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CRank: 18Score: 185570

But if they guys over at Mercedes Benz watched Honda sales. OMG they would all throw in the towel after a week. Instead they watch BMW sales. Cause they are both geared towards a different market than that of honda or toyota for instance. I think the Wii's market is way too diverse to compare to the other 2. Does any ever take a marketing class. Remember a little lesson called "Target Audience". Well there is different target audiences being compared here. Just my perception on the...

6440d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


6441d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In a perfect worl this game would and should be a Wii exclusive. Thank god we dont live in a perfect world.

6441d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea... I give this as much cred as the "XBOX360 Zephyer video". That looked pretty authentic too.

6441d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Sony's over confidence is enough to make anyone doubt them. They kinda remind of Dion Sanders back in the day. The only guy that would get on the field and actually describe how he was going to score on you then do it. Calling your shot is cool now all they have to do is make the shot to not look like total tools.

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didnt read your entire post. But I read your last paragraph and as someone with a little marketing background. I would defintely agree. Im not fanboying or bashing but its logic. Not from a OMG XBOX rocks Sony sucks stand point but from a business stand point. Alot of us here are grown people that work for companies. Now suppose your company has been doing great i mean completely dominating whatever market its been in for the lat 10 years and now for a 3rd term straight planning on dominat...

6443d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll just play through RE 4. 15 more times. Capcom and there sequels man. Let me tell you. They are almost as bad as Square and the Final Fantasy's . But no one takes the cake for sequel procrastination like Polyphony digital. thats 1 gran turismo every 3 years. Come dammn it im not gettin any younger and I still dont know if thats chris redfield in those images and I hope Leon is still around. He kicked major arse in RE 4.

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wipeout Pwns fatal inertia. So much for sony loosing that exclusive.

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can either: Make a time machine go back a couple years and stop this idiotic statement from ever being made.

, Promises of a “4D” gaming experience and pre-launch claims that next-gen gaming wouldn’t begin until the PS3 hit the market."

Or: They can keep sending firmware upgrades to further the capabilites of the system. Invest a little more in locking down some exclusives "Microsoft isnt scared to write checks". And get cracking on a cheaper way to ...

6443d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"also this article is based on system sellers what the PUBLIC will actually know i for one have never heard of alan wake, mass affect and im sure that a little 10 year old would not of either the only people who have heard of the games your bringing up is people who sit on there comps all day"

Thats funny. I was just stating that same point to someone who called me a "Noob" lol. Its about marketing. But its like i have said over and over. Fanboys live in a Fanta...

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


XBOX360 is built to sell. PS3 is built to last.


EDIT: Posted this before reading the post above me and wether its a fanboy rant or not its dammn funny.lol

1. I can live without. (TURBO ALL DAY)
2. Doesnt really matter (The sound cant keep up to the jet)
3.Rocket launchers are da Shyt !!!
4.Shotguns ( I would of said 357's)
5. Atomic Bombs ...

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The main function which is renewed with system software version 1.51

* PLAYSTATION®3 and the PlayStation®2 standard software performance in order to play was strengthened."

I hate to sound like a complete "noob"(i love that retarded word) but what the hell does that mean. They released an update so that the PS3 can now play PS3 games stronger? What?. Please someone help.

6443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IF anyone thought that "Gamepro" article was biased and fishy well guess what. So is this one. He obviously had an agenda. He went right after the PS3's strong points being the Larger HDD and the Bluray drive. This article is not very logical and probably the worst "How Sony can save the PS3" article I ever read. Why didnt he just come right out and say while your removing the HDD and the Bluray drive also remove the Sony Logo and the Playstation Brand and then paint the ...

6443d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Dont see this as much of an accomplishment. I for one would deffly pass on the 24GB download. lol I rate this

"Not worth"

Lame sony flame bait. This isnt stopping blu-ray. I highly doubt it.

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not trying to sound cheesy but thats the kind stuff of I come to this site for. "Valid logical Reasoning" . I'm still behind my point that I made at the same time you made a good one as well. What im stating is "they made it pretty clear there is no PS3 without Blu-ray" Bluray makes the PS3 clock go around. To offer it without blu ray would defy the purpose in a way. I dont think they force fed costumers as much as they more likely have taken up the responsibilty to make s...

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Noob" lol. Wat is that. Did you mispell boob or something. Either way there is a big point your missing my intellectually inferior friend and that is. "The list is based on Current" not when "Gears" had no background and as off "Current" Mass Effect has made no buzz to land it on that list. Such as Gears, Halo 3 Elder Scrolls etc. So tell me a game thats out and selling is not more a reason to pick up a console than a game like Mass effect with limite...

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont get the "force fed" bluray deal. Sony made it clear. system is running on blu ray. you want PS3 its bluray based. Dont want bluray dont buy PS3. that simple. "forcefed" i just dont understand how people arrive at that. "hmmm Infiniti force fed me Gasoline powered engine when I bought my Car".....

Its not like Ken was like "hey kaz guess wat im sneaking a blu ray drive in this bad boy and no one will know till they buy it" Then...

6444d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Halo 3 will take 2007 hands down."

Hands down to wat MGS4. I beg to differ my friend. But then again its your opinion. As far as the eyes can see. I see game of the year awards "so far" and only "so far" Coming down to

Halo 3 (xbox360)
MGS4: (PS3)
God of War 2 (ps2) <---dont forget its by votes and this system has by far the largest install base of all consoles still in production !!!

But who knows w...

6444d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a biased article its a conspiracy. If it isn't saying Sony is failing miserably then its a conspiracy. Everyone in the entire world that writes positive Sony reviews is a conpirator. Your all going to pay. lol ahahahahahaa (over)

I'm sorry I just wanted to show some of you how ridiculous you sound. lol

6444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you kidding me. Gears of War was announced when the Unreal Engine 3 was announced and that was sometime back. Peole knew it would be great. Where you under a rock. Gears had a background not to mention unreal tournament has a huge cult so people kinda saw gears coming. It just kinda of shot past its hype wich sounds impossible but it wasnt hyped enough and the game itself blasted right past its hype thats why it looks like it was a sleeper. I remember rumors like "Halo 3 was cancelled t...

6444d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment