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Or every time a game get annouced for the wii I get a headache trying to figure out how the control scheme is going to work.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But this article is more about the new Gundam game more so.

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Either way I believe its fair to say. We have different views on whats system seller and what isnt. There is still the fact I didnt even touch base on that BioShock may have been left off because its not a console exclusive. Its also going to the PC as well. Wich has a much larger install base that a mere 10 million. Either way its cool. I think the only way to get a real answer for this would be to take a survey. Yeah those two games are on the box in the pamphlet and even going to be in the...

6437d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So then explain this http://ps3.ign.com/articles...

Come on bro dont be biased and dont flame. The first wave of ports were crap. Not the PS3's fault. The lazy devs fault. The next wave is going to be alot better. Im can almost be positive of that. Just be fair.

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was looking at it on a 22inch monitor bro. lol

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you remembered me. I think I have a fan. lol

"These are my exact comments from that article a week ago http://www.n4g.com/NewsCom-... Its funny how GaMr made some bold statements but never responded to my post? -Maybe he actaully re-thought his comments and figured he just got this one wrong....its OK, sh!t happens."

On the contrary slappy. I didnt get back to you cause I didnt have the time. Thi...

6438d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Release Date:05/15/2008
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending
Genre: RPG
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix

It was dead smack at the top of the article.

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No. Point well taken. It looks good to and the trailer looked even better. Im just thinking more towards the line of more likely this games trailer wasnt CG like Killzones. Im just more happy at the proof that there is actually a playable build of this game in existence. As oppose to killzone were quiet frankly as far as we know. It may not even exist, until Sony shows us some cold hard evidence.

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im looking at this on a Mac G5 22 inch display so maybe thats why I noticed the "Pause" icon on the bottom right of the 3rd screenshot. You know what that means. Yes no fanboy bashing "that is ingame graphics".

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im just looking at it logically. If sony was to drop a new "SKU" next year it would be just as ridiculous. Not to mention if after talking all that smack about DVD media being inferior for the future then to eventually convert to it. Thats how I see Microsoft jumping up to HDMI. Stop being so blinded by biased for Sony. Microsoft flamed sony's HDMI idea funnier than that they flamed 1080P they even flamed Consoles being used for HD movie playback. Im not "Fishing" whateve...

6438d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

But how would it look if Sony re released the PS3 with a DVD compatible drive as oppose to blu ray and dropped the HDMI for VGA and made the HDD smaller. Xbox fanboys would have a field day of Sony bashing. But Microsoft after calling HDMI not necessary and clamining there is no need for a bigger HDD can switch things up. Have I hope we all realize that Sony arent the only ones that talk out of there rectum. Atleast people will finally start to see wich system was built to last and wich syste...

6438d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

IF True: I think this is another big F%^$& our fans from Microsoft !
IF False: Then for god sakes atleast drop the 120GB HDD !

6438d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...Sorry to nit pick bro but since your calling out 2007 titles you forgot

Uncharted: (naughty Dog)
Mercanaries 2
Zipper Game ( my bet is its a new socom)
War devil
L.A Noire

on the PS3 side. If your gunna game call atleast call it fair. Me personally im just glad they are due for 2007. Can't wait.

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You Know something is good if You hate and before you have even tried it. lol This poll proves nothing but the ignorance of fanboys in there quest to destroy sony. Ok here put it this way. Fanboys on there "Destroy the PS3 crusade" have as much chance as Linux does to over throw windows as the new common in home OS.

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont KNOw just got this funny feeling that Sony is bout to knock everyone's socks off with this one. I just need everyone to understand there is a very good chance this game could be PS3's incarnation of the greatness of "Gears of War". Hate it or Love it you cannot rule out that fact. This is no 3 guys in there grandma's basement project. This is a full scale effort on Sony's end. Although the PS3 came out 2 months ago understand that Sony has been around for decades so im sure ...

6438d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is true. I have yet to see a Xbox360 article get as much love as a Sony article. Come on guys give in already. Thats not hate you have for the PS3 your just a little pissed of at it. Here give it a kiss that will make you feel better. xoxoxoxox hmmm now isnt that better. Now you mite want to wipe your saliva off its glossy black finish.

But all jokes aside if PS3 is so inferior and its doomed yada yada yada like all the 360 fanboy rants then why are you guys attracted to PS3 n...

6439d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment



6439d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Brought out the most vicious of XBOX fanbboys...lol They show there colors soo easily cause every other post is "Fanboy this Fangirl that" hey I got one... STFU.. Killzone 2 has a lot to prove cant wait till it drops. I was never big on Halo not one of my fav franchises. Im one of the people that want Killzone 2 to be hot cause im not sold on the Halo Franchise. People need to juss respect it and get over there "Bill gates Shaft in my behind" approach to everything. HOP ...

6439d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice set up bro. Now I need your honest opinion. I noticed you owned Street fighter anniversary collection on the PS2. Now honestly. Hands down 3rd strike is not the best dammn street fighter ever. Second place going to Alhpa 3.

BTW: I was also under the impression that you looked like bruce lee. You kinda ruinded that for me. Even though I used to find it hella funny.

6440d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Point well taken. I dont believe I contradicted myself. I chose my words as according. "Diverse" meaning: many and different;distinctly dissimilar or unlike. Which is the wii's audience oppose to the PS3 & 360. Example. More likely for a Non gamer or Hardcore Gamer to grab a wii than for a MGS,SPLINTER CELL,HALO,SOCOM,DMC,NINJA GAIDEN,GRAN TURISMO,FORZA,FINAL FANTASY Franchise lover to grab a wii. It would even be fair to say alot of people are buying the Wii while the PS3 and...

6440d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment