I'm back....


CRank: 18Score: 185570

All The Way. My Money is definetly on this game. Cant wait till Sony takes this franchise next gen. "And round of applause for the PS2 still throwing down in the ring with the big dogs". Do you believe people said this system was a disaster and Sony screwed up. lol Who's laughing now.

6434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every time I see screens of this game i get PC envy. If this hits consoles and especially PS3. Sweet. I was getting ready to hate this game cause im not a PC gamer. lol Now I have semi hope for it.

6435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Rumors were rampant about the reasons behind the lack of downloadable content. Other websites have reported that the justification behind the missing missions and features was due to technical limitations of the console. According to Hines, nothing could be farther from the truth."

"According to Hines, the shader functionality that would re-render th...

6435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They Look Decent. But this game has some big shoes to fill with gears. All you Halo and Xbox fanatics are aware if this game doesnt top Gears it will be looked at as somewhat of a let down. I cant wait to watch my lil bro play this. He's the Xbox fan in the family. So far I watched him run through Gears and Lost Planet in about 5 hours each. Hope this has Better visuals than Gears and more content that R:FOM that would make this a big hitter.

MY FINAL THOUGHT: Not impressed ...

6435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Updates: Its like getting a new console without having to get a new console.

Gotta love the fact that Sony can improve on there machine with a couple downloads as oppose to a new sku. Sheesh thank god. Not ready to buy a new console anytime soon. I want atleast 8 years out this bad boy without being pissed that the neighbor got the same exact console only with added hardware features cause he bought it at a later date. That would just burn my britches, then again like alot of ...

6436d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have read a couple sources that said there will be no online fighting for this game via PSN or XBL. Live may be used for stat tracking or arcade time trial but im sure thats nothing PSN cant do (for free) sorry had to take that cheap jab. lol But dont get your hopes up on online brawling. Not with VF5 anyways. And guys its not like the PS3 version is doing bad Its gotten almost perfect scores across the boards. A whole lotta 9's and 9.5's. I personally dont know why. The first VF's felt so...

6436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its gunna get old soon though. Me personally im waiting for Tekken BABY... "THE KING OF IRON FIST TOURNAMENT" Exclusive to a PS3 GRILL NEAR YOU ....lol.. Ohhh My PS3 Grill will be cooking this summer alright. prolli not VF5 though. I didnt see the big fuss about the prior installments. The game still feels stiff to me compared to Tekken and Soul Calibur.

6436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now apply that to Gamespot.com. Cause there reviews are suspect and they are a part of C-net. I cant see how they would be Microsoft biased though being they are owned by Microsoft. Maybe they are trying to save face after all those A$$backwards Sony game reviews on Gamespot. I have since switched to IGN and find them alot more unbiased and trust worthy.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bro Microsoft is the king of Flamebait and Dirty advertising tricks. You need to check up on that a little more. They spread rumors they pay off editors etc. lol they are amongst the worst.

6437d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If anyone ever calls you a fanboy let me know. I'll gladly put them in there place.lol Good post bro and some of the most level headed statements I have yet to see on this site. I can see why you have six bubbles .... (Yea im bubble envy) ahahaha

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea... I use a PC in the office but I have a Mac at home in my Rec room. G5 baby. and My fiance has a G4 Macbook. They arent that bad pending on the usage.

6437d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)

OK but seriously. Leave your fanboy biasts and anti-other console hate at home. Cause in the end the companies abilities to read and react to consumer wants and needs (or consumer market rather) is who will reign victorious. And we have a long time to go before we see the end results of that.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im sorry i try to hold my composure but that was funny dude. lol

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the article is about a Xbox360 fanboy bashing C-Net (wich happens to be Microsoft owned) for favoring certain elements of the PS3). I was going to laugh till I read the source of this article. "Xbox fanboy" lol.. couldnt of been from anywhere else.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has Game of the Year Nominee written all over it. I wonder if it will sweep the awards like the previous god of war did?

6437d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This has Game of the Year Nominee written all over it. I wonder if it will sweep the awards like the previous god of war did?


6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I think he has the PS3 as his avatar because its his "console of choice". Console of choice does not make you a fanboy. Going out of your way to make the other console look bad now thats fanboying. If he had some kinda of avatar implying that Microsoft,Nintendo or Xbox360 or Wii was inferior now that would be fanboying.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That movie poster in the background of your link just opened my eyes to who is really going to be snake. I put all my money on (drum roll) ............................. Hugh Jackman


And here is him double casted as Liquid

http://www.posters.ws/image... ...

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously. I mean after releasing those two horrible consoles that flopped completely. No one bought that crap. And i cant believe they decided to go with such a stupid idea like using cd/dvd storage mediums for video games. I mean honestly who wants a 1080P bravia LCD anyways or stupid Cybershot camera about the width of a baseball card. How about the two cheese movies they have coming out Ghost Rider and Spiderman 3. ahhh someone please shut this company down.

LOL Just kiddi...

6437d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

After Resident Evil and Silent Hill I lost all faith in game movies. I hope sony nails this. I cut them a break on resident evil I just figured it was a spin off story (that sucked big time). I even cut them a break on Silent Hill. They completely flopped that story but atleast they got the monsters right plus they visual effects were off the chart. But I cut no slack on MGS. This is one of my fav franchises of all time. I want it nailed 100%. I want to be able to sit in the theatre and almos...

6437d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment