I'm back....


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Out of the 24 million people. All the angry consumers that found out there will be no more games realeased on there system as it is now obsolete. And then on the other hand you have out of the 100,000 million and counting that bought the cheaper PS2 and wasnt forced into upgrading to PS3 and are still getting blockbuster titles to date. Not to mention acess to one of the largest game libraries to date. This is why the Playstation Brand Appeals to the majority of consumers. You people mite sp...

6429d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ahahah I always wanted to say that. Anyways ummm... guys why all the excitement. Im no tech junkie but im pretty sure that t for the near future are they are reducing 60nm Cell to a 45nm version. To reduce heat and save production costs. Thats whats been confirmed right. I highly doubt a PS3 redesign but ever if there is it wont be anytime soon. Its not like Sony is adding a HDMI outlet or Adding a built in Next-Gen format drive or changing the system color to Glossy Black. Sorry to bust ...

6429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 and 360 Play together all the time. As a matter of fact 360 design is actually a love child of a PS2 and PS3 relationship. I have family pictures look.

Daddy PS3 wrestling with the little tyke

The little guy trying on Daddys Suit

ahahaha..Sa'll Good bro. Sensitive. Nahh im not sensitive. I just call it how I see it. I just read this post and another post and realized you kind of put yourself on a pedestal. Like if your so high and mighty why come into forums and "show your A$$" so to speak. And your the sensitive one little guy notice I said "F*$K You & Have nice day. It was a win win. But you turned it to flames. I wont even get back at you here. Yeah hop on resistance I would love to "PWN&qu...

6429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is deffly a new SKU on the way. Microsoft is trying to pull a "Jack in the Box" on Sony. Either that or they are trying to find away to justify marketing it. And no "the sheeps" dont count. (omg i'll buy it right now no problem... i'll buy ten more if they make em. I'll even buy a Xbox360 microwave) No not those people. But the majority of consumers that are like "wait a minute I just dropped $400 bucks on this thing" Why the sudden change. Then the doubt k...

6429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He has four for the same reason I have four. Fanboys that thing the reporting system is designed for their fanboyish needs. I get reported but if you check my track record im usually on topic and making a good point.

(back on topic)

Yea Sony's pompous attitude and constant over hyping makes them an easy target. I love Sony as much as the next guy but sometimes I wish they would just STFU and let the Hardware do some of the talking. Ken K.'s mouth wrote some Big Chec...

6429d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though you are trying to belittle a crap load of people on this site. You do however make some good points I wont deny that. My earlier post was about EA being the king of all ports but 360 die hards do not want to hear that. Well I agree with your points but I kinda dont like your attitude. Just being honest with you so. you get the "F$&K you but Have a Nice Day" ; ) and sure i'm down for some Resistance. Depends on what time I get in. If I get in at 4 am i'll prolli play...

6429d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe they were trying to trick people into thinking it the new Black Xbox360 since appearently everything looks better in black I suppose. hehehe.

Check it out ------> http://n4g.com/xbox360/News...

(now please dont report me...Its a joke) Some of you fanboys are good for doing that. I dont flame anyone but I lose bubbles. Sheesh. Get a sense a humor. Some of you guys are snugged a little to...

6429d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok you dont like Sony hell you dont even have to like Playstation brand or PS3. But then you take it as far as to not like Blu-Ray.lol Its so obvious. Why is it that your typical Playstation Console hater is also your common Blu-Ray format hater. I mean I personally dont favor Xbox360 but I would be a fool to hate windows or anything pro-microsoft. Geez hate is soo infectious. It eventually takes over the brain. Can you imagine so much hate for sony that these people stop buying Bravia,Wega a...

6429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MotorStorm will be a tight game. Another must buy for me.

6429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another Triple A fighter. Im loving it baby.

"did you see all those dev's working that "Cell Processor". I wonder if that new Sony & Namco Bandai cellius team have anything to do with this.
No matter Tekken looks like its shaping up to continue its reign as the King of 3D Fighters. Its on PS3 so it mite be 4D.lol just kidding. Its going to be a fantastic year to own a PS3. Im loving it. Sony appears to be the Console of choice if you want triple A fi...

6429d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hey I just owned an Xbox Fanboy talking about PS3's lineup. Do you want to be next? You guys and your sermons. Preaching and Preaching and Preaching. STFU already. Yeah there is no games right now. Because the console just dropped. Recently. Now its a matter of weeks. We have a already rated Triple A title due ....wait for it......... out Next week.

Feb. 20th Viruta Fighter 5

And then its nothing but snowball effect from there. So flame on buddy. You want to see w...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Is 'Motorstorm' the one & only 'ace' Sony has up it's sleeve right now?

Even that, IMO, isn't that impressive. The background visuals are a lot better than the vehicles themselves. Also, Sony is saying it looks "more real than real life"! What a joke."

Im sorry could you please explain to me when NBA homecourt became a Ace up sony's sleeve. I may have missed that article or statement or phrase. Or did you just pull it out of your butt rig...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its obvious with EA anyways. Since they have been responsible for a large portion of the Xbox to PS3 ports. They are just not Sony freindly. They throw something together on the Xbox360 and then PS3 obviously gets the s)-(it end of the stick. Thank God its only EA though. Vivendi well they "claim" they are going to touch up F.E.A.R. lets wait and see. Homecourt will be a good play and the fact that it also stated in the article both systems look great. Not to mention its not a "...

6430d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

DC RID3R !!!

Come on man. No need to call me names. Why couldnt I be FLaMr or aMr. I gotta be LaMr. I didnt call you names and I wont. Not cause of fear nah. internet thugs dont scare me matter of fact no one does. I see this for what it is. You brought a lame biased argument and I showed you the light. End of story. Im not mad at you bro as a matter of fact I think you bring good articles to the table and I even approve alot of your storys. Just do me a favor. Dont approach ...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make sure to post the title as misleading and fanboyish as possible.

Example:Sony Breaking Up With PS3 Cell Processor this Valentine’s Day

Its just sad how 360 fanboys are even digging at the bottom of lastweeks news bin to pull up recycled PS3 news. Give it a rest guys.

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

February 20, 2007 Virtua Fighter 5 SEGA Fighting
February 22, 2007 flOw Sony Computer Entertainment Action
February 26, 2007 Go! Puzzle Sony Computer Entertainment Puzzle
February 26, 2007 Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Namco Bandai Fighting
February 27, 2007 Formula One Championship Sony Racing
March 5, 2007 College Hoops 2K7 2K Sports Sports
March 5, 2007 Major League Baseball 2K7 ...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony doesnt pay for exclusives. Microsoft does. Proabably why there gaming department budget is in trouble even after successful sales and 1 year early launch. Stop buying up all them dammn exclsuives and develope better 1st. Party support. thats what I say and thats why Sony will always have that edge on Microsoft. "You cant buy respect you have to earn it". The only first party props they really get is halo. Thats what they get the most love for. Sony has the balls to push first ...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm... "Sony" is actually on top. Check your charts again. Matter of fact dont. Its not even worth it. We both use N4G.com right. Well go look over there in that column to the right. Tell me what console has the majority of hottest games coming out. Is there even a "Wii" title up there. As my man juelez Santana would say "Nope" !!! Now go them sales charts again and tell me what console is the most purchased and yet to be trumped by anything other brand "J...

6430d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment