CRank: 5Score: 13260

lol, look how the tards laugh :D!!

And still the 360 sells more software as the pos3.. now i can say "LMAO"

5456d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i dont think you play anything.. cause how can you play if the game dont sells? lool

5457d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

uc2.. outsold by Fifa10.. rofl!

5457d ago 2 agree27 disagreeView comment

440k in 1 week? lol.. Ninja Gaiden 2 did better

The POS3 users really can only talk here on n4g.. but they dont buy their games.

Really.. MS has not to worry about the PS3 this gen.

5457d ago 1 agree24 disagreeView comment

also just look here on n4g.. 80% are POS3 fanboys.. like in EVERY forums all around the world.. why?? Cause the ybuy no games.. just look on software sales. They can only TALK.. but they dont buy games.

Poor sony.. they have to bundle EVERY exclusiv.. cause ppl prefer multiplattform games.

Poor droids...

And the last gen Blu Ray drive with its 30 minute installs in nearly every game.. + weekly updates/ patches..

The ONLY console which gets ...

5457d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

lol this is a typical PS3 fanboy article... then why look games better on 360 although the PS3 was the elad plattform? lol

Why do the cryengine works on both consoles??

Have ya seen RAGE with IDS new ID TECH 5 Engine? KZ2 looks like crap compare dto that game.

Have ya seen Just Cause2?? It looks close to uncharted in terms of graphics.

Really.. if IBM told that both CPus are qeual then why do the fanboys dont accept this fact? lol

5457d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

Please ps3 owners.. buy this game.. its really great!

You left demon souls in shelves.. dont do the same to UC2!

5457d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

omg.. only real fanboys think that forza hasnt changed since the 1st one.. it looks like the droids here are brain damaged cause they dont even have some LOGIC.

wtf are ya ALL doing here on n4g? Why dont you play UC2 or demon souls??

Oh wait.. the games flopped once again in sales so you also dont have them. But but but the cell, best revies and best graphics, loL!

5457d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

i made different characters and played on different modes.

5458d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where is too human?

I spent 80 hours on that game.. in my opinion it was on of the best exclusives for the 360 and i hope Too human2 willcome!

5458d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Fifa10 owned UC2.. haha.. i really laugh my As* of!

And whats about Demon Souls?? AAA title on the POS3.. biggest flop this year.. only 250k.. LOOOL

BUT BUT BUT high reviews, best graphics TEH CELL..

lol the tards really dont buy their AAA games.

5458d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

...when you look at the software sales, it's painfully obvious that all those PS3's were purchased as Bluray players"

lol right..

1st party sales look like crap!

even ODST sold 5 times more day one as UC2.. lol

5458d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol.. only 210k for the POS3... sales dropped already by 65%!!


5458d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Tales of vesperia is one of the best RPGs this gen.. i spent about 100 hours on my 360 to complete the achievements.

5458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why beta tested?? Tales of vesperia for the xbox360 is a great game. No bugs or issues...

you sound really desperate oO

5458d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe you.. but the biggest games come out for the 360 in the 1st Q. of 2010.. Alan Wake, Mass Effect2 and Splinter Cell C.!

Anyways i cant wait for alpha Protocol

5458d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOl.. patch incomming... i bet 100 MB like always just to fix an issue, haha.

Patchstation3 FTW!!

5458d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

This game has no "Game Over"... you could also leave your gamepad in the corner and you will come to the end.

The Graphics look amazing.. but the gameplay boring like hell.

Anyways, ps3 owners just need great graphics.. so they dont care about gameplay:)!

5458d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

On your PS3rd you mean.

5459d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

"unfarted 2 Among Tards" will be destroyed by ME2

A game which every PS3 owner would like to have. Cause ps3 games dont sell compare dto 360 exclusives.

Well, maybe some bundles will help sony again!.. oh wait.. fart2 bundle is already comming!

5459d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment