racing Sim. I guess t...

6366d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

THWIP..couldnt respond without the fanboy/girl blow right. that shows me your a forum troll. "Sony fan girl excuse" lol Your obviously in denial about GT if you think its lame. 4 titles all rated top notch without car damage. hmmm i guess "totaling your car" isnt the key to a top notch title. "look at TOCA, and NFS's latest entrys Carbon & Most wanted. those are nothing but good rentals. 5 days and back to the video store. I love cars hence I love car games. I thi...

6366d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

sure...and i'll pick up forza also... I have both consoles. I prolli have both forza 2 and GT5. One is going to get more burn than the other probably. I already downloaded GT4 thanks bro. I said "engine modification" Like playing with Gear Ratios messing with dampers, ride height,Springs,suspension,Slip differential and so on. I love that kinda of sh$&...Im a car enthusiast not a console enthusiast. lol sorry kid. "Dare I voice my non biast opinion on a open forum" ...

6366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In order for Gran Turismo to hold the biggest car licenses in the video game world (note to fanboys: i know forza's is pretty big too but im not sure if its bigger the Gran T's) They have to exclude car damage. It would be awesome to bash your car to hell. but then again. maybe not. As far as tuning and engine modifications go. Nothin and i repeat nothing is on the level of Gran Turismo as a matter of fact its a little too real. So real it gets kinda boring. hmm well lets see wat happens with...

6366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Appearently people haven't seen what over hyping does to things. Examples "Sony's entire launch of the PS3" and personally in my opinion I dont think lost planet lived up to its hype either. Its an ok game. But I heard speculations of it being up there with Gears. Yea right. No where near gears but a ok game non the less.

6366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had both back in the day. Wave racer was based on actually wave runners and more realistic tracks and stunts. Jetmoto however was full blown hover bikes that went over land and water with insane jumps and stunts etc. I found jetmoto more fun even though waveracer had better graphics at the time.

6366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6367d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment