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(@ Bladestar)

You completely took me out of context. If you took time to analyze what I wrote instead of taking to the heart you would realize that your more agreeing with me than you are disagreeing with me. I am talking about the people that use the line "Its sloppy seconds, its left overs, its a year old" as reasons to persuade other people to not buy this game for their respective console. The reason those are weak attempts is because of every reason you just stated i...

6337d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And the best line yet that never seems to get old. The age of the game. lol good its so obvious that fanboys really need some kind of sick twisted reassurance that there favorite console it superior. The age of the game has nothing to do with the quality. A game like Oblivion being a year old means abosuletly nothing. Micorsoft fanboys forget Xbox 1 launch title was 'Onimusha Genma" wich was a PS2 game remake and it was still a decent game. Resident Evil 4 won a buttload of awards when ...

6337d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

He Nailed it. "Round of appluase" someone that actually reads. Now take that put it in your pipe and smoke it. Straight out the mouth of a dev. But like I said in the past. Fanboys will even argue with devs if they dev speaks against there favored console.

6337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I posted one of those articles just to show how everything "pro-Sony" does not get a chance to flourish. Its attacked and bashed right out the gate. No one ever gives anything on sony anytime. I guess thats what happens when your on top.

6337d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not if its Pro-Sony. They just read the title the start preaching there sermons from the "XBOX FANBOY BIBLE" it goes like this

Verse 1. PS3 is inferior, Cell is not for gaming it has an outdated GPU etc. etc. Its only has 512 shared ram to 360's dedicated. yada yada yada no scaler chip.

Verse 2. Blu ray is crap, PS3 is expensive, It has no games, It gets hand me downs. It gets ports. Games look better on Xbox, PS3 is a bluray player (yea know s)-(it if ...

6337d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Going off on a Angry (Im a fanboy, I hate PS3) rant. You should of just gave me one second to submit my next post. lol

It answers and clears up your following questions and allegations.

"Oh wait around £50! Its a port with less content than the 360 version because if you forget the PS3 has MEMORY ISSUES! Also the 360 has a better GPU so it can outdo the PS3 graphically thats a solid fact set in stone."

"Also who is getting Shiverin...

6337d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Give it to Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. That was one awesome movie game.

6338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanx Alot fellas I do what I can when I can. I play all systems but I favour PS3. I mean thats why we invented the word "Favourite" right. But I really have to give thanks to Sony and the 100 year game drought cause if I had something to play I probably wouldnt have found this great article. Now not so fast. Before the flaming starts. "Why are the 360 people here with all those triple A titles to play on your console" lol just kidding guys. You know its all love.

6338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And we on the outside will never know what the real purpose behind it is. Even though it does look suspect on Sony's end. Im pretty sure there is a logical explanation. I mean the XBL Arcade founder jumped shipped a few weeks earlier to go pursue his career with pop cap games. How to do you from getting games like Galaga,Pac Man, Street Fighter 2 Turbo on XBL to making more entities of bejeweled. Dont get me wrong I love bejeweled. I got it on my Palm Treo and play it non stop even when im ...

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MYTH: "The more memory, the better the gaming system."

I knew this one would cause the first arguement. I dont need any developer to tell me. Nor am I a Dev myself. But I have seen the PS2 pull of better Graphics than the original XBOX and the Gamecube Plenty of times even though being the weakest link of the 3 consoles on paper. So argue all you want copy and paste you links and bring up tech specs. Its not going to change what me and over 100,000,000 other people ha...

6339d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sounds good. But PS2 cannot PWN PS3. That doesnt make any sense. Clark Kent cannot PWN SuperMan ....Bruce Wayne Cannot PWN Batman. PS2 is a sales device for Sony. I know for a fact if XBOX was still around and holding sucessful Microsoft would be very happy with it. I think people like you and a few others try to spin PS2's success on the negative side. Just be honest PS2 is pwning the "NEXT GEN MARKET" in general. God of War 2 will not only pwn anything upcoming on the PS3 but it ...

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Looks like a nice game, PS3 owners congratulations. "

Yes and I am the one who posted the article that "TheMart" finally gave a positive response too. I knew it was in your heart somewhere bud. I apoligize for calling you "TheGrinch" of N4G. Somewhere inside all that hate,anger and utter disgust for Sony you still have your little X,Trianles,Circles and Squares floating around. Tryin to survive. Its inside us all dont fight it..a...

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bro I could careless if you hate or bash the Playstation or Sony. Im just honestly telling you that you can never leave this site. Your like a corner stone here. I kid you not. I cant read through any sony news without a good ole' "TheMart" comment. Its becoming a part of my daily disgest. I was suprised you didnt have the number one comment here though. You should honestly change your name though to "TheGrinch". New Movie this Christmas Produced by "Micorsoft Film St...

6339d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

http://n4g.com/ps3/News-249... <--- Check this out !!!

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HOLY SHIZ-NIT SON.. Your mad smart yo. Like for reals .(Just busting your ballz)lol. Anyways lets see system launch Nov. 2006. Date of "Finally"- Feb. 2007


System Launch Nov. 2005
Finally(as you put it) Came around March 2006

It would appear that PS3 is right on target if not slightly ahead of the game. More ooooo's and aaaaaaa's to come. Stay tuned kiddies.

Im a little shocked though. I wasnt even lookin ou...

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its just news. Even though I used their site Kotaku is well known for their Sony Jabs. They are not exactly the most non biased source out there. So lighten up.(Dave Chappelle) KOTAKU ARE A BUNCH OF FANBOYS....THATS RIGHT.....I SAID IT !!!

Does that make you feel better. lol

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its just news. Even though I used their site Kotaku is well known for their Sony Jabs. They are not exactly the most non biased source out there.

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YOU JUST GOT PWNED !!! lol He should of just kept it to himself.

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rumour or not there is going to be alot of this going around. Microsoft as a company has alot of money. However regardless of what you may thing the "Gaming Division" or Xbox department has a budget. I do believe they are actually having a hard time with it so to speak. So its going to come down to first party. If you think Microsoft is going to be able to buy themselves a huge library your insane. Ever lost planet, Gears of War, Dead Rising Etc. that they want to keep exclusive is...

6340d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

End of 2000
PS2 - 6.4 million

End of 2001
PS2 - 24.99 million
XBX - 1.5 million
GCN - 510,000 (September 30, 2001)
GCN - 3.8 million (March 31, 2002)

End of 2002
PS2 - 49.59 million
XBX - 8 million
GCN - 6.68 million (September 30, 2002)
GCN - 9.55 million (March 31, 2003)

End of 2003
PS2 - 69.46 million
XBX - 13.7 million
GCN - 13.94 million

End of 2...

6340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment