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THAT IS SOME BITTER TRUTH.... Well said. Nice post.

6333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok i'll check it out. Yeah your prolli right about the biased thing. lol I get a little carried away sometimes. Its just that I see Flamebait tossed in every direction its actually kinda of hard to tell anymore.

6333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I been gaming with rumble since Sony first introduced in back in the late 90's on the PS1. So for them to have it for so long then suddenly rip it out is a little different. But you are also right in saying there is alot of people that dont think it will drastically change their gaming experience. If enough people complained Sony would or will have to come up with a fix. Appearently their isnt enough of a stink about it.

* Especially since most of the complaining is done by Xbo...

6333d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rumble is awesome. Sixaxis hasnt been proven useful the least to say. Maybe the will come up with something awesome for sixaxis. Im really curious to see what "Lair" does with it. The Dev had some really nice things to say about Sixaxis. Sony needs to get their head on right and go for the win with Sixaxis+Rumble now that would be true Next-Gen for the legendary Dual Shock Control. Droppin Rumble adding Sixaxis was 1 step forward and 1 step back.

6333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always thought HDGN.COM was a little Sony Biased. Along with C-net,Gamespot,Game Informer and Kotaku.

Anyways can you get me a link to that or Add it as an alternative source. I can understand the PSP though. That thing is having serious sales issues. I say thats nothing a price cut wont fix but they refuse to drop the PSP price to somethin reasonable.

6333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like I said. Another Triple A fighter due for 2007. They throw online fighting in this bad boy and Sony owners wont even know a game called Virtua Fighter was even released.

"Virtua whaattt???" Just kidding Virtua Fighter is triple A also. Keep em coming Sony. Your fans need this, The none believers need this and most of all "YOU NEED THIS" !!!

6333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those of you out their that bytch and moan about HDMI cables. Im busting this myth myself. If your a lucky fortunate to own a 1080P set and you want that superb picture of HDMI. Do what I did. I paid 4.99 plus shipping for my HDMI cable from Ebay. It works just as good as my buddies Monster HDMI cable for $99.99. Dont believe me try it. HDMI is HDMI. So there goes all that "OMG you need a hundred dollar cable". Actually you really dont.

6333d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A bunch of people in bed with their game consoles show their colors. If there is a "Lost Planet Wars" and it goes multi plat thats great for everyone. "I just personally hope its better than lost planet". But judging by the title. It wont even be purchased by alot of PS3 owners anyways.

LMFAO @ "Gears of War Wars" ahahahaha (but wait guys microsoft has more to offer than shooters) http://s17.photobucket.com/...

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its pointless bro. Its like some people are brainwashed. Nothing is next gen and earth shattering till it hits the beloved 360......(roll eyes)


6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's a non-biased opinion from someone who doesnt go to be with his video game console.

"The game looks killer. Very impressive. If you own a PS3 and your into tactical fighters this ones a no brainer. If you own a PS3 and just need something new to play its pretty much a no brainer also."

Great game dont believe me. Ask these guys.

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And chose to submit it. I didnt even consider it news. Its lame flamebait. Yeah lets run a $40 dollar console up against a early $600 console.

Want to do apples to apples.



There is some news bud. I wouldnt be suprised...

6334d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want any of you Microsoft defending champs. To ask any consumer anyone. Wether is be Gamer, Non Gamer, Soccer Mom, Tech head, whatever is the case. Ask them.

What would you rather purchase a product thats been on the market 10 years strong and still has support of its old products as well as the new.

Or a product from a company thats been out for roughly half the time and had to scrap there for project to start a new one?

Notice. I didnt add or subtract...

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Thats gunna put a big spin on all this trash talking now isnt it. Your best bet is to STFU and wait and see. Then pass your judgements. Jesus you guys have no patience. Suddenly everyone is overnight game devs. AMAZING !!!

6335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bro did you hear what you just said?

"Isn't funny that Halo 2 a dead console game it's still played after years (something that no playstation game has done?) Xbox owners got their money worth.'

Your kidding me right. Thats because no Sony console has ever died. lol.
The games and the Consoles live on forever. They get re-released. Sony games make history bud. What history has anything on Xbox made. Ohh yea there was the 1 game. lol Thats your consoles histo...

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny but true.

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there shouldnt even be another comment after yours. Perfectly summed up.

But if I know N4G.COM they will be. (sighs)

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

here is my brief Summary of the Console war as I see it.

Sony are di*ks! They are reckless, arrogant, stupid D*cks. And Nintendo are pu$$ies. And Microsoft are a$$holes. Pu$$ies don't like d*cks, because pu$$ies get fu*ked by d*cks. But d*cks also f*ck a$$holes: a$$holes that just want to shyt on everything. Pu$$ies may think they can deal with a$$holes their way. But the only thing that can f*ck an a$$hole is a d*ck, with some balls. The problem with D*cks is: they f*ck too mu...

6335d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I noticed you went the extra mile to point out 2 more titles. Such as Bioshock and DeadRising. Now I like Sony but im not fanboy and fair is fair. Xbox fanboys also dreamed for Metal Gear Solid 4 and Tekken 6 with no implication that these titles where being ported. Im just pointing out how there was much more desperation on the 360 side from the way it appears and yet they are the first to sing a different tune with things go sour. I happened to be the person who posted the BIOSHOCK: DEBUN...

6335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks Bro. Thats what I do.

But funnier than that. Im going to pull a bunch of cards right now. How many posts will end up in here about this being repitive "Hack and Slash" Garbage. But when they thought it was headed to 360. I remember reading comments like "WOW I cant wait to play this". The best one was "I'll just buy it to piss fanboys off" Yea the guy who said that I hope your reading this budd. This shows you not to be a fanboy yourself. Y...

6335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment