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Games were left off. Hence the name of the article

"System Sellers: The Showdown" keyword here being "system sellers"

How can you call a game that has little to no background a system seller? Im pretty sure there choices were made on the fact they have more info on these games than we do. And there are just one the ones they believe will move systems.

6444d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Over and Over again by none other than "Sony". "Third party is not going to be an issue this Gen" the war will come down to first party exclusives. (prepares to be flamed) but no matter how much you hate them they did call it. Sony did say this before the PS3 was even launched and its one of the things they have been right about so far.

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First 1. Yeah I read this PSM interview a while back but of course some has to have selective vision and pick out the "flamebait" lol wow.

Second 1. Kevmac one of the most level headed,logical and straight forward posts I have yet to read on here . Only a fanboy would flame you for what you just posted and thats my personal opinion on it. And remember god hates fanboys. lol

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you gotta pull out a loan to buy it. lol Thank God mine was a gift. I wouldnt of bought it till some more games drop.

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BUT HOLY F$%^#ING SHYT... If they make this I would be in love. It was my 1st. PS1 game. FF7 by far still my favorite final fantasty. FF:tactics is my second favorite even though its a spin off. All im saying is. Sony would be retarded to not make this. They need this more than they need alot of others things I see coming. These game is deffly a console mover.
(regains composure) im sorry im one of the biggest final fantasy fans anyone will ever meet. I still own orignals of 7,8,9,10 s...

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What im saying is pretty much true from what I seen. Wich is the Xbox360 happens to not be the best DVD player on the market by far. No need to get em in a bunch cause the PS2's DVD playback was a mess too. Im not sure what you guys are comparing them too but im comparing them to good quality stand alones. Neither stack up. The PS3's blu-ray player being an exception (let me guess.."im a fanboy for saying that")lol

Power of Green I dont know what your implying no mat...

6444d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If your Xbox360 is the "Best" DVD player you ever used. You need a $100 dollar best buy gift card. There is far better stand alones on the market for cheaper.lol im not flaming im just sayin..lol

& 47 if your 360 gives you a clearer picture than a stand alone. My question is what stand alone did you buy. so i can tip off anyone i know to never buy it.lol

I think this article is kinda silly just to nit pick at the 360 then again there is alot of nit ...

6445d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

#6 hit the hammer on the head. thats pretty much the truth. If alot of people dont like it. It will change and if enough people are crying and moaning then its not going to. A large electronics manufacuturer like sony is based on there consumers. We stop buying they go bankrupt. I doubt after being aound for all these years i doubt they would allow themselves to go bankrupt off somethin silly like "rumble not being in a controller" there is obviously not a big enough buzz for them ...

6445d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im up to Grimsby on "Superhuman" I just got the "Reapers" cause im on my second time through. Those guns are bad ass. I must admit though I am whupping the "Cell" processors A$$. Even on Superhuman its not that hard. I thought this thing could levitate eggs and turn them to ravens. And online I played about 37 ranked rounds and im a 1st. Sergeant.
BTW before M$ fanboys attack. I also finished GOW on Hardcore. That was pretty challenging but kind of short...

6449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I AM BATMAN" lol...these threads are starting to suck.

6450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At this point its not a reasonable buy. There isnt much content. There is still firmware upgrades and alot of games coming. Maybe adults have learned there lesson on buying consoles during game droughts. When Gas prices are high we dont see SUV sales sky rocketing now do we. Every console has game droughts. People forget no console with a decent or half decent library launched with max content. When a good majority of PS3 content has hit the market if consoles are still sitting on shelves...

6450d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ #4. You seem to have the microsoft fanboys down to a science on here. ahahahaha it is true though. Somones going to do it. Garunteed. lmfao ahahah

6450d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Will the PS3 be Sony's N64 ?"

Sorry bro not calling you out but thats not even a valid argument. Difference being "Blu-ray has a high chance of becoming the next medium for data storage. Catridges had no chance and we all knew that. The 64's release was more like a wow Sony screwed us over lets try to hit back harder. And it failed miserably. But im not jocking sony but if you read non-biased sources alot of people are saying Blu-ray for the win. Even thoug...

6450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They already dropped Mega Halo Comp with Gears of War. This is just going to be a multi console frag fest. Gentlemen "Start your Unreal Engines" !!!

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I am a huge supporter of the PS3. One of the few on this site. Im not a fanboy of either. I favor PS3 but i fairly and non-biasedly play both. Cause I like to play games and im still waiting on the content i want for PS3. So im a PS3 fan enough to buy it but not "fanboy" enough to not play another console until it picks up.

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im pretty bad a$$ with a Joypad. We would have to see. But I sure hope they do cross platform it. All i know so far is the PS3 and the PC versions are going to support user mods. I hoping for some cross platform news though.

6451d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Screw that. Billy gates took the publishers wife and kids hostage. He has them at knife point. I wouldnt put it past the sneak son of a. Just look how lethal and deadly he looks in this mugshot.

He kind of look like Jar Jar binks. lol

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EPIC you sons of Biatches.. you did it again. Gorgeous just freakin Gorgeous. They should cross-plat this bad boy. That would be extreme. PS3 vs. 360 vs. PC ohh man the possibilites.

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We got a "chock full o'crap" paper here in the states too. Its called "The Star" no joke.lol I wonder if they are somehow related.

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy should be locked in a room and fed through a hole. Only to be released when its time to develope a new console. Thanks to his over hyping and non-PR savy techniques the PS3 and all Sony fans are fighting themselves out of a hole. If this guy had just shut up and been a little more humble the PS3 would of just been Sony's latest console with a few hardware bugs and a not so solid lineup yet. Instead its shunned as a disaster cause of this guy promising that is was going to be "Th...

6451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment